Edit comment LC-1578 for Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group

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Comment LC-1578
Commenter: Christophe Strobbe <christophe.strobbe@esat.kuleuven.be>

Resolution status:

The draft states: "This test does not determine whether the user is
able to opt out of refresh."
Is the possibility of opting out going to be covered elsewhere?
Using <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="..." /> fails three
different success criteria of the Web Content Accessibility
Guidelines 2.0 (see failure F40 in "Techniques for WCAG 2.0" [2]).
This is because screen readers will start reading from the top of the
page again when the page refreshes, thereby taking away control from
the user over his interaction with a page.
Server-side redirects [3] are preferable, but WCAG 2.0 currently also
allows client-side redirects if they have no timeout: see techniques
G110 (Using an instant client-side redirect [4]) and H76 (Using meta
refresh to create an instant client-side redirect [5]).
(space separated ids)
(Please make sure the resolution is adapted for public consumption)

Developed and maintained by Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (dom@w3.org).
$Id: 1578.html,v 1.1 2017/08/11 06:43:27 dom Exp $
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