SPARQL Working Group Teleconference

Minutes of 25 January 2011

Alexandre Passant, Andy Seaborne, Axel Polleres, Birte Glimm, Carlos Buil Aranda, Chimezie Ogbuji, Gregory Williams, Lee Feigenbaum, Matthew Perry, Nicholas Humfrey, Nico Michaelis, Olivier Corby, Paul Gearon, Sandro Hawke, Steve Harris
Chimezie Ogbuji, Alexandre Passant
Lee Feigenbaum
Sandro Hawke
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Approve minutes at link
  2. SPARQL Protocol uses the form parameter name "update" for update requests link
  3. Rename "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs" to "SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset HTTP Protocol" link
14:58:09 <RRSAgent> logging to

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to

14:58:11 <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world

Trackbot IRC Bot: RRSAgent, make logs world

14:58:13 <trackbot> Zakim, this will be 77277

Trackbot IRC Bot: Zakim, this will be 77277

14:58:14 <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, trackbot; I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes

14:58:14 <trackbot> Meeting: SPARQL Working Group Teleconference
14:58:14 <trackbot> Date: 25 January 2011
14:58:17 <LeeF> zakim, this will be SPARQL

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, this will be SPARQL

14:58:18 <Zakim> ok, LeeF, I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, LeeF, I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM already started

14:58:19 <LeeF> Chair: LeeF
14:58:21 <LeeF> Scribe: sandro

(Scribe set to Sandro Hawke)

14:58:24 <LeeF> Scribenick: sandro
14:58:30 <LeeF> Agenda:
14:58:32 <LeeF> Regrets: Chimezie
14:58:33 <SteveH> Zakim, who's on the phone?

Steve Harris: Zakim, who's on the phone?

14:58:40 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgearon, +44.208.439.aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgearon, +44.208.439.aaaa

14:58:51 <SteveH> Zakim, aaaa is [Garlik]

Steve Harris: Zakim, aaaa is [Garlik]

14:58:56 <Zakim> +[Garlik]; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +[Garlik]; got it

14:58:58 <Zakim> + +1.617.553.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.617.553.aabb

14:59:00 <Zakim> +??P11

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P11

14:59:03 <LeeF> zakim, aabb is me

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, aabb is me

14:59:04 <SteveH> Zakim, [Garlik] is temporarily me

Steve Harris: Zakim, [Garlik] is temporarily me

14:59:07 <AndyS> zakim, ??P11 is me

Andy Seaborne: zakim, ??P11 is me

14:59:16 <Zakim> +LeeF; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +LeeF; got it

14:59:20 <Zakim> +SteveH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +SteveH; got it

14:59:22 <Zakim> +AndyS; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +AndyS; got it

14:59:28 <Zakim> + +

Zakim IRC Bot: + +

14:59:36 <AndyS> zakim, who is speaking?

Andy Seaborne: zakim, who is speaking?

14:59:47 <ocorby> zakim, aacc is me

Olivier Corby: zakim, aacc is me

14:59:50 <Zakim> +AxelPolleres

Zakim IRC Bot: +AxelPolleres

14:59:54 <Zakim> +ocorby; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +ocorby; got it

14:59:56 <Zakim> AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: LeeF (73%), AxelPolleres (4%)

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: LeeF (73%), AxelPolleres (4%)

14:59:58 <Zakim> + +1.603.897.aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.603.897.aadd

15:00:03 <Zakim> +kasei

Zakim IRC Bot: +kasei

15:00:06 <MattPerry> zakim, aadd is me

Matthew Perry: zakim, aadd is me

15:00:06 <Zakim> +MattPerry; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +MattPerry; got it

15:00:09 <Zakim> +sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +sandro

15:00:22 <Zakim> +??P19

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P19

15:00:33 <Zakim> +??P21

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P21

15:00:33 <NickH> zakim, ??P19 is me

Nicholas Humfrey: zakim, ??P19 is me

15:00:35 <Zakim> +NickH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +NickH; got it

15:00:47 <cbuilara> zakim, ??P21 is me

Carlos Buil Aranda: zakim, ??P21 is me

15:00:47 <Zakim> +cbuilara; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +cbuilara; got it

15:00:54 <LeeF> zakim, who's on the phone?

Lee Feigenbaum: zakim, who's on the phone?

15:00:54 <Zakim> On the phone I see pgearon, SteveH, LeeF, AndyS, ocorby, AxelPolleres, MattPerry, kasei, sandro, NickH, cbuilara

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see pgearon, SteveH, LeeF, AndyS, ocorby, AxelPolleres, MattPerry, kasei, sandro, NickH, cbuilara

15:01:16 <bglimm> Zakim, passcode?

Birte Glimm: Zakim, passcode?

