ARIA User Agent Implementation Caucus

10 Jul 2009

See also: IRC log


Andi_Snow_Weaver, Cynthia_Shelly, Cooper, Steve_Faulkner, David_Bolter




<cyns> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-implementation/#managed-states

<davidb> 4. Managed States

<davidb> 1. 4.1. Exposing Supplemental Interfaces

<davidb> 2. 4.2. Actions

<davidb> 3. 4.3. Changes to document content or node visibility

<davidb> 4. 4.4. Selection

<davidb> 5. 4.5. Menus in MSAA/IAccessible2

<scribe> scribe: Andi

<cyns> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria-implementation/#managed-states

MC: 4.2 Actions - if role has no actions, don't need to include it

CS: the ones that have actions are HTML elements and ARIA roles
... change "ACTION" to "Default Action", add columns for other actions yet to be defined
... for example, some probably have "right-click", etc.

DB: draggable - is a property but gives you a new pattern

CS: placeholder for all properties that make other actions possible - draggable, editable, others?
... expect that if object has draggable property, browser should do something about it

DB: AT could send synthetic mouse down if wanted to start drag action

bug - add something to 4.2 about properties that cause other actions to be possible - draggable, editable, etc.

CS: what events should be fired when action occurs?
... add column to action table for events that are fired

DB: what changes in state cause the event?

CS: in IE, if click button, get MSAA event AND a DOM event
... should at least look at what the DOM events are even if it just informs our work and we don't publish

DB: if have <div role="button"> probably wouldn't want browser to take over - should map to API

4.1 Exposing supplemental interfaces

CS: okay with SHOULD here

bug - Andi - p1 - Make 4.1 into a table, current bullets are IA2 column, need columns for other APIs. Placeholer table for f2f.

add section on events after 4.2 - copy action table, will add events for each API.

CS: organization - actions, then events, 4.3 looks like a sub-section of events
... 4.3 looks IA2 specific
... if 4.3 is important enough to be a separate section, okay
... suggest table with these bullets as IA2 column

DB: may not work as a table

CS: need to separate out what needs to be done from each API, may not fit in a table because some are processing steps

<davidb> http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria/#aria-relevant

4.4 Selection

bug - selected = true/false/not specified - what does this mean

CS: table here is similar to what we need for events
... need to add a column for DOM, separate MSAA and IA2, add column for MAC

MC: how do we expand to additional APIs after publication

DB: would be nice if we had a controlled wiki page

CS: 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5 are all types of events

DB: things like "UA walks the chain ..." are processing - not events

CS: like 4.4 approach - numbered steps with a table in some of them - maybe this could work for 4.3 too
... not sure processing part is normative, as long as things are exposed through the API properly, UA logic doesn't matter

4.5 Menus in MSAA/IAccessible2

CS: is this events or not? try it and see how it works

AS: do Mac and Linux have these special menu events?

bug - David - p2 - look at Mac and Linux - determine if there are menu events comparable to the MSAA events in 4.5

4 Managed States

CS: why is it called this?

MC: history - browser manages instead of the author
... most things are author's responsibilities

CS: seems like it's just additional mapping

Make section 4 additional sections in 3

MC: somewhere in the suite, authors need to understand what they have to do vs. what the browser will do

CS: kind of "meta" information - here's what you have to do and here's what will be done for you

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/07/10 16:21:02 $

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Found Scribe: Andi
Inferring ScribeNick: Andi
Default Present: Andi_Snow_Weaver, Cynthia_Shelly, Cooper, Steve_Faulkner, David_Bolter
Present: Andi_Snow_Weaver Cynthia_Shelly Cooper Steve_Faulkner David_Bolter
Got date from IRC log name: 10 Jul 2009
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2009/07/10-aapi-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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