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W3C Semantic Web Tutorial

Presentation given at Conference on Semantics in Healthcare & Life Sciences (C-SHALS) 2008, in Boston, USA, on the 5th of March, 2008.

Follow along at http://www.w3.org/2008/Talks/0305-C-SHALS/.

Eric Prud'hommeaux (W3C), Sanitation Engineer.
Lee Feigenbaum (Cambridge Semantics), RDF Data Access Working Group Chair.
Last modified: $Date: 2008/12/11 13:43:15 $
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, with attribution to W3C.

qcode for this tutorial Valid XHTML + RDFa


Introduction to RDF data

a couple motivating stories:

Drug discovery

Using the Semantic Web: Precise Answers to Complex Questions:

223K responses for previous query
223K responses for previous query
223K responses for previous query

Integrate databases ...

... so that one query ...

HCLS demo #2 query

... (trivially) spans several DBs ...

SenseLab Database headings and representation graph

... to yield cross-specialty inforation

Alzgene query results

What was the trick?

Unification needed in lots of places

Patient data

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ClinicalDocument transformation="hl7-rim-to-pomr.xslt">
	<administrativeGenderCode code="M"/>
	<birthTime value="19320924"/>
	<code displayName="Cuff blood pressure"/>
	<effectiveTime value="200004071430"/>
	<targetSiteCode displayName="Left arm"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="132" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
	<code displayName="Cuff blood pressure"/>
	<effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	<targetSiteCode displayName="Left arm"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <code displayName="Systolic BP"/>
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="135" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <code displayName="Diastolic BP"/>
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="88" unit="mm[Hg]"/>

RDF is good for modeling all this data...

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]

...regardless of its source.

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in a relational database]

What does RDF provide?

The Resource Description Framework (RDF)

arrow tail, body and head are l are subject, property and value.

A First Look at Turtle

  <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person> .
  <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/name> "Lee Feigenbaum" .
  <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/homepage> <http://thefigtrees.net/lee/> .

... is more succinctly represented as:

@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .

<http://thefigtrees.net/lee/id#lee> rdf:type      foaf:Person ;
                                    foaf:name     "Lee Feigenbaum" ;
                                    foaf:homepage <http://thefigtrees.net/lee/> .

Patient Data in RDF

_:p1  a galen:Patient ;
      foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
      foaf:firstName "Henry" .

_:c1a edns:patient _:p1 ;
      edns:screeningBP [
      a cpr:clinical-examination ;
      dc:date "2000-04-07T15:30:00" ;
      edns:systolic [
          a galen:AbsoluteMeasurement ;
          ex:unit "mm[Hg]" ;
          r:value "132" ;
          skos:prefLabel "Systolic BP" 
      ] ;
      edns:diastolic [
          a galen:AbsoluteMeasurement ;
          ex:unit "mm[Hg]" ;
          r:value "86" ;
          skos:prefLabel "Diastolic BP"
      ] ;
      edns:location snomed:_66480008 ; # SNOMED:left arm
      edns:posture snomed:_163035008   # SNOMED:sitting      
   ] .
There is a blood-pressure examination of a patient named Henry Levin. The examination was on 7-April-2000 at 3:30pm and was conducted on the patient's left arm while he was sitting. The examination resulted in a systolic blood pressure measurement of 132 and a diastolic measurement of 86.

RDF Resources

Introduction to SPARQL


SPARQL is the query language of the Semantic Web. It lets us:

SELECTing variables

Michael JacksonThriller27
Led ZeppelinLed Zeppelin IV22
Pink FloydThe Wall22

Triple patterns

A triple pattern is an RDF triple that can have variables in any of the subject, predicate, or object positions.


Simple query pattern

We can combine more than one triple pattern to retrieve multiple values and easily traverse an RDF graph:

GRAPH constraints

SPARQL lets us query different RDF graphs in a single query. Consider movie reviews:

Result forms

Besides selecting tables of values, SPARQL allows three other types of queries:

SELECT and ASK results can be returned as XML or JSON. CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE results can be returned via any RDF serialization (e.g. RDF/XML or Turtle).

SPARQL Protocol Mechanics

The SPARQL Protocol is a simple method for asking and answering SPARQL queries over HTTP. A SPARQL URL is built from three parts:

  1. The URL of a SPARQL endpoint (e.g. http://example.org/sparql)
  2. (Optional, as part of the query string) The graphs to be queried against (e.g. named-graph-uri=http://example.org/reviews/ebert
  3. (As part of the query string) The query itself (e.g. query=SELECT...)