15:01:16 <Zakim> the conference code is 77277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: the conference code is 77277 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), bglimm

15:01:20 <sandro> scribe: sandro
15:01:31 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

15:01:36 <LeeF> topic: Admin

1. Admin

15:01:41 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

PROPOSED: Approve minutes at

15:02:17 <sandro> LeeF: main thing last week was what to do with Bindings spec

Lee Feigenbaum: main thing last week was what to do with Bindings spec

15:02:20 <AndyS> seconded

Andy Seaborne: seconded

15:02:27 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Approve minutes at

RESOLVED: Approve minutes at

15:02:31 <sandro> bglimm, keep trying.

bglimm, keep trying.

15:02:36 <LeeF> Next regular meeting: 2011-02-01 @ 15:00 UK / 10:00 EST (scribe: Greg)

Lee Feigenbaum: Next regular meeting: 2011-02-01 @ 15:00 UK / 10:00 EST (scribe: Greg)

15:02:59 <sandro> bglimm, different countries wont help with this problem.

bglimm, different countries wont help with this problem.

15:03:35 <sandro> LeeF: Chime is switching jobs, and wont be able to make telecons, but will still be active in WG via email.

Lee Feigenbaum: Chime is switching jobs, and wont be able to make telecons, but will still be active in WG via email.

15:03:36 <Zakim> + +44.186.528.aaee

Zakim IRC Bot: + +44.186.528.aaee

15:03:44 <bglimm> Zakim, +44.186.528.a is me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, +44.186.528.a is me

15:03:51 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

15:03:51 <Zakim> +bglimm; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bglimm; got it

15:04:08 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

15:04:23 <sandro> LeeF: I'd like to a regular pattern for telecons of status checks, converging on Last Call.  Checking on comments, documments, reviews, etc.   That's the agenda today and for the next few weeks.

Lee Feigenbaum: I'd like to a regular pattern for telecons of status checks, converging on Last Call. Checking on comments, documments, reviews, etc. That's the agenda today and for the next few weeks.

15:05:07 <LeeF> Regrets: Chimezie, Alex
15:05:42 <AndyS> q+ to suggest we ack comments quickly as it's taking time to deal with them

Andy Seaborne: q+ to suggest we ack comments quickly as it's taking time to deal with them

15:06:24 <sandro> Axel: Anyone willing to take HK2

Axel Polleres: Anyone willing to take HK2

15:06:28 <AxelPolleres> HK-2 on update ...

Axel Polleres: HK-2 on update ...

15:06:46 <sandro> LeeF: should be an Update editor.  Paul?

Lee Feigenbaum: should be an Update editor. Paul?

15:06:57 <sandro> Paul: I'll give it a try

Paul Gearon: I'll give it a try

15:06:59 <Zakim> -pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgearon

15:07:02 <LeeF> ack AndyS

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AndyS

15:07:02 <Zakim> AndyS, you wanted to suggest we ack comments quickly as it's taking time to deal with them

Zakim IRC Bot: AndyS, you wanted to suggest we ack comments quickly as it's taking time to deal with them

15:07:08 <pgearon> argh. back in a moment.....

Paul Gearon: argh. back in a moment.....

15:07:41 <Zakim> +pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: +pgearon

15:07:46 <sandro> (should I record this as an action?     Lee: no, we'll just use the wiki page.)

(should I record this as an action? Lee: no, we'll just use the wiki page.)

15:09:16 <sandro> sandro: it's possible to automate the "please wait, we're working on it"

Sandro Hawke: it's possible to automate the "please wait, we're working on it"

15:09:25 <sandro> lee: I don't mind confirming them by hand.

Lee Feigenbaum: I don't mind confirming them by hand.

15:09:47 <sandro> lee: let's let all outstanding commenters know they haven't been forgotten, and do it for the future within a few days.

Lee Feigenbaum: let's let all outstanding commenters know they haven't been forgotten, and do it for the future within a few days.

15:09:51 <sandro> (sounds great)

(sounds great)

15:09:58 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to let commenters with open comments know that they're not forgotten

ACTION: Lee to let commenters with open comments know that they're not forgotten

15:09:58 <trackbot> Created ACTION-378 - Let commenters with open comments know that they're not forgotten [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-01].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-378 - Let commenters with open comments know that they're not forgotten [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-01].

15:12:42 <sandro> AndyS: I could use help responding to comments on json document

Andy Seaborne: I could use help responding to comments on json document

15:12:44 <sandro> q+


15:12:51 <LeeF> ack sandro

Lee Feigenbaum: ack sandro

15:13:22 <sandro> sandro: did you mean "substantive" in the sense of "big" or "changes to format" ?

Sandro Hawke: did you mean "substantive" in the sense of "big" or "changes to format" ?

15:13:35 <pgearon> +q

Paul Gearon: +q

15:13:51 <sandro> lee: I don't think the WG was looking for changes to format.

Lee Feigenbaum: I don't think the WG was looking for changes to format.

15:14:11 <sandro> lee: same comments as before -- json format is kinda too verbose since it's XML-inspired.

Lee Feigenbaum: same comments as before -- json format is kinda too verbose since it's XML-inspired.

