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W3C Payments workshop identity


Participation is free but requires either an expression of interest or a position paper. Expressions of interests and position papers should be sent to team-payment-workshop-chairs@w3.org.

Expressions of Interest

A person that wishes to attend but not present must submit an expression of Interest. Statements of Interest must be submitted by email to team-payment-workshop-chairs@w3.org by 8 February 2014. There may be a limit to the number of people from any organization that can attend as well as attendees in total, so expressions of interest will be taken on a first come, first served basis.

Expressions of interest should briefly explain the participant's interest in the workshop in a few sentences.

NB: All Expression of Interest will be made public on the dedicated workshop page as soon as as they are received. The author, affiliation and an abstract will made available.

Position Papers

Position papers help frame the discussion at the workshop and are presented. Authors should describes a topic in depth and list challenges, risks, standards, issues, and possible solutions. You might want to review a few samples of past workshop position papers, e.g. those from the W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking.

Your paper must meet the following criteria:

  • aligned with the workshop's stated goals.
  • 1 to 5 pages long, although they may be linked to longer versions or appendixes.
  • formatted in (valid) HTML/XHTML, PDF, or plain text

Submit papers to team-payment-workshop-chairs@w3.org.

NB: All papers will be made public on the dedicated workshop page as soon as as they are received. The author, affiliation and an abstract will made available.

All authors that produce on-topic papers will be invited to participate in the workshop. From among all accepted papers, the program committee will choose a small number of papers judged most appropriate for fostering discussion, and ask the authors of those papers to give short presentations about them at the workshop. After the workshop, all papers will then be published on the workshop home page, with authors having the option to publish their slides.

Note: Priority will be given to proposals for incremental steps for realising the core goals of the workshop. In particular, the Program Committee is looking for papers addressing one or more of the core focus of the workshop described in the page Goals and Scope:

  • What are the scenarios for payments on the Web and where do they currently break down? How can both legacy business models and new business models involving payment be better enabled on the Web?
  • What gaps exist in the current Web platform that make payment more difficult than it needs to be? What are the pervasive work-arounds that are used to bridge these gaps and how can the Web platform adapt to make such work-arounds unnecessary?
  • The Web is increasingly becoming a mobile platform. How does this impact the payments landscape? How can the Web on mobile platforms become more friendly?
  • How can the World Wide Web create a better environment for global transactions while still respecting local laws, regulation and both existing and new business models?
  • What alternative platforms, technologies and business models are developing in this area?

Topics for position papers may include, but are not limited to:

  • Use cases
  • Mobile apps and webapps
  • Payment-related APIs
  • User interaction
  • Data synchronization
  • Person-to-person
  • Offline
  • Contactless
  • Vouchers and Coupons
  • Ticketing
  • Crypto-currencies
  • Micropayments
  • Subscriptions
  • Taxation and Regulatory
  • Ecosystem
  • Security
  • Privacy
  • Smartcards and the "Secure Element"