Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

13 Aug 2015

See also: IRC log


jeanne, marcjohlic, Kim, Kathy
marcjohlic, jeanne


<trackbot> Date: 13 August 2015

<alan_smith> hard for me to take notes on this with mobile

<scribe> scribe: marcjohlic

zakim take up item 1

Questions on techniques and progress

AS: Started working on 007, believe I sent it in to Kathy or Jeanne
... Was trying to find something in WCAG along the lines that AT support should not turn off things

DM: You might be thinking about non-interferance. Will look for that

AS: Yes if you can send that along then I will continue to work on it

<jeanne> scribe: jeanne

Marc: I had a question on M22 - Spacing between elements. I thought we were including this in touch target size and spacing.

<marcjohlic> JS: Think we should include it in the work that Detlev was doing - the new 2.5 Guidelines

<marcjohlic> JS: Believe it might be 2.5.1

<David> non interference understanding requirement 5 http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/conformance.html#uc-conformance-requirements-head

Marc: does that need to be separated or rolled into the work on 2.5?

jeanne: I think it should be a technique under 2.5.1

<marcjohlic> JS: Keep in mind the difference in level. Detlev has been working at the Succes Criteria level - M22 is the technique level

<marcjohlic> JS: So M22 would be a way of meeting 2.5.1

<scribe> scribenick: marcjohlic

DM: I have a suggestion on a technique - when you have an autofill similar to twitter, with VoiceOver on, once you get to the bottom of the window you can't get any further
... Not sure if it's a non-interferance issue or not
... They way they fixed it was kind of a hack - where they just loaded the whole page at once - which you can't always do

JA: If you can send an example app, i can take a look

DM: Sure - unfortunately the way they fixed it was just by taking it off. I'll send an email to the group to capture it

Continuation of discussion on touch https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2015Jul/thread.html)

KP: Jonathan sent around new keyboard shortcuts for iOS 9

<Kim> http://www.guidingtech.com/46124/new-physical-keyboard-shortcuts-ipad-ios-9/

KP: Found this interesting because we are seeing more and more apps with this - and this is at the OS level
... Speech users are excited to see this show up
... What are out thoughts around keyboard shortcuts and mobile

JA: Think it indicates they're important - good that we stood our ground and said they are requred
... Maybe even talk about customizing keyboard shortcuts

AS: On Android you can customize some of the keys and keyboard shortcuts already

KP: From a speech perspective - and talkign about customizing keyboard shortcuts - and I think that's where we need to get to because different disabilities have different needs
... Single key shortcuts are a huge interference for speech users - and believe also for keyboard only users. Customizing them is the easy solution
... Also the key to connecting speech into the system. Speech can follow along w/ the mouse or the keyboard - if the plumbing is there. Customization is important to that plumbing
... Customization makes sense for a lot of reasons

JA: Kind of goes back to WCAG in general. You bring up a good point, if there was only single letter keystrokes it will cause problems
... We have some advisories in 2.1.1 Keyboard around keyboard shortcuts - but we should look at updating them
... Need to pay attention to techniques that apply to other task forces (cognitive, mobile, etc) - and make sure we're in sync

KP: Email thread on touch

<Kim> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2015Jul/thread.html

<jeanne> scribe: jeanne



<Kathy> Guideline 2.5 Touch Accessible: Make all functionality available via touch. 2.5.1 Touch: All functionality of the content is operable through touch gestures. (Level A) 2.5.2 Single Taps and Long Presses Revocable: Interface elements that require a single tap or a long press as input will only trigger the corresponding event when the finger is lifted inside that element. (Level A) 2.5.3 Modified Touch: When touch input behavior is modified by built-in[CUT]

Kathy: You can have touch working without the screenreader, but then they won't work with the screen reader. That is more on the application side. Especially on the test procedures, we need to make sure that they work with and without screenreader.

<David> Suggested new Success Criteria Screen reader https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2015Aug/0009.html

Alan: Does that relate to M007?