15:14:20 <sandro> sandro: ah, okay.

Sandro Hawke: ah, okay.

15:14:21 <LeeF> ack pgearon

Lee Feigenbaum: ack pgearon

15:14:34 <sandro> lee: not so much "it's broken" as "it would be nice if..."

Lee Feigenbaum: not so much "it's broken" as "it would be nice if..."

15:14:51 <sandro> paul: I dont want to see the json format change, but the document is pretty much unacceptable in its current format.

Paul Gearon: I dont want to see the json format change, but the document is pretty much unacceptable in its current format.

15:15:10 <sandro> paul: I think Richard (cygri) and I agree on the comments

Paul Gearon: I think Richard (cygri) and I agree on the comments

15:15:20 <sandro> lee: it just needs a few hours of wordsmithing.

Lee Feigenbaum: it just needs a few hours of wordsmithing.

15:15:48 <sandro> lee: if someone wants to help Andy, that'd be great.    query is more urgent, though.

Lee Feigenbaum: if someone wants to help Andy, that'd be great. query is more urgent, though.

15:15:55 <AndyS> I'll send "thx for the comments" messages

Andy Seaborne: I'll send "thx for the comments" messages

15:16:13 <sandro> axel: one comment on Uniform HTTP protocol

Axel Polleres: one comment on Uniform HTTP protocol

15:16:20 <sandro> axel: (http delete)

Axel Polleres: (http delete)

15:16:41 <sandro> axel: two things on uniqueness of blank nodes, and not-exists vs minus.

Axel Polleres: two things on uniqueness of blank nodes, and not-exists vs minus.

15:16:46 <sandro> axel: I can draft answers.

Axel Polleres: I can draft answers.

15:17:08 <sandro> axel: but someone else please handle the HTTP Delete one.

Axel Polleres: but someone else please handle the HTTP Delete one.

15:17:16 <sandro> lee: We'll ask Chime to do that one.

Lee Feigenbaum: We'll ask Chime to do that one.

15:17:31 <LeeF> ACTION: Lee to ask Chimezie to look at KK-6 and GR-3

ACTION: Lee to ask Chimezie to look at KK-6 and GR-3

15:17:31 <trackbot> Created ACTION-379 - Ask Chimezie to look at KK-6 and GR-3 [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-01].

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ACTION-379 - Ask Chimezie to look at KK-6 and GR-3 [on Lee Feigenbaum - due 2011-02-01].

15:17:46 <LeeF> topic: Last Call Status

2. Last Call Status

15:17:56 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

15:18:30 <sandro> Lee: Service Description has two reviews, responded to, reaching convergence.  In very good shape.

Lee Feigenbaum: Service Description has two reviews, responded to, reaching convergence. In very good shape.

15:18:47 <sandro> greg: a few bits waiting on other docs, or responses from people.

Gregory Williams: a few bits waiting on other docs, or responses from people.

15:18:49 <bglimm> Zakim, unmute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, unmute me

15:18:49 <Zakim> bglimm should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should no longer be muted

15:19:04 <sandro> LeeF: Entailment, waiting for reviews from folks who agreed to do it.

Lee Feigenbaum: Entailment, waiting for reviews from folks who agreed to do it.

15:19:13 <MattPerry> sure

Matthew Perry: sure

15:19:27 <bglimm> Zakim, mute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, mute me

15:19:27 <Zakim> bglimm should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should now be muted

15:19:34 <sandro> LeeF: Query -- plenty of references about editing continuing

Lee Feigenbaum: Query -- plenty of references about editing continuing

15:19:50 <sandro> Lee: Any idea when it will be ready to review

Lee Feigenbaum: Any idea when it will be ready to review

15:20:12 <sandro> Steve: I'm hoping some time this week (unintelligible)

Steve Harris: I'm hoping some time this week (unintelligible)

15:20:33 <sandro> Andy: three things to due.   head-to-tail edit to get references right, and go through formal section to check it.

Andy Seaborne: three things to due. head-to-tail edit to get references right, and go through formal section to check it.

15:20:41 <sandro> Lee: some time next week?

Lee Feigenbaum: some time next week?

15:20:47 <sandro> Andy: I can't promise times.

Andy Seaborne: I can't promise times.

15:21:44 <sandro> Lee: Update?

Lee Feigenbaum: Update?

15:22:07 <sandro> Paul: all recent things mentioned about Update have been done.   But I wouldnt say the document is complete.

Paul Gearon: all recent things mentioned about Update have been done. But I wouldnt say the document is complete.

15:22:49 <sandro> Lee: need conversation with Alex and you (Paul).   if you have nothing on todo list, then we should have it reviewed.

Lee Feigenbaum: need conversation with Alex and you (Paul). if you have nothing on todo list, then we should have it reviewed.

15:23:30 <SteveH> q+

Steve Harris: q+

15:23:46 <LeeF> ack SteveH

Lee Feigenbaum: ack SteveH

15:24:06 <sandro> SteveH: What about Update vs Query vs other stuff on left side of equals?    update=   ?

