Web of Things Interest Group Teleconference

09 Jun 2015

See also: IRC log




<trackbot> Date: 09 June 2015

<Darko_Anicic> Kerry presents the work on Spatial Data on the Web

<Darko_Anicic> Kerry: the group will work on OWL-Time ontology, SSN ontology

<Darko_Anicic> Kerry: w3c rdf "datacube" too

<Darko_Anicic> Kerry: IoT use cases that are mix of spatial and time related data and reasoning about this data

<Darko_Anicic> Soumya Kanti Datta presents Sensor Markup Language (SenML)

Pre-conference: Short discussion whether the timezone-hopping is appropriate (Kerry, Darko, Ari). No great solution found though...

Kerry Taylor is now talking about the Spatial Data on the Web WG

Kerry works at CSIRO, chaired the SSN group

She's happy that we're aligning #wot and #sdwwg

SDWWG is awaiting clearance for public working draft at the moment

Kerry shows linked data sample that is used for climate monitoring. Challenges related to measuring stations moving around over time.

<scribe> New project to be published soon: more dynamic data (15min updates)

Talks about spatial data collaboration between W3C and OGC

Stats on ssdwg group: 64+ people, 37+ orgs WoT People: Look out for the SDWWG at the F2Fs!

SDWWG is working on best practices for spatial data encoding, relation vocabs, geometry, APIs. Generate concrete recommendations from [de-facto] standards. The SDWWG's first public draft will be a use cases and requirements document

SDWWG are also working on a recommendation of an OWL-time standard (that is already widely used, but will see a few changes...)

SDWWG are also working on a recommendation of an OWL-time standard (that is already widely used, but will see a few changes...)

And, of course, the Semantic Sensor Networks ontology ;-)

Her favorite example is that it's being used for satellite configuration and it's widely used in the IoT and environmental sensing

Doesn't think that there's anything "wrong" in SSN, but there is a long wish list.

Remote sensing: Want to have a structure to make 3D (lat/long/time) data available as linked data

Potential in IoT space is huge here: convenience of accessing (especially satellite) data

They're also looking at provenance (PROV ontology)

Several concrete application examples (on her slide)

Recommends "Taylor, Parsons: Where Is Everywhere (IEEE IC 19:2)" as introduction for WoT WG members

Thank you, Kerry! Questions?

Darko: What essential changes/extensions are planned?

Kerry shows the wiki to answer Darko's question: http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Main_Page

Kerry also shows their draft of the requirements and use cases. Each use case contains links to related deliverables and to related requirements.

SDWWG does not target extending SSN with actuators. But we c/should enable that ;-)

Darko: What level of semantics do you recommend for Web of Things scenarios? SSN is great, but is it too heavy for WoT?

Kerry: They do target modularizing SSN - to tackle heaviness. Modularization planned roughly along the boxes on her title slide.
... Big requirement is to better tell people how to put their data online. The current published way is not descriptive enough...
... Regarding the missing actuators, ssn:Device roughly corresponds to a "wot:Thing". But they also have ssn:SensingDevice that inherit from ssn:Device and ssn:Sensor. So if we want actuation, this is where to extend SSN.
... Will be interesting to see how actuation will be hooked up with sensing.

Thank you, Kerry! :-)

Next up: Soumya Kanti Datta: Introduction to the Sensor Markup Language

The idea here is to tackle the heterogeneity of sensors and their measurements. To do that, SenML defines new media types to carry simple sensor information.

Represent Sensor Measurement + Device Parameters (Name, ID, type, unit, timestamp, etc.)

Implemented in JSON,XML,EXI (e.g., application/senml+json type)

Important: SenML is great for constrained devices *and* for stronger servers since encoding/parsing is very efficient

Slide 5: "base" name is a kind of default name (so you don't need to mention the same name all the time...same for time and units

Slides 6 and 7 show concrete format (for JSON serialization)

Soumya is done. Questions anyone?

Ari: Do you have any comments about how their draft should be improved?

Soumya: It's very conceivable that SenML can be extended for actuators.

Darko: What about location information? There was unit, value, time, etc. but how is the application aware about the location of a measurement?

Soumya: Idea of SenML is to describe measurements and device parameters. They didn't consider location a primary parameter, but: CoRE link has it, so Soumya suggests using the two together.

Darko: What about processing the data? Is that out of scope?

Soumya: One of his colleagues used SenML as input for a semantic reasoner -- SenML as stepping stone for semantics-based processing of the data, since it gives the measured value as well as side information.

Darko: This is still an open question though, due to the gaps between the different technologies...

Any more questions?

Thank you, Soumya!

<Darko_Anicic> Thank you, Simon for scribing!

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/06/10 00:23:42 $

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Found Date: 09 Jun 2015
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