25 Feb 2009


See also: IRC log


Wilco, Shadi, Tom, Eric, Maik


WCAG 2.0 Review

<shadi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Feb/0025

<shadi> http://www.tomjewett.com/accessibility/features-new.html

Tom: There is no connection between the items in the record and the annotated after pages. Any suggestions how we could have such connections?

Shadi: Some pages will change, but the major things will stay the same. So we should freeze that now in terms of content and start playing with the content. Don’t add more information right now.

Tom: What is the best format to incorporate that into our demo?

Shadi: Suggestion: A tabular format, each of these statements could be split up into some lines. you could do a table with the success criteria and then a reference to the page. Including Before Home or After Home...
... We need which techniques fail in the before and which pass on the after pages.

Tom: I'll play with the tabular format.

<shadi> Suggested columns: <SC>, <Technique>, <Page>, <Location>, <Comment>

Wilco: Best we use comments in the code…

Shadi: We would need those tables twice, for before and after pages.

Tom: Do we still have a separate page template.

<shadi> http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2005/Demo/

Shadi: Yes. Comments on the template, too. The point is to fix the template and then fix most things.

In-Between pages

<shadi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Feb/0027

<shadi> http://fiers.name/badtf/inbetween_after.html

Wilco: Is it okay to use WAI-ARIA for marking up dialog boxes.

Shadi et al: Yes, please!


Shadi: This is maybe an old iteration of the pages. Please send a screenshot.

Comments from EOWG/WAI-AGE TF

Wilco: I'm still working on that, there are some issues left.

<shadi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Feb/0026

<shadi> http://ericeggert.net/badtf/index/

Shadi: The meta navigation was confusing for people. Could we not list all 4 pages?

Tom: We have it in the navigation of the main page, and the demo has the template.

<shadi> Eric: so many navigation elements already

<shadi> ...have four pages now, but may add more

The group agrees to make an option to hide the meta navigation.

Tom: A stop sign on the not accessible version probably.

Eric: Or a stairs/no stairs analogy.

Shadi: Makes the grouping sense, shouldn’t it be Accessible, Inaccessible, Accessible Anntotated and so on.

Tom: The annotated versions could be a toggle for turning the annotation on and of.

Maik: Probably we need more space between the tabs.

Shadi: We should ask Michael for variants of the navigation.

Maik: I like the simple way this navigation is done. One can do everything with it.

Wilco: We could increase the height of the tabs without the annotations on it to draw attention to them.

Shadi: It looks like a screenshot to some people.

Tom: I think its fine. (general consensus about that)

Shadi: We could have some text on the top left of the gray area.

Tom: That would clutter the site probably.

Shadi: The pages are not so obvious and should be bigger, says the EOWG.

Wilco: We have them stand out more now.
... We can't have bigger icons because we have so many.

WAI-AGE Implementations

<shadi> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Feb/0029.html

<shadi> http://www.wienfluss.net/BAD/wai-age_bad.html

<shadi> http://www.mcwiwa.de/bad-tf/before-demo/index.html

Shadi: Let's look at the changes Mike did, one by one.

Maik: Line height is changed here. I’ve made the older one worse to be sure we catch that in the after page.

Shadi: The line height is to large on the right teasers.
... We want to have the before and after pages as close as possible.

Maik: the clickable area of the navigation is smaller, too.

Shadi: That is a nice effect, but it doesn’t look right at the moment.
... We want to change the font to a serif font throughout the demo?

Maik: the whole demo

<shadi> http://www.mcwiwa.de/bad-tf/before-demo/info.html

<shadi> http://www.mcwiwa.de/bad-tf/before-demo/data.html

<shadi> http://www.mcwiwa.de/bad-tf/before-demo/form.html

Shadi: What about that close links thing we wanted to implement?

Maik: I haven’t found a good place to put them.

Shadi: Use two words on the news page, probably and link them up.
... White space page margins…

Maik: We could get rid of the margin on the news page.

Next meetings

Shadi: Don’t change the optical impression of the site if possible.

Next meeting next week.

<shadi> 4 March

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/02/26 13:57:29 $