Steve Harris: What about Update vs Query vs other stuff on left side of equals? update= ?

15:24:20 <sandro> lee: as I recall, we settled on update= I think.

Lee Feigenbaum: as I recall, we settled on update= I think.

15:24:35 <kasei> q+

Gregory Williams: q+

15:24:42 <LeeF>  ack kasei

Lee Feigenbaum: ack kasei

15:24:50 <pgearon> q+

Paul Gearon: q+

15:25:12 <sandro> greg: We agreed you can have multiple operations, including a query.  So maybe it should be:   request=

Gregory Williams: We agreed you can have multiple operations, including a query. So maybe it should be: request=

15:25:26 <AndyS> ?? last one is a query?  I

Andy Seaborne: ?? last one is a query? I

15:25:33 <sandro> SteveH: Did we really say the last thing might be a query??

Steve Harris: Did we really say the last thing might be a query??

15:25:37 <sandro> Lee: news to me, too!

Lee Feigenbaum: news to me, too!

15:26:04 <LeeF> ack pgearon

Lee Feigenbaum: ack pgearon

15:26:05 <sandro> greg: I thought in transactionality, we said the last thing was you could pull data out, even if it's not really atomic.

Gregory Williams: I thought in transactionality, we said the last thing was you could pull data out, even if it's not really atomic.

15:26:19 <sandro> paul: We were talking about it, but I thought we decided against it.

Paul Gearon: We were talking about it, but I thought we decided against it.

15:26:26 <sandro> paul: it's not in Update now

Paul Gearon: it's not in Update now

15:26:30 <sandro> greg: Okay.

Gregory Williams: Okay.

15:27:02 <sandro> paul: Andy commented on Update section 3.1.2 editors note, about graph triples with bnodes.    That's still to be discussed.....

Paul Gearon: Andy commented on Update section 3.1.2 editors note, about graph triples with bnodes. That's still to be discussed.....

15:27:31 <sandro> lee: please send msg to mailing list

Lee Feigenbaum: please send msg to mailing list

15:27:47 <Zakim> -SteveH

Zakim IRC Bot: -SteveH

15:27:49 <LeeF> update=<update request>

Lee Feigenbaum: update=<update request>

15:27:54 <LeeF> request=<update request>

Lee Feigenbaum: request=<update request>

15:27:58 <sandro> lee: straw poll on update= vs request=

Lee Feigenbaum: straw poll on update= vs request=

15:28:10 <NickH> 0

Nicholas Humfrey: 0

15:28:23 <NickH> request=

Nicholas Humfrey: request=

15:28:28 <sandro> request=


15:28:29 <cbuilara> request=

Carlos Buil Aranda: request=

15:28:34 <SteveH> update=

Steve Harris: update=

15:28:35 <MattPerry> update=

Matthew Perry: update=

15:28:36 <AxelPolleres> 0

Axel Polleres: 0

15:28:38 <kasei> 0

Gregory Williams: 0

15:28:42 <ocorby> 0

Olivier Corby: 0

15:28:43 <AndyS> request=

Andy Seaborne: request=

15:28:52 <Zakim> +[Garlik]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[Garlik]

15:28:57 <Zakim> -ocorby

Zakim IRC Bot: -ocorby

15:29:23 <AndyS> (update= is OK - not a strong feeling)

Andy Seaborne: (update= is OK - not a strong feeling)

15:29:31 <AxelPolleres> q+

Axel Polleres: q+

15:29:37 <LeeF> ack AxelPolleres

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AxelPolleres

15:29:56 <bglimm> undecided, tendency to update

Birte Glimm: undecided, tendency to update

15:29:57 <sandro> axel: I kind of like query= [query doc]    update= [update doc]

Axel Polleres: I kind of like query= [query doc] update= [update doc]

15:30:06 <kasei> q+

Gregory Williams: q+

15:30:10 <LeeF> ack kasei

Lee Feigenbaum: ack kasei

15:30:14 <sandro> lee: update request === request=

Lee Feigenbaum: update request === request=

15:30:47 <sandro> greg: because it's form encoding, with a single form....

Gregory Williams: because it's form encoding, with a single form....

15:30:57 <sandro> greg: would request= accept a query?

Gregory Williams: would request= accept a query?

15:31:12 <SteveH> ...we could support both update=(update) request=(either)

Steve Harris: ...we could support both update=(update) request=(either)

15:31:29 <Zakim> + +34.92.38.aaff

Zakim IRC Bot: + +34.92.38.aaff

15:31:46 <ocorby> zakim, aaff is me

Olivier Corby: zakim, aaff is me

15:31:46 <Zakim> +ocorby; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +ocorby; got it

15:32:34 <AndyS> I see that protocol uses "request" more than I remember so I'll go with update=  ["request=" either is worrying]

Andy Seaborne: I see that protocol uses "request" more than I remember so I'll go with update= ["request=" either is worrying]

15:32:48 <sandro> lee: could be query=queries, update=updates, request=anything

Lee Feigenbaum: could be query=queries, update=updates, request=anything

15:33:20 <AndyS> q+

Andy Seaborne: q+

15:33:25 <LeeF> ack AndyS

Lee Feigenbaum: ack AndyS

15:33:59 <sandro> AndyS: I'm not keen on a std way of doing both.  I want to keep them as separate as possible.    Worried about injection attacks, etc.

Andy Seaborne: I'm not keen on a std way of doing both. I want to keep them as separate as possible. Worried about injection attacks, etc.

15:34:08 <sandro> lee: what about Greg's web form?

Lee Feigenbaum: what about Greg's web form?

15:34:31 <sandro> AndyS: A processor can offer both at the same endpoint.    I don't want to not know until parsing.

Andy Seaborne: A processor can offer both at the same endpoint. I don't want to not know until parsing.

15:34:45 <SteveH> I also have AndyS's concerns

Steve Harris: I also have AndyS's concerns

15:35:05 <sandro> LeeF: Even if a processor offers both, that doesn't solve the HTML form use case.

Lee Feigenbaum: Even if a processor offers both, that doesn't solve the HTML form use case.

15:35:32 <sandro> AndyS: A form is going to do different things on the results anyway, so it'll need to look at the text anyway.

Andy Seaborne: A form is going to do different things on the results anyway, so it'll need to look at the text anyway.

15:35:43 <SteveH>'s actually very hard to get it right, but eay to hack

Steve Harris:'s actually very hard to get it right, but eay to hack

15:35:43 <kasei> that still will require javascript client-side, right?

Gregory Williams: that still will require javascript client-side, right?

15:36:15 <LeeF> straw poll: update=, request=<update only>, request=<either>

Lee Feigenbaum: straw poll: update=, request=<update only>, request=<either>

15:36:20 <sandro> or server side, kasei, at something between the client and sparql.

or server side, kasei, at something between the client and sparql.

15:36:30 <sandro> update=


15:36:37 <SteveH> update=

Steve Harris: update=

15:36:40 <MattPerry> upate=

Matthew Perry: upate=

15:36:41 <bglimm> update=

Birte Glimm: update=

15:36:43 <NickH> update=

Nicholas Humfrey: update=

15:36:44 <AndyS> update= or request=update.

Andy Seaborne: update= or request=update.

15:36:49 <AxelPolleres> update=, or request=<update only>, no preference between those two

Axel Polleres: update=, or request=<update only>, no preference between those two

15:36:57 <pgearon> update=

Paul Gearon: update=

15:37:08 <kasei> happy to support an update-only term, but want one that supports both.

Gregory Williams: happy to support an update-only term, but want one that supports both.

15:37:56 <LeeF> ISSUE: Does the SPARQL Protocol need a single form parameter that can take either a query string or an update request string?

ISSUE: Does the SPARQL Protocol need a single form parameter that can take either a query string or an update request string?

15:37:56 <trackbot> Created ISSUE-65 - Does the SPARQL Protocol need a single form parameter that can take either a query string or an update request string? ; please complete additional details at .

Trackbot IRC Bot: Created ISSUE-65 - Does the SPARQL Protocol need a single form parameter that can take either a query string or an update request string? ; please complete additional details at .

15:38:12 <SteveH> can we resolve this one?

Steve Harris: can we resolve this one?

15:38:59 <LeeF> PROPOSED: SPARQL Protocol uses the form parameter name "update" for update requests

PROPOSED: SPARQL Protocol uses the form parameter name "update" for update requests

15:39:21 <SteveH> seconded

Steve Harris: seconded

15:39:28 <AxelPolleres> +1

Axel Polleres: +1

15:39:34 <NickH> +1

Nicholas Humfrey: +1

15:39:36 <LeeF> RESOLVED: SPARQL Protocol uses the form parameter name "update" for update requests

RESOLVED: SPARQL Protocol uses the form parameter name "update" for update requests

15:40:08 <sandro> Lee: Uniform HTTP Protocol

Lee Feigenbaum: Uniform HTTP Protocol

15:40:31 <sandro> lee: chime just sent a summary of changes.  I need to check with him to see if there are any open issues.   I don't think the thread is totally up to date.

Lee Feigenbaum: chime just sent a summary of changes. I need to check with him to see if there are any open issues. I don't think the thread is totally up to date.

15:40:44 <sandro> lee: I think it's nearly ready for review, but I'll check with Chime

Lee Feigenbaum: I think it's nearly ready for review, but I'll check with Chime

15:40:52 <sandro> lee: we DO need to decide on name for document.

Lee Feigenbaum: we DO need to decide on name for document.

15:41:27 <LeeF>

Lee Feigenbaum:

15:41:31 <sandro> sandro: no process/techincal problems.

Sandro Hawke: no process/techincal problems.

