Edit comment LC-3068 for Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group

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Comment LC-3068
Commenter: timeless <timeless@gmail.com>

Resolution status:

> Optimizations such as pruning insignificant xsi:type values (e.g., xsi:type="xsd:string" for string values)
> or insignificant xsi:nil values (e.g., xsi:nil="false")
> is prohibited for a Canonical EXI processor.

I think:
is => are

> where the rules of determining equivalence is described below.
is => are (?)

> A rationale for each decision is given as well as background information is provided.

as well as => and

> Example B-3. Example algorithm for converting float values to the canonical form


> Initialize the exponent with the value 0 (zero) and jump to step 2.

s/. and j/. J/

> If the value after the decimal point can be represented as 0 (zero)
> without losing precision jump to step 4, otherwise to step 3.

s/precision jump/precision, [then] jump/
s/otherwise/otherwise jump/

> If the signed mantissa is unequal 0 (zero), unequal -0 (negative zero), and contains a trailing
> zero jump to 6, otherwise to step 7.

s/zero jump/zero, [then] jump/
s/otherwise/otherwise jump/
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 3068.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:44:13 dom Exp $
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