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Best Practice: Provide PSI at zero charge

Draft: 16 June 2016

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Latest version

This is one of a set of Best Practices developed by the Share-PSI 2.0 Thematic Network.

Creative Commons Licence Share-PSI Best Practice: Provide PSI at zero charge by Share-PSI 2.0 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Publishing PSI for re-use at no charge unlocks maximum commercial and non-commercial potential.


It has been noted that the Public Sector has difficulties determining the commercial and non-commercial potential of PSI. It is also conceivable that by charging for PSI, the potential for re-use will be reduced.


As much as possible, Public Sector organisations should publish PSI at zero charge to lower the barriers for re-use.

Why is this a Best Practice?

For commercial re-use, zero charge for PSI means that developing products and services will have lower cost, increasing their viability; for non-commercial re-use, zero charges facilitate re-use that otherwise would not be possible.

How do I implement this Best Practice?

Develop and implement a policy that encourages Public Sector organisations to lower marginal cost and to provide access at zero charges. Where necessary, additional funding for agencies that provide PSI at zero charges may be necessary.

Where has this best practice been implemented?



Contact Info

Makx Dekkers, AMI Consult.

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