15:42:57 <sandro> Lee: note's Chime: My personal preference is 12 and 6

Lee Feigenbaum: note's Chime: My personal preference is 12 and 6

15:43:19 <sandro> lee: "dataset" seems a little confusing since operations deal mostly with graphs.

Lee Feigenbaum: "dataset" seems a little confusing since operations deal mostly with graphs.

15:43:44 <sandro> sandro: what was the response to that?

Sandro Hawke: what was the response to that?

15:44:05 <sandro> lee: while the protocol deals with indiv graphs, they're part of a dataset.

Lee Feigenbaum: while the protocol deals with indiv graphs, they're part of a dataset.

15:44:26 <sandro> lee: when you use graph= you're referencing a graph withing a dataset.

Lee Feigenbaum: when you use graph= you're referencing a graph withing a dataset.

15:44:26 <AndyS> good summary.

Andy Seaborne: good summary.

15:45:45 <sandro> sandro: if we take "SPARQL 1.1" out, then what about other document titles?

Sandro Hawke: if we take "SPARQL 1.1" out, then what about other document titles?

15:45:47 <SteveH>  ?graph= is SPARQL-y

Steve Harris: ?graph= is SPARQL-y

15:45:56 <sandro> Lee: Well, there's no real SPARQL going over the wire here.

Lee Feigenbaum: Well, there's no real SPARQL going over the wire here.

15:46:15 <AxelPolleres> would "RESTful RDF Dataset  Protocol" be accepted as yet another alternative?

Axel Polleres: would "RESTful RDF Dataset Protocol" be accepted as yet another alternative?

15:46:32 <sandro> Or "RDF Dataset Protocol" ?

Or "RDF Dataset Protocol" ?

15:46:51 <NickH> RESTful isn't offical terminology?

Nicholas Humfrey: RESTful isn't offical terminology?

15:47:29 <sandro> Lee: strawpoll, type in preference

Lee Feigenbaum: strawpoll, type in preference

15:47:30 <kasei> 1

Gregory Williams: 1

15:47:33 <NickH> 8,7

Nicholas Humfrey: 8,7

15:47:43 <SteveH> 1,4,5 <- all ok

Steve Harris: 1,4,5 <- all ok

15:47:50 <AndyS> 6 then 4 or 3

Andy Seaborne: 6 then 4 or 3

15:47:58 <ocorby> 6

Olivier Corby: 6

15:48:02 <LeeF> 1,4,5 (i'm with Steve) - analogoous without SPARQL1.1  ok with me too

Lee Feigenbaum: 1,4,5 (i'm with Steve) - analogoous without SPARQL1.1 ok with me too

15:48:05 <cbuilara> 6 or 12

Carlos Buil Aranda: 6 or 12

15:48:06 <bglimm> 1

Birte Glimm: 1

15:48:11 <sandro> 8


15:48:14 <AxelPolleres> 8,2, 12,6

Axel Polleres: 8,2, 12,6

15:48:23 <AxelPolleres> (in that order)

Axel Polleres: (in that order)

15:48:24 <MattPerry> 6

Matthew Perry: 6

15:48:47 <pgearon> 12, 6

Paul Gearon: 12, 6

15:49:47 <SteveH> strawpoll on graph/dataset?

Steve Harris: strawpoll on graph/dataset?

15:49:53 <LeeF> Include SPARQL 1.1 in the name or not?

Lee Feigenbaum: Include SPARQL 1.1 in the name or not?

15:49:58 <SteveH> yes

Steve Harris: yes

15:49:59 <bglimm> yes

Birte Glimm: yes

15:49:59 <kasei> yes

Gregory Williams: yes

15:50:02 <ocorby> yes

Olivier Corby: yes

15:50:02 <MattPerry> yes

Matthew Perry: yes

15:50:03 <LeeF> 0

Lee Feigenbaum: 0

15:50:03 <sandro> no


15:50:05 <pgearon> no

Paul Gearon: no

15:50:07 <AxelPolleres> 0

Axel Polleres: 0

15:50:07 <cbuilara> 0

Carlos Buil Aranda: 0

15:50:08 <NickH> 0

Nicholas Humfrey: 0

15:50:14 <AndyS> yes

Andy Seaborne: yes

15:50:39 <LeeF> given that we want to include SPARQL 1.1 branding, please indicate preference of names 1-6

Lee Feigenbaum: given that we want to include SPARQL 1.1 branding, please indicate preference of names 1-6