David: sent a proposal for a new success criteria: Pages that can be scrolled using a system gesture can be scrolled using

the corresponding screen reader scroll gesture

Jon: I think we should broaden this beyond success criteria. Talk about alternative interaction. If the system uses alternative interaction, then the same capability is available in that alternative interaction.

David: Does anyone see screenreaders developing a app for mobile devices?

Kathy: I have talked with Freedom Scientific about it.
... WHy an SC that focuses on scrolling, rather than gestures in general?

David: This is more of a technique, or a failure technique.
... If a gesture does a function, than a screenreader can accomplish the same function.

Kathy: it is more than gesture. It is tactile, tilt scrolling, etc.

Alan: Android has taps and shakes.

Kim: The state of the phone makes a difference. A in-air gesture, a speech command.

ALan: G10 is related.

s/ALan: G10 is related. /Jon: G10 is related.

scribe: you can programmatically control the device
... It is mapped to 4.1.2
... 4.1.2 doesn't quite go far enough to allow the AAPI to control the device.
... there are equivalents to some of these are equivalent to these for native apps in iOS.

Kathy: When we look at 4.1.2 and mobile, we have the opportunity to create mobile success criteria
... in the WCAG meeting, we also discussed 3.@@ and opportunities for mobile techniques and success criteria

Jon: Maybe 4.1.3

David: It's great that everything is reported, but now we have to make the device operable with assistant technologies.
... You turn on voice over and nothing works.
... I want to talk with someone who works in the Android and iOS code. Why is it going wrong? Why are the gestures not porting over to the screenreader?

Kathy: We could partner with some member companies where we know people. Example of Pearson who just hired a mobile developer.
... Jeanne, can we ask for support from member companies.

<Kim> Jeanne: best way is personal contacts

Jeanne: I think we have to ask people personally. THere isn't a formal mechanism to request assistance.

Kathy: We can get info from the charters, from the companies that expressed interest.
... Deque has the Accessibility 101 with information for developers.

Jon: I can bring something in. It depends on the platform. iOS sends a doubletap to a coordinate on the screen. You can change that programmatically, to route that command to a different location.
... it's an issue with reading order, or the screenreader not realizing the page has changes - event notification.

David: The problem I reached last week was endless scroll, where iOS screenreader reached the bottom of the screen and couldnt' go any further.

Jon: You could get a 3-finger scroll to continue.
... 4 finger scroll is to move to the top or bottom of the page

Alan: sometimes I need to 3 finger scroll left or right.

Jon: Programmatically you have to set the increment and decrement for sliders or scrolling, so if you have a custom control and if you don't set the information properly, the scrolling won't work.
... we need to set up a test page and use phone gap to test it.

Kim: 2.5.1, 2 & 3. Are we good with these? Is there something missing?

Kathy: Some are more specific than I think of for a success criteria. Especially 2.5.2. That may be a Technique within 2.5.1. I need to think about it more.

Jeanne: I think it is too narrow.

Kathy: a next step would be to take this and put Techniques under this, then it might help focusing exactly what the success criteria should be.
... I'm concerned about tilt scroll, sensors and other input devices. I think we need to think in more general terms so we encompass all of the issues together.
... We have to keep plugging things in and see how it fits together.
... If we plug things in, we can have a deeper discussion.

Kim: when I think about speech, I think of a variety of ways to express it.

<Kim> variety of things that need to be accessed by speech…

Kathy: I'll set up a wiki page. Please continue discussion on the list.

Kim: Feel free to start an email thread.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/08/13 16:02:44 $

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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/they way/the way/
Succeeded: s/interferance/interference/
FAILED: s/ALan: G10 is related. /Jon: G10 is related./
Found Scribe: marcjohlic
Inferring ScribeNick: marcjohlic
Found Scribe: jeanne
Inferring ScribeNick: jeanne
Found ScribeNick: marcjohlic
Found Scribe: jeanne
Inferring ScribeNick: jeanne
Scribes: marcjohlic, jeanne
ScribeNicks: marcjohlic, jeanne
Present: jeanne marcjohlic Kim Kathy
Found Date: 13 Aug 2015
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2015/08/13-mobile-a11y-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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