Example Query: Henry Levin's Blood Pressure

PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#>
PREFIX r: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/>

SELECT ?date ?sys ?dias ?position {
?p    r:type galen:Patient ;
      foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
      foaf:firstName "Henry" .
?c    edns:patient ?p ;
      edns:screeningBP ?scr .
?scr  dc:date ?date ;
      edns:systolic [ r:value ?sys ] ;
      edns:diastolic [ r:value ?dias ] ;
      edns:posture ?position .
} ORDER by ?date

The sample query can be run against this sample data.

Example Query 2: Henry Levin's Blood Pressure While Sitting

PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#>
PREFIX r: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX snomed: <http://termhost.example/SNOMED/>

SELECT ?date ?sys ?dias {
?p    r:type galen:Patient ;
      foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
      foaf:firstName "Henry" .
?c    edns:patient ?p ;
      edns:screeningBP ?scr .
?scr  dc:date ?date ;
      edns:systolic [ r:value ?sys ] ;
      edns:diastolic [ r:value ?dias ] ;
      edns:posture snomed:_163035008 . # SNOMED:sitting
} ORDER by ?date

The sample query can be run against this sample data.

SPARQL Resources

Introduction to GRDDL

Using GRDDL to get RDF from XML, XHTML

GRDDL (Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages) is a way to boostrap RDF out of XML and in particular XHTML data by explicitly indicating transformations from RDF to XML. GRDDL relies on:

  1. Source Document: an XHTML or XML document which references at least one GRDDL transformation and hence licenses a GRDDL-aware agent to extract RDF.
  2. GRDDL-aware agent: a software agent able to identify GRDDL transformations and run them to extract RDF.
  3. GRDDL Transformation: an algorithm--usually expressed in XSLT--for getting RDF from a source document

XML data

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ClinicalDocument transformation="hl7-rim-to-pomr.xslt">
	<administrativeGenderCode code="M"/>
	<birthTime value="19320924"/>
	<code displayName="Cuff blood pressure"/>
	<effectiveTime value="200004071430"/>
	<targetSiteCode displayName="Left arm"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="132" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
	<code displayName="Cuff blood pressure"/>
	<effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	<targetSiteCode displayName="Left arm"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <code displayName="Systolic BP"/>
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="135" unit="mm[Hg]"/>
	<entryRelationship typeCode="COMP">
	    <code displayName="Diastolic BP"/>
	    <effectiveTime value="200004071530"/>
	    <value value="88" unit="mm[Hg]"/>

Mapped to RDF

[unrendered SVG image of HL7 data in RDF]


<xsl:template match="rim:ClinicalDocument[rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:effectiveTime"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:for-each select="rim:author/
          <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:component"/>

<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:family">
  <foaf:family_name><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:family_name>

<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:given">
  <foaf:firstName><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:firstName>

<xsl:template match="rim:patientPatient">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>


<xsl:template match="rim:ClinicalDocument[rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:effectiveTime"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:for-each select="rim:author/
          <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:component"/>
<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:family">
  <foaf:family_name><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:family_name>

<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:given">
  <foaf:firstName><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:firstName>

<xsl:template match="rim:patientPatient">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>


<xsl:template match="rim:ClinicalDocument[rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:effectiveTime"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:for-each select="rim:author/
          <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:component"/>
<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:family">
  <foaf:family_name><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:family_name>

<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:given">
  <foaf:firstName><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:firstName>
<xsl:template match="rim:patientPatient">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>


<xsl:template match="rim:ClinicalDocument[rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:effectiveTime"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:recordTarget/
    <xsl:for-each select="rim:author/
          <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:component"/>

<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:family">
  <foaf:family_name><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:family_name>

<xsl:template match="rim:name/rim:given">
  <foaf:firstName><xsl:value-of select="."/></foaf:firstName>
<xsl:template match="rim:patientPatient">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="rim:name"/>

XSLT courtesy of Chimezie Ogbuji


GRDDL can extract RDF from both XML and (X)HTML.

PatientSystolic BPDiastolic BP
Henry Levin13286
  <head profile="http://www.w3.org/2003/g/data-view">
    <title>Clinical Study 8B1a: Patient BP</title>
    <link rel="transformation" href="bp-html-to-pomr.xslt" />

GRDDL Mechanics, Part 1

Content publisher provides XML or XHTML document that does one of:

GRDDL Mechanics, Part 2

Content consumers make use of GRDDL by doing the following:

GRDDL-aware Querying

Some SPARQL engines can directly query GRDDL source documents.

PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
PREFIX edns: <http://www.loa-cnr.it/ontologies/ExtendedDnS.owl#>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX galen: <http://www.co-ode.org/ontologies/galen#>
PREFIX r: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>

SELECT ?date ?sys ?dias ?location ?position {
?p    r:type galen:Patient ;
      foaf:family_name "Levin" ;
      foaf:firstName "Henry" .
?c    edns:patient ?p ;
      edns:screeningBP ?scr .
?scr  dc:date ?date ;
      edns:systolic [ r:value ?sys ] ;
      edns:diastolic [ r:value ?dias ] ;
      edns:location ?location ;
      edns:posture ?position .

The actual query against the actual XML source is more complex.

GRDDL Resources

Linked Open Data/Home-grown annotation system


What other musicians are based in Seattle?

Find me all movies that run longer than 5 hours.

UltraLink in Action

annotated screenshot of Novartis's UltraLink

Why RDFa?

RDFa: Embedding RDF in HTML attributes

RDFa: The Gory Details

@aboutsubjects @propertypredicate relating subject to literal content
@hrefobjects, clickable @relpredicate relating subject to resources (@href, @src)
@srcobjects, embedded @revpredicate relating resources to subject in reverse
@resourceobjects, not clickable @contentObject of triple (instead of element content)
@instanceofRDF types @datatypeliteral values' data types

For more, see the RDFa primer or the RDFa specification.

RDFa Example: Chemicals

InChI is a textual identifier for chemical substances. Consider inchi.html:

  <th>Familiar name</th><th>InChI</th>
  <td about="http://example.org/methane" property="chem:inchi"

This RDFa encodes the single RDF triple:

<http://example.org/methane> chem:inchi "InChI=1/CH4/h1H4" .

Using RDFa: In context

operator on inchi data in RDFa

See inchi.html.

Using RDFa: Query

There are various ways to query Web pages marked up with RDFa:

# Find propane's InChI string
PREFIX chem: <http://www.blueobelisk.org/chemistryblogs/>
PREFIX ex:   <http://example.org/>
SELECT ?inchi 
FROM <http://www.w3.org/2007/08/pyRdfa/extract?uri=http://www.w3.org/2008/Talks/0305-C-SHALS/inchi.html>
  ex:propane chem:inchi ?inchi .

UltraLink and RDFa References

Progressive modeling

Stages of modeling (frequently in this order):

Unambiguous identifiers

Shared identifiers

Informative relationships (arc predicates)

Class/type modeling

Inferred type modeling

OWL modeling

Introduction to OWL

OWL type inference

OWL identity inference

OWL consistency rules

OWL expression

OWL restrictions

HCLS KB flagship query

The application of a commercial text mining tool to neuroscience-related PubMed abstracts results in a set of annotations that link MeSH terms to genes (for more details on MeSH, see the table in Data Sources. An article with PubMed id 10698743 mentions ncbi_gene:1812 and that the corresponding PubMed record has a MeSH term mesh:D017966. The following three triples express this:

[unrendered SVG image of triples]

pubmedRec:10698743 sc:has-as-minor-mesh mesh:D017966
article:10698743 sc:identified_by_pmid pubmedRec:10698743
ncbi_gene:1812 sc:describes_gene_or_gene_product_mentioned_by article:10698743

HCLS KB flagship query

A set of genes or gene products in human bodies are described by ncbi_gene:1812. Here, we call this set _:equiv1812.

[unrendered SVG image of triples]

_:equiv1812 owl:onProperty dnaGeneProduct:described_by
_:equiv1812 owl:hasValue ncbi_gene:1812

HCLS KB flagship query

bySequence:ncbi_gene.1812 is identical to the class _:equiv1812, meaning, it has the same extension (members) but not the same intention (meaning). We assert this identical set because it allows the definition of the gene class to be completely defined by the above two statements (see OWL Web Ontology Language Semantics and Abstract Syntax Section 4. Mapping to RDF Graphs).

[unrendered SVG image of triples]

bySequence:ncbi_gene.1812 owl:equivalentClass _:equiv1812

HCLS KB flagship query

Using our other supplied constant, we note that adenylate cyclase activation, go:GO_0007190, is part of signal transduction, go:GO_0007166. Note: this simplified query matches only processes that are a sub-process of go:GO_0007166; the actual query, described in §9 Named Graphs, looks also for subclasses. The part_of relationships were inferred from the OWL class restrictions expressed within the shaky line. These are described in §6.1 Modeling Details. The class of functions that are realized_as adenylate cyclase activation is here labeled _:activateAdenylCyclase.

