Disposition of comments for the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

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In the table below, red is in the WG decision column indicates that the Working Group didn't agree with the comment, green indicates that a it agreed with it, and yellow reflects an in-between situation.

In the "Commentor reply" column, red indicates the commenter objected to the WG resolution, green indicates approval, and yellow means the commenter didn't respond to the request for feedback.

CommentorCommentWorking Group decisionCommentor reply
LC-2444 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The example of technique G191 makes it clear that the link or mechanism to load a non-blinking version of the page should be at the top of the page:

"A link at the very top of the page reloads the page with the blinking text replaced with text that is styled to be highly visible but does not blink"

Proposed Change:
Include a check that the mechanism is located at the top of the page - placed elsewhere, it is not helpful. Instead of
"1. Check that there is a mechanism to reload page to turn off blinking."

change to:

"1. Check that there is a mechanism at the top of the page to reload page to turn off blinking.
This technique does not require that the control be at the top of the page. This is simply good practice so we included it in both of the techniques to encourage it. However since it is not required for the technique, it is in neither the description nor the test. tocheck
LC-2445 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The test for the correct use of longdesc should be conditional on its application in the first place. The first check

1. Check that the img element has a longdesc
is not meaningful for any img and redundant for those that actually carry the longdesc attribute.

(The descripton may also mention the drawback that alternative text via longdesc is not usually accessible to sighted users and might therefore be supplied redundantly.)

Proposed Change:
So the test in my opinion should start with a conditional:

"If longdesc is used on images to supply alternative text:"

...then test #2 and #3 (as #1 and #2)
Techniques are all optional by nature. You do not have to use this technique. If you are not using this technique to meet SC 1.1.1 for an image, it doesn't matter that the image will fail the test procedure, that is, that it will not have a longdesc attribute.

If you want to use something other than longdesc, then you wouldn't use this technique and you wouldn't encounter the test.

[DONE] Add a section "testing techniques" in the introduction to techniques, starter text "Test procedures for techniques apply only to verify proper application of that technique. They do not test the success criteria. Tests of the success criteria require first determining which techniques are applicable, and then following the test procedures for those techniques." Cycle through WG ACTION-125`
LC-2446 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
To test if noembed fulfills its purpose, a test for the equivalence of content inside the noembed element is necessary

Proposed Change:

3. Check if the content of the noembed element is an adequate alternative for the non-text content it replaces.

(#1 or #2) and #3 are true.
“Adequate” is not a testable term. We have made a decision not to use any subjective terms like “adequate” in any of our tests because it makes them no longer objective. It is unfortunate but the tests must be objective to have the inter-rater reliability needed to be considered testable. tocheck
LC-2447 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The test prescribes in
1. Check that all th elements have a scope attribute.

The scope attribute, however, is only necessary for complex data tables, the test gives the impression that it must be present in every th element.

Proposed Change:
Qualify the test by expressing ast the outset that it applies to complex data tables only, i.e.:

"For complex data tables where the relationship between heading cells and content cells must be explicitly specified because the table uses hierarchical headings or headings apply to multiple columms or rows (colgroup, rowgroup):"
There seems to be common misconception that techniques are required. Techniques are simply ways of meeting particular success criteria.

You do not have to use this technique. But if you use this technique (which is “using the scope attribute…”) then you would in fact have to use the scope attribute or else you would not be using the technique.

Change description of H63 change to begin "The objective of this technique is to associate header cells with data cells <ins>in complex tables</ins> using the scope attribute."
LC-2450 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
Both the first sufficient technique quoted in "How to meet SC 1.4.4" as well as the fourth, G179, allow for designs where containers may be defined in px.

Proposed Change:
Unclear. The four options / sets of techniