22 Apr 2011

See also: IRC log


harry, bblfish


<elf-pavlik> harry: ok, thx!

<harry> Re W3C opening up

<harry> see this blogpost:

<harry> http://www.w3.org/QA/2011/04/coming_soon_w3c_community_grou.html

<harry> we'll transition to a community group (with shiny new federated social infrastructure, too boot!) probably right after or before the Summit.

<harry> overall, it means less hassle with forms joining listserv, etc.

<elf-pavlik> harry: sound good =)

<harry> welcome jan

<harry> we start in 15 minutes or so

<maarten> re

<jaromil> hi harry :) i was reading this http://www.w3.org/2010/07/community

<bblfish> hi

<claudio> hi

<dml> did the conference code change?

<harry> Yes, its CONF3

<harry> (sorry, its a holiday!)

<bblfish> http://bblfish.net/tmp/2011/04/22/

<dml> thanks harry

<harry> http://d-cent.org/fsw2011/

<bblfish> I can help out

<harry> scribe: harry

<scribe> scribe: bblfish

Federated Social Web Europe (jan)

<harry> http://d-cent.org/fsw2011/agenda/

jan: short run through agenda
... eben moglen can't make it from India to Berlin in time

<DKA> +1 to Hack-a-thon

<Zakim> DKA, you wanted to suggest a focus on interoperability, especially in the hack-a-thon.

oops forgot to scribe

DKA: focus on interoperability is great and so is hacking

<elf-pavlik> +1 interoperability showcases!

dka thinks there is a challenge of the workshop and traditional meeting event - people don't see that it is clear

<DKA> http://d-cent.org/fsw2011/

<elf-pavlik> how to fork this page, any public repo?

<claudio> +q

<harry> A headline "Open Event: June 3-5th Interoperability and Standards on the Social Web" as a tagline

DKA thinks "3 day open event in Berlin, June 3-5 on Social Web interoperability and standards" should be in big on the top of the page

<harry> DKA: Wiki linked off the page

DKA; there shouild be a page where people can talk about their project

<harry> we can easily do that on the Federated Social Web wikilink.

<harry> DKA: Also make it very clear a position paper doesn't need to be submitted and that its OPEN SPACE

dka said some other things, but I did not quite get all of them. Something about making it clear that one can participate without submitting a paper (or something like that)

<elf-pavlik> harry: I ment how to fork http://d-cent.org/fsw2011/ =)

<elf-pavlik> harry: ok

<DKA> Plancast, lanyrd, etc...

It should be on visible social web event sites


there's an echo

and I can hear someone type

<harry> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/federatedsocialweb/wiki/SWAT1_use_cases

<harry> jan: we want to put the codebases on a USB stick

<DKA> +1 to that!

<ilyaZ> sounds good

<elf-pavlik> +1

<DKA> We will support that effort (with a http://onesocialweb install).

forgot to scribe again

please write down what you talked about here

+1 for 1 week extension

<harry> the program committee will have to move fast, but it's possible!

<harry> releasing hotel information soon would help.

jan: help for accomodation


<claudio> me

<maarten> probably

<harry> I would assume most people registered haven't yet.

<DKA> I will be there and Diana Cheng from Vodafone will be there. Also one more probably at least from Vodafone.

<elf-pavlik> accomodation - couchsurfing.org bewelcome.org =)

since when can one register?

<harry> https://de.amiando.com/fsw11

<harry> is the registration link

<ilyaZ> harry, we def. emailed back and forth, sorry, what do you mean by registered?

<harry> follow the link above!

<harry> just so we know whose coming.

<elf-pavlik> who talks now?

it's claudio

claudio: what do you mean by semantics in the talk?

<harry> +1 inviting more Europeans, not sure who - we need a list.

<jan> feel free to forward, i have talked to a number of them.

<jaromil> can one be in the queue and just write here? i have no mic

<jaromil> and sincerely i love text :)

<jan> several attending already, primelife, SPION (Belgium), Picos (potentially)

yes good idea

<harry> kaliya??

<claudio> SOCIETIES prj is attending to

<Zakim> jaromil, you wanted to discuss european scene

<harry> jaromil, just type it in IRC

<jaromil> give hints

<jaromil> k

<jan> please feel free to forward the cfp and the link

<harry> more details jaromil?

<claudio> waht about setting a slot for EU prj to interact?

<jaromil> well basically i've filed a request i'm here just to understand more and part of the contact i've made

<jaromil> can someone say we are on text only now?

<jaromil> ok

<jaromil> i wanted to suggest in the picture lorea.org ppl

<harry> yes, jaromil TYPE it now

<harry> lorea.org

<jaromil> and some other networks we are connecting across dyne.org

<jaromil> hellekin is here being one of them

<jaromil> lorea is mostly based in europe and in spanish language

<jaromil> its a very interesting project

<jaromil> other platforms/communities we are "connecting " (socially, in the old sense :)

<MacTed> harry, you seem to have dropped off voice

<jan> we have been startinng to actively contact several projects

<jaromil> are also visible across links on http://about.psyc.eu

<jaromil> well i guess you have the text saved?

<harry> yes text saved

<harry> jaromil - no one heard your text, cause I dropped off for no good reason.

<ilyaZ> <-- just registered

<harry> But it is saved, you have to send us email addresses if you want us to alert people.

<jaromil> harry: ack. well nevermind :) someone has read it

<jan> +1

Meeting WebID Friday morning and each 1 hour every day

<harry> +1

<harry> we should link to a WebID meeting if you guys can make a wikilink page.

<harry> from the homepage, so people know its happening.

<harry> bblfish: we'd like to do the webid meeting on Friday, and also interact more with social web folks.

<harry> bblifish: friday morning seems to be the only completely free time.

<jan> +1 to having a webId presentation during the saturday


<jan> then meetings during open space slots

<ilyaZ> yeah


<maarten> yes please

<claudio> useful reference http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC54327.pdf

w3c tradition of public work shops: anyone can come, but one is interested in technical proposals. here there is no technical requirement position papers. this will allow hackers to come for coding. At the same time w3c is interested in know what people are interested in. It's not difficult, it's a 1-5 page paper. It does not have to be very technical. The program comittee the publishes them all, then there will be some papers as discussion starters

if people are interested in submitting position papers

<DKA> We are planning on submitting a position paper.

+1 for webid

<thurston> I would like to on DSNP but, I'm not certain attendance

Berlin is cheap

<thurston> i've been, it's great!

has very goot hotels at 50 euros for bed with 2. and hostels much cheaper 15 euros or such.

<elf-pavlik> food: http://stressfaktor.squat.net/vokue.php?day=all

I am unemployed

<harry> harry: so we will sponsor people coming, but we need to know ASAP

<hellekin> bblfish: we can find accomodations in Berlin for a hacker, the city is large


<harry> harry: and if your interested in coming OR sponsoring someone to come, please get in touch ASAP

<harry> I can't hear you?

<harry> claudio: dave recordon

<jan> sponsorship for traveling can in some cases be arranged via the US-embassy in Berlin or through Boell's washington office, please approach me on this!

<DKA> +1 to privacy in the Social Web being a good topic for a keynote.


<harry> DKA: keynote on privacy - related to social web.

<hellekin> lorea participates in the THSF in Toulouse end of May. Not too close to Berlin and our finances would appreciate a little sponsoring

<harry> DKA: sociological look at internet

<jan> ronald leenes is lawyer and sociologist, he already is place for a keynote

<ilyaZ> ohh yeah zittrain is the bomb

<hellekin> I can contact you harry after the conf to discuss the details

<harry> I'm happy to shoot Zittrain an invite

<ilyaZ> yeah, get assange

<ilyaZ> do a tele keynote

<jaromil> i'd love to see zittrain too

<harry> that's a good idea ilya

<hellekin> with rapper news :)

<jan> zittrain defninitely would probably be able to speak to this, but I am unsure, whether we will be able to get him on short notice.

<DKA> +1 to a rap news keynote!

<p2501> +1 rap news!

<jaromil> +1 rap news!

<harry> Freedombox project

<jaromil> "what is" the freedombox project? :D

<jaromil> be aware in berlin and at c-base are developers of OLSRD and BATMAN

<jaromil> would be nice to ask them what they think freedombox should be

<harry> Something in France beforehand

<jaromil> (sry is it kind of freewheelin in irc? i guess not.)

<ilyaZ> *silence*

<harry> any final questions, comments

<harry> ideas

<harry> whatever

<harry> feel free to stay in IRC...

<hellekin> harry: HostileWRT? :)

<jan> harry, can you type down your agenda item?


<harry> Ah, the Hackerspace festival

<harry> jan - who from EFF is coming?

John Gilmore

<ilyaZ> nice

<jaromil> gotta go me too. just last recommendation would be very good to have a round on freedombox. i dream of a roundtable with ppl that did similar things in the past...

<harry> Anyone with John Gilmore

<harry> got his email?


<harry> great

<jaromil> BTW k0a1a.net/netless/ this ppl are in berlin FYI

<jan> +q

<harry> jan: contact with more projects *specifically*

<elf-pavlik> +1 more projects =)

<harry> jan: we want to invite them to the event.

<elf-pavlik> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/federatedsocialweb/wiki/Platforms

since when was it open?


<jan> +1 for another telco in may


<maarten> +

<elf-pavlik> I will try add to the wiki links to dev mailing lists of those platforms...


<harry> will send Doodle out for another telecon.

<jaromil> bye, thanks for the meeting, Zakim is awesome! i'm off to the first american beerbar of europe! http://www.beertemple.nl

<harry> yep, if you could do that elf that would be GREAT

<jan> thx.

<harry> oh dear beerbar :)

<jaromil> guys. beer is the best and oldest social networking media evah!

<elf-pavlik> harry: I'll work on it =)

<harry> there is the tiergarten in berlin!

<jan> bye

<ilyaZ> take care

<maarten> bye

<elf-pavlik> take care!

<thurston> bye

<jaromil> ciao

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/04/22 16:57:15 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/no/to/
Found Scribe: harry
Inferring ScribeNick: harry
Found Scribe: bblfish
Inferring ScribeNick: bblfish
Scribes: harry, bblfish
ScribeNicks: harry, bblfish

WARNING: No "Present: ... " found!
Possibly Present: Bjorn_Bringert DKA IPcaller MacTed OpenLink_Software P13 P15 P17 P2 P4 aabb aacc aadd aaee aaff aagg aahh aaii aajj aakk bblfish bblifish bear cdent claudio dml donpdonp elf-pavlik food harry hellekin https ilya ilyaZ jan jaromil josephboyle maarten michiel_unhosted p2501 tg thurston trackbot webr3
You can indicate people for the Present list like this:
        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
        <dbooth> Present+ amy

WARNING: No meeting title found!
You should specify the meeting title like this:
<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

Got date from IRC log name: 22 Apr 2011
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2011/04/22-federated-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]