20 Oct 2009

See also: IRC log


Andi_Snow_Weaver, Cynthia_Shelly, David_Bolter, Tim_Boland
Andi, AndiSnow




<Andi> Scribe: Andi


<cyns> can you put it in again

comment 203

Most AT uses the DOM, some AT uses the accessibility API

Desktop applications remove the children. User agents need to behave the same way.

<Stevef> voiceover uses accessibility API exclusively (this came from maciej), no DOM access

CS: image with alt="", treat it as graphic with emptry string as name


<Stevef> Andi: OK, thanks

DB: in FF, if table with role presentation, don't expose unless focusable, has onclick handler, has another role, etc.

<Stevef> i think structural descendents should be removed example <table role="presentation"> should remove child table elements from the heirarchy, otherwise it will have to be applied to every element in the table


<davidb> right Stevef

<davidb> and they are removed unless further overriden with another aria role

<davidb> or if they are focusable

<davidb> then we keep them

<Stevef> yes

CS: the text will remain but the roles and structure of the children will not be exposed.

<Stevef> what about other elements within table cells such as <p> or <hx>

<Stevef> it would be better not to remove these, but is there a relaible way to romve on table related elements for example?

CS: what happens if there is a labelledby?
... example: progress bar that is a table
... one of children is text
... if parent uses labelledby that points to the child, does this work?
... it should

<Stevef> CS: agree

DB: role=presentation - just talking about the element that has that role
... if <div> with role=presentation, doesn't mean nested <div>s are presenational
... tables are special

CS: if remove table, having cells sitting there without table doesn't make sense

TB: if leave the children, there wouldn't be any context

<Stevef> suggest tables and lists should be special cases

CS: Stevef: maybe
... maybe the only special cases in HTML but there may be other special cases in other languages

TB: what about mathml?

CS: seems like lists and tables are places where the children without the parent are invalid

DB: structural elements that have related structural child elements, the child elements inherit role=presentation

CS: example, table is presentational, so are cells

DB: unless overridden by explicit roles in the children

<davidb> DB: or focusable

descendents that are text content are not removed from the accessible tree

<davidb> Stevef, when creating the accessible tree, FF skips over table structure if within a table role="presentation", but includes everything else otherwise. (with exceptions)

<AndiSnow> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-implementation/#mapping_general

<AndiSnow> scribe: AndiSnow


<Stevef> davidbL cool!

<Stevef> CS: yes

comment 210 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/comments/details?comment_id=210

DB: if click handler is on ancestor but the child is what gets clicked on, how do you determine that you need to expose the child?

CS: pattern I was talking about, click handler on document
... if element is button, call function

DB: or certain ID, class, etc. - can get pretty hairy
... can't cover that case

CS: probably need a WCAG technique or authoring practice technique or both
... shouldn't put the click handler on the ancestor

DB: talk about in aria-activedescendent as well

<Andi> scribe: Andi

CS: bug - need WCAG and/or ARIA techniques

assign to Steve

CS: Gez would be another option
... if have click handler that's only on the ancestor, shouldn't be using inherited presentation

DB: if put ARIA role on object that is a button, handler can be on the button or the parent, don't care
... but if there is a click handler on a parent, and there is no aria role on the child, that's a problem

CS: a click handler on an element that doesn't have either a native interactive role or an ARIA role that makes it interactive is an error?

DB: not sure about that

CS: the thing the user is supposed to be clicking on either needs to be a button or have a role that makes it interactive
... if have click handler on parent that contains things users can click on but they don't have interactive roles, then it's an error

DB: also wondering about tabindex
... if element has tabindex="-1", wouldn't we expose that?

Section 3.7 Actions, add "the element is focusable"

<Stevef> tahnsk andi...

<Stevef> if somebody asks gez to join PF (like janina) he will and he will help

<davidb> Stevef, \o/

Role Mapping http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/comments/details?comment_id=210

starting with "main"

<Stevef> Andi: is the above the correct link?


main is a landmark role

use AriaRole for UIA and object attributes for IA2 and ATK


DB: should we use ROLE_SYSTEM_ANIMATION for MSAA? waiting for decision to implement in FF

David to send e-mail to Cynthia about that

<davidb> DB: sent

<Stevef> note: AXGroup, AXSubrole: "AXLandmarkMain", AXRoleDescription: "main" on Mac

menu: okay

menubar: okay

<Stevef> latest Mac tests here : http://www.paciellogroup.com/blog/aria-tests/ARIA-Safari-RoleTests280909.html


CS: wouldn't be surprised if Apple is mapping "select" to menu
... Apple: "select" with multiples is a listbox, "select" without multiples is a menu

bug - CS - synchronize ARIA mapping of options with HTML 5 mapping of options, specifically how it relates to HTML 5 commands

DB: should "timer" map to ROLE_SYSTEM_CLOCK? send e-mail to CS
... FF has history of breaking rules wrt MSAA, would like to keep doing that for backward compatibility

CS: tools flag as error

DB: only way to give access when there was nothing but MSAA

DB to send CS an e-mail, explain what doing, why important, etc.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/10/20 15:01:47 $

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ScribeNicks: Andi, AndiSnow
Default Present: Andi_Snow_Weaver, Cynthia_Shelly, David_Bolter, Tim_Boland
Present: Andi_Snow_Weaver Cynthia_Shelly David_Bolter Tim_Boland

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