3 Jan 2007

See also: IRC log


Asir, Maryann, Frederic, Prasad, Umit




<maryann__> +maryann

<asir> I found last meeting minutes at http://www.w3.org/2006/12/20-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html

<FrederickHirsch> Agenda

<FrederickHirsch> Action item review

<FrederickHirsch> Enter new actions and assign

<FrederickHirsch> Delivery of material to work group

<FrederickHirsch> Next week chair, scribe assignments. WG report (Frederick)

<FrederickHirsch> Delivery planned 9 Jan

<asir> POR is at http://www.w3.org/2006/12/13-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html#item05

Action Item Review

<FrederickHirsch> http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicyeds/actions/open

review of actions

<maryann__> assigned to asir

<maryann__> asir wants to change the date to after the F2F

<maryann__> TOPIC - Action item 87 change date to 1-23/

<maryann__> prasad: we need to generate the diffs

<maryann__> asir to help prasad -

<FrederickHirsch> Asir will create diffs before sending to working group.

<maryann__> TOPIC - action item 94

<maryann__> umit thought she closed the action

<maryann__> frederick to close the action item

<maryann__> scribenick maryann

<maryann__> scribenick:maryann

<maryann__> scribe: maryann

action 95

<maryann__> still open - umit having internet problems

<maryann__> change date to jan 5

action 100

<maryann__> still open --due in feb

action 101

<maryann__> change owner to frederick

<maryann__> maryann to make an example and give it to frederick

<maryann__> asir said there was an example used at the face to face

<maryann__> asir: if you look in the archive there should be notes

<maryann__> umit: is there one action for primer & guidelines?

<maryann__> fred: maryann if you could look into the guidelines, i'll look into the primer

<maryann__> fred: i'll take the action

<maryann__> do we want to get this into the next version?

<maryann__> suggest that we do this after the next doc versions are made available to the working group

<maryann__> asir: i will only be working part time, but will be available for calls

<maryann__> asir: we can change the timeline

<maryann__> fred: i'll change the due date to the 15th

action item 105 -david orchard

<maryann__> fred: leave this open, david not on the call

action 110

<maryann__> maryann to take this

<maryann__> new action from today's call

<maryann__> i can do it, but we don't have a stable uri for the note yet

<maryann__> i can do the edit but we will need to update the reference

<maryann__> when we get the URI

<maryann__> there is confusion about whether or not we need another action item on this

<maryann__> prasad: we should assign an action to dave o

<maryann__> assigning new action 112 to David O to get a stable uri for his note

<maryann__> fred created and assigned new action to dave o

action 111

<maryann__> this is actually the one about the references

<maryann__> action 110 is about the xml:id

<maryann__> maryann to get them done by friday

<maryann__> fred: are there other actions form the call we need to record?

<maryann__> no, it seems the actions have been recorded and assigned

Delivery to work group


<maryann__> fred: i'm not sure what to do

<FrederickHirsch> Process summary:

<FrederickHirsch> Final checkin date

<maryann__> asir: in the past we would set a date for all changes to be checked in\

<maryann__> asir : then send a message to the editors to say these are all the changes i see checked in

<umit> asir: tag the files, send the links of all four documents, create uris and send them to the wg

<maryann__> asir: also include the links to the diffs

<umit> asir: also include the links for the diff versions

<maryann__> fred: first thing is to set a date for editors to check in

<maryann__> asir: send a note to editors

<maryann__> asir: generate the diffs

<maryann__> asir: send the links to the editors

<maryann__> asir: every editor checks in xml and html

<maryann__> prasad: do we need to generate a base from which to diff?

<maryann__> asir: as i do it this time i will write it down

<maryann__> allow 24 hours for editors to review

<maryann__> asir: then the files get tagged

<maryann__> fred: who does the tagging?

<maryann__> asir: the whole tree gets tagged

<maryann__> asir: the person who is reporting

<maryann__> fred: i need more info on what the tag looks like

<maryann__> asir: i'll paste in a tag example

<asir> sample tag Editors-Draft-09-November-2006

<maryann__> umit: we don't have a date yet

<maryann__> fred: that won't work

<maryann__> fred: we need it on the 8th

<maryann__> fred: i thought i heard that we need to get it to the working group by the 10th

<maryann__> if we generate the diffs on monday

<asir> here is the POR http://www.w3.org/2006/12/13-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html#item05

<maryann__> we can get it to the working group by the 10th

<FrederickHirsch> schedule: send tue 9th to work group, to editors 8th, diffs by Asir 5th January

<FrederickHirsch> Editors items complete by Friday

<maryann__> asir to generate the diff on monday

<maryann__> and send the link to the editors

<maryann__> if all goes well fred will pick it up

<maryann__> and send a message to working group and tag the files

<maryann__> fred: how do i know if its ok?

<maryann__> no news is good news

<maryann__> asir: by tues noon pacific, if no one has comments

<FrederickHirsch> by Tue 12 PST, email goes out if no problems raised

<maryann__> fred will tag the files & send the note to the working group

<maryann__> fred: no branching?

<maryann__> asir: no only tagging

<maryann__> fred: asir can you tag the base from which we will generate the diffs?

<maryann__> prasad: asir if you're doing the diffs it might be simpler for you to send the note

<maryann__> asir: ok, so i will send the note

<maryann__> asir: there is one action on dave o, does anyone know the status?

<maryann__> umit: no

<maryann__> fred: haven't seen it done?

<maryann__> asir: should we reasign?

<maryann__> fred: can we leave it pending for now

<maryann__> umit: i will send him a note

scribe and chair for next week

<maryann__> umit will scribe next week

<maryann__> so maryann will chair next week

<maryann__> and fred will report to the working group

<maryann__> fred: maryann & umit to complete actions by friday

<maryann__> asir: if i send the links to you, fred, can you send the note and do the reporting?

<maryann__> fred: sure

<maryann__> asir: i will do the diffs and tags and send you the links in a "raw" format, and you can send the note to the WG

<maryann__> asir: i'll send by 11 pacific monday

<maryann__> umit: request at the F2F

<maryann__> can you demonstrate the process?

<maryann__> asir: sounds good

<maryann__> asir: yes that works

<maryann__> fred: will felix be at the f2f?

<maryann__> fred: any other business?

<maryann__> rrsagent: who is here?

<prasad> Next Week's Chair: Maryann

<prasad> Next Week's Scribe: Umit

<FrederickHirsch> Next Week's Reporter: Frederick

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.127 (CVS log)
$Date: 2007/01/03 19:58:26 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.127  of Date: 2005/08/16 15:12:03  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found ScribeNick: maryann
Found Scribe: maryann
WARNING: No scribe lines found matching ScribeNick pattern: <maryann> ...

WARNING: 0 scribe lines found (out of 165 total lines.)
Are you sure you specified a correct ScribeNick?

Present: Asir Maryann Frederic Prasad Umit

WARNING: No meeting title found!
You should specify the meeting title like this:
<dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting

Got date from IRC log name: 3 Jan 2007
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2007/01/03-ws-policy-eds-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]