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Best practices/Engage community in building complete, accurate, up to date public open databases

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Share-PSI 2.0 Best Practice


Outline of the best practice

The quality of public data can be one of the barrier for releasing it as open due to fear of community disapproval (e.g. with geodata). Using the power to the people and bridging the public data with community driven data can lead to significant improvement of public open databases.

Management summary


The main perspective in open (geo)data was for the public agencies to just release their existing datasets and the community and private sector will take it from there. After significant efforts lead by various countries, a need has been identified, both by the community and by the public administration. Although, governmental agencies have significant databases, it is possible that not all of them have a significant high value that will balance the ratio of costs needed to release the datasets and the possible added value.


Use crowdsourcing approach.

Best Practice identification

Why is this a Best Practice? What’s the impact of the Best Practice

For instance:

  • Geodata refers to data that has a spatial component, defined through various methods, such as pairs of coordinates, name of location, address identifiers etc. Its usage is wide spread over various domains, such as: natural resources, government, mapping, health services, transportation, communications and utilities, military, public safety and the list may continue. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a digital map database of the world built through crowdsourced volunteered geographic information. OSM is supported by the nonprofit OpenStreetMap Foundation (link is external). The data from OSM is freely available for visualization, query, download, and modification under open licenses (link is external). OSM can be used in road and cadastral administration for cross-checking the public administration sources. In addition, the crowdsourcing method can be utilized for collection of citizen’s opinions about spatial plans and real estate development.

Links to the PSI Directive


Why is there a need for this Best Practice?

Improve the transparency and quality of public data sources.

What do you need for this Best Practice?

Initiative should come from public administration side. Infrastructure (tools) should be installed on public administration side.

Applicability by other Member States

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