15:50:41 <SteveH> if we have SPARQL 1.1 RDF is a bit redundant

Steve Harris: if we have SPARQL 1.1 RDF is a bit redundant

15:50:48 <pgearon> 6, 4

Paul Gearon: 6, 4

15:50:54 <LeeF> 1,4,5

Lee Feigenbaum: 1,4,5

15:50:55 <SteveH> 1,4,5

Steve Harris: 1,4,5

15:50:56 <bglimm> 1

Birte Glimm: 1

15:50:59 <ocorby> 6

Olivier Corby: 6

15:50:59 <AxelPolleres> 2,6

Axel Polleres: 2,6

15:51:02 <cbuilara> 6

Carlos Buil Aranda: 6

15:51:02 <AndyS> 6,4

Andy Seaborne: 6,4

15:51:02 <kasei> 1

Gregory Williams: 1

15:51:05 <NickH> 5,4

Nicholas Humfrey: 5,4

15:51:06 <MattPerry> 6

Matthew Perry: 6

15:51:12 <sandro> 3


15:51:13 <AndyS> 3

Andy Seaborne: 3

15:51:14 <sandro> :-)


15:51:31 <LeeF> 1 - 4 mentions

Lee Feigenbaum: 1 - 4 mentions

15:51:36 <LeeF> 2 - 1 mention

Lee Feigenbaum: 2 - 1 mention

15:51:41 <LeeF> 3 - 2 mentions

Lee Feigenbaum: 3 - 2 mentions

15:51:47 <LeeF> 4 - 5 mentions

Lee Feigenbaum: 4 - 5 mentions

15:51:48 <sandro> (really 0, I think.  I cant decide)

(really 0, I think. I cant decide)

15:51:52 <LeeF> 5 - 3 mentions

Lee Feigenbaum: 5 - 3 mentions

15:52:00 <LeeF> 6 - 6 mentions

Lee Feigenbaum: 6 - 6 mentions

15:52:54 <SteveH> 4

Steve Harris: 4

15:52:55 <sandro> Lee: only 4 and 6: pick one

Lee Feigenbaum: only 4 and 6: pick one

15:52:56 <kasei> 4

Gregory Williams: 4

15:52:57 <LeeF> between 6 and 4 which would you prefer?

Lee Feigenbaum: between 6 and 4 which would you prefer?

15:53:01 <LeeF> 4

Lee Feigenbaum: 4

15:53:05 <bglimm> 4

Birte Glimm: 4

15:53:07 <sandro> 4


15:53:25 <pgearon> 6

Paul Gearon: 6

15:53:26 <MattPerry> 6

Matthew Perry: 6

15:53:26 <cbuilara> 6

Carlos Buil Aranda: 6

15:53:27 <sandro> errr, please change my 4 to a 6, sorry.

errr, please change my 4 to a 6, sorry.

15:53:33 <AxelPolleres> 6

Axel Polleres: 6

15:53:36 <ocorby> 6

Olivier Corby: 6

15:53:42 <NickH> 4

Nicholas Humfrey: 4

15:53:57 <AndyS> 64 but really neutral - agreement more important

Andy Seaborne: 64 but really neutral - agreement more important

15:54:27 <sandro> sandro: plus count Chime as a 6.

Sandro Hawke: plus count Chime as a 6.

15:54:49 <SteveH> HTTP is probably redundant

Steve Harris: HTTP is probably redundant

15:54:53 <SteveH> but other than that it's fine

Steve Harris: but other than that it's fine

15:55:06 <AxelPolleres> http is in the short name :-)

Axel Polleres: http is in the short name :-)

15:55:08 <sandro> Yeah, I figure people will not bother to say "HTTP"

Yeah, I figure people will not bother to say "HTTP"

15:55:11 <LeeF> SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset HTTP Protocol

Lee Feigenbaum: SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset HTTP Protocol

15:55:17 <LeeF> SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset Protocol

Lee Feigenbaum: SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset Protocol

15:55:39 <SteveH> RDF is also a bit redundant, but lets not go there :)

Steve Harris: RDF is also a bit redundant, but lets not go there :)

15:55:40 <NickH> I think the HTTP bit is important

Nicholas Humfrey: I think the HTTP bit is important

15:55:56 <AndyS> short name has http in it.

Andy Seaborne: short name has http in it.

15:56:07 <AndyS> sparql11-http-rdf-update/

Andy Seaborne: sparql11-http-rdf-update/

15:56:25 <LeeF> strawpoll: include "HTTP" or not?

STRAWPOLL: include "HTTP" or not?

15:56:33 <NickH> Yes

Nicholas Humfrey: Yes

15:56:37 <sandro> 0


15:56:39 <MattPerry> yes

Matthew Perry: yes

15:56:39 <SteveH> no, but 0.5

Steve Harris: no, but 0.5

15:56:40 <AndyS> 0

Andy Seaborne: 0

15:56:44 <cbuilara> 0

Carlos Buil Aranda: 0

15:56:45 <kasei> no

Gregory Williams: no

15:56:49 <pgearon> 0

Paul Gearon: 0

15:56:56 <LeeF> 0

Lee Feigenbaum: 0

15:57:00 <bglimm> 0

Birte Glimm: 0

15:57:11 <ocorby> yes

Olivier Corby: yes

15:57:13 <AxelPolleres> if we take out http, then we definitly have to revisit the short name

Axel Polleres: if we take out http, then we definitly have to revisit the short name

15:57:28 <SteveH> the short name is odd whatever

Steve Harris: the short name is odd whatever

15:58:03 <LeeF> PROPOSED: Rename "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs" to "SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset HTTP Protocol"

PROPOSED: Rename "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs" to "SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset HTTP Protocol"

15:58:11 <kasei> +1

Gregory Williams: +1

15:58:24 <LeeF> RESOLVED: Rename "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs" to "SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset HTTP Protocol"

RESOLVED: Rename "SPARQL 1.1 Uniform HTTP Protocol for Managing RDF Graphs" to "SPARQL 1.1 RDF Dataset HTTP Protocol"

16:00:05 <kasei> so are the current bind08.srx results correct?

