Edit comment LC-2196 for Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group

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Comment LC-2196
Commenter: Simon Parker <simon.parker@polarlake.com>

Resolution status:

5.4 EXI Options
Last paragraph, definition of valuePartitionCapacity option
Replace "enitiries" with "entries"

_Last paragraph before 6.1
Replace "effect " by "affect"

_Introductory paragraph of 8.5 Schema-informed grammars
Replace "schema-deviated" with "schema-derived"

_8. Element Terms
Replace "itself if was" with "itself if it was"

_10 Conformance
Review use of English throughout this section, particularly:
plural and singular forms, and
the phrase "that EXI stream decoders are prepared with"

_B.1 Document Information Item
[unparsed entities] Delete the last occurrence of "to".

_B.11 Namespace Information Item
Replace "ismaps toa NS event" with "maps to a NS event"

_E Deriving Character Sets from XML Schema Regular Expressions
In sentence 2 replace "lexically matches" with "lexically match"

_E Deriving Character Sets from XML Schema Regular Expressions
In the notes on rules [3] and [4] replace "causes to conclude the
charset of the regExp"
with "causes the charset of the regExp"
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 2196.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:44:22 dom Exp $
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