[unrendered SVG image of triples]

go:GO_0007190 obo:part_of go:GO_0007166 .
_:activateAdenylCyclase owl:onProperty ro:realized_as .
_:activateAdenylCyclase owl:someValuesFrom go:GO_0007190 .

HCLS KB flagship query

There are many possible classes of substance participating in molecular signaling, one of which (called here _:molecularSignalers_1) is defined by the ability to activate adenyl cyclase.

[unrendered SVG image of triples]

_:signalingParticipants_1 owl:onProperty ro:has_function .
_:signalingParticipants_1 owl:someValuesFrom _:activateAdenylCyclase .

HCLS KB flagship query

The class of proteins in the intersection of _:signalingParticipants_1 and bySequence:ncbi_gene.1812 is here abbreviated protein:p1812_7190_1, though the actual identifier is protein:product_of_ncbi_gene.1812_that_participates_in_GO_0007190_fbc49f20524727a24c7b7effa29bad4a. Note: the Venn diagram reveals that this set is potentially empty (like the intersection of cars and ice cream stands), theoretically permitting the query to range over pairs of gene/process that aren't related through any known protein. However, OWL-DL reasoners will not infer new classes, so the proteins in the intersection of ncbi_gete:1812 and the substances participating in molecular signalling is restricted to the set which have already been entered into the knowledgebase, e.g. like p1812_7190_1.

[unrendered SVG image of triples]

protein:p1812_7190_1 rdfs:subClassOf _:signalingParticipants_1 .
protein:p1812_7190_1 rdfs:subClassOf bySequence:ncbi_gene.1812 .

HCLS KB flagship query

ncbi_gene:1812 and go:GO_0007190 have human-readable labels.

[unrendered SVG image of triples]

ncbi_gene:1812 rdfs:label "Entrez Gene record for human DRD1, 1812"
go:GO_0007190 rdfs:label "adenylate cyclase activation"

HCLS KB flagship query

try it (or try the tiny URL for the query)

prefix go: <http://purl.org/obo/owl/GO#>
prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
prefix mesh: <http://purl.org/commons/record/mesh/>
prefix sc: <http://purl.org/science/owl/sciencecommons/>
prefix ro: <http://www.obofoundry.org/ro/ro.owl#>
prefix senselab: <http://purl.org/ycmi/senselab/neuron_ontology.owl#>
prefix obo: <http://purl.org/obo/owl/obo#>

SELECT ?genename ?processname ?receptor_protein_name

  # PubMeSH includes ?gene_records mentioned in ?articles which are identified by pmid in ?pubmed_records .
GRAPH <http://purl.org/commons/hcls/pubmesh> {
  ?pubmed_record sc:has-as-minor-mesh mesh:D017966 .
  ?article sc:identified_by_pmid ?pubmed_record .
  ?gene_record sc:describes_gene_or_gene_product_mentioned_by ?article

  # The Gene Ontology asserts that foreach ?protein, ?protein ro:has_function [ ro:realized_as ?process ].
GRAPH <http://purl.org/commons/hcls/goa> {
  ?protein rdfs:subClassOf ?restriction1 .
  ?restriction1 owl:onProperty ro:has_function .
  ?restriction1 owl:someValuesFrom ?restriction2 .
  ?restriction2 owl:onProperty ro:realized_as .
  ?restriction2 owl:someValuesFrom ?process .
  # Also, foreach ?protein, ?protein has a parent class which is linked by some predicate to ?gene_record.
  ?protein rdfs:subClassOf ?protein_superclass .
  ?protein_superclass owl:equivalentClass ?restriction3 .
  ?restriction3 owl:onProperty sc:is_protein_gene_product_of_dna_described_by .
  ?restriction3 owl:hasValue ?gene_record .
  # Each ?process (that we are interested in) is a subclass of the signal transduction process.
  # @@ nested graph constraint
  GRAPH <http://purl.org/commons/hcls/20070416/classrelations> {
      { ?process obo:part_of go:GO_0007166 }
      { ?process rdfs:subClassOf go:GO_0007166 }

GRAPH <http://purl.org/commons/hcls/gene> {
  ?gene_record rdfs:label ?genename

GRAPH <http://purl.org/commons/hcls/20070416> {
  ?process rdfs:label ?processname

OWL restriction expressivity

OWL Resources

And there's much more...


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