Gregory Williams: so are the current bind08.srx results correct?

16:00:47 <kasei> ah, ok. then i don't understand the issue. need to read more about it...

Gregory Williams: ah, ok. then i don't understand the issue. need to read more about it...

16:00:54 <AndyS> Would be "cp bind-05.srx bind08.srx"

Andy Seaborne: Would be "cp bind-05.srx bind08.srx"

16:01:08 <sandro> lee: Federated Query.  Carlos?

Lee Feigenbaum: Federated Query. Carlos?

16:01:31 <sandro> ADJOURN


16:01:36 <bglimm> Zakim, unmute me

Birte Glimm: Zakim, unmute me

16:01:38 <AndyS> BINDINGS in rq25 now. Carlos - hope it's not too short.

Andy Seaborne: BINDINGS in rq25 now. Carlos - hope it's not too short.

16:01:40 <SteveH> bye

Steve Harris: bye

16:01:45 <MattPerry> bye

Matthew Perry: bye

16:01:52 <bglimm> bye

Birte Glimm: bye

16:01:54 <AxelPolleres> bye, thanks.

Axel Polleres: bye, thanks.

16:01:57 <NicoM> bye

Nico Michaelis: bye

16:01:58 <cbuilara> I will chek it Andy

Carlos Buil Aranda: I will chek it Andy

16:02:13 <AndyS> Carlos - thanks

Andy Seaborne: Carlos - thanks

16:02:43 <Zakim> bglimm should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bglimm should no longer be muted

16:02:53 <Zakim> -LeeF

Zakim IRC Bot: -LeeF

16:02:55 <Zakim> -sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -sandro

16:03:05 <Zakim> -AxelPolleres

Zakim IRC Bot: -AxelPolleres

16:03:07 <Zakim> -cbuilara

Zakim IRC Bot: -cbuilara

16:03:11 <Zakim> -ocorby

Zakim IRC Bot: -ocorby

16:03:13 <Zakim> -AndyS

Zakim IRC Bot: -AndyS

16:03:17 <Zakim> -[Garlik]

Zakim IRC Bot: -[Garlik]

16:03:26 <Zakim> -pgearon

Zakim IRC Bot: -pgearon

16:03:28 <Zakim> -NickH

Zakim IRC Bot: -NickH

16:03:30 <Zakim> -MattPerry

Zakim IRC Bot: -MattPerry

16:03:34 <Zakim> -bglimm

Zakim IRC Bot: -bglimm

16:20:25 <SteveH> LeeF, do we have world readable logs of this IRC session?

(No events recorded for 16 minutes)

Steve Harris: LeeF, do we have world readable logs of this IRC session?

16:30:38 <LeeF> RRSAgent, make logs world

(No events recorded for 10 minutes)

Lee Feigenbaum: RRSAgent, make logs world

16:30:41 <LeeF> now we do :)

Lee Feigenbaum: now we do :)

16:30:54 <LeeF> RRSAgent, pointer?

Lee Feigenbaum: RRSAgent, pointer?

16:30:54 <RRSAgent> See

RRSAgent IRC Bot: See

16:31:32 <SteveH> thanks Lee

Steve Harris: thanks Lee

16:35:01 <Zakim> disconnecting the lone participant, kasei, in SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM

Zakim IRC Bot: disconnecting the lone participant, kasei, in SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM

16:35:06 <Zakim> SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM has ended

16:35:07 <Zakim> Attendees were pgearon, +44.208.439.aaaa, +1.617.553.aabb, LeeF, SteveH, AndyS, +, AxelPolleres, ocorby, +1.603.897.aadd, kasei, MattPerry, sandro, NickH, cbuilara,

Zakim IRC Bot: Attendees were pgearon, +44.208.439.aaaa, +1.617.553.aabb, LeeF, SteveH, AndyS, +, AxelPolleres, ocorby, +1.603.897.aadd, kasei, MattPerry, sandro, NickH, cbuilara,

16:35:10 <Zakim> ... +44.186.528.aaee, bglimm, [Garlik], +34.92.38.aaff

Zakim IRC Bot: ... +44.186.528.aaee, bglimm, [Garlik], +34.92.38.aaff

Formatted by CommonScribe

This revision (#1) generated 2011-02-01 16:03:41 UTC by 'apollere2', comments: None