Edit comment LC-1587 for Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group

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Comment LC-1587
Commenter: Jo Rabin <>

Resolution status:

Various editorial comments

1.1.4 Beyond mobileOK

Many devices' capabilities => The capabilities of many devices

1.2 Applicability

Resolving a URI will retrieve => resolving a URI will result in

1.3 Claiming mobileOK conformance

of the mechanism will => of the mechanism for claiming mobileOK conformance will

2.3.3 HTTP Response

"Sometimes" [two occurrences in succeeding sentences, would read better if re-phrased in one of them]

Test implementations should respect only HTTP response headers => with the exception of http-equiv content-type as detailed below under CHARACTER_ENCODING_ ... test implementations should respect

2.3.4 CSS Style

(note that use of the style attribute is deprecated)

3. mobileOK tests

Occurs earliest in dictionary order => occurs first in dictionary order


I think we need a note that we do not take account of defaults. So if for example the Content-Type HTTP header is text/html and the META http-equiv is text/html; charset="UTF-8" these are not seen as being inconsistent with each other

3.6 External resources

301 or 302 => 3xx

3.9 Images resizing

Height and width can be e.g. 24 (meaning pixels) or 25% - do we need to make this clearer? i.e. where the text says "specify a size in pixels" add "(note that the height and width attributes take an integer without units, meaning pixels)"

3.22 STYLE

Reword to: If the CSS Style contains at-rules [other than the @media at-rule], properties or values that are not recognized as being valid CSS Level 1, warn


If no tr element contains at least two td elements => If no tr element contains more than one td element
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 1587.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:43:28 dom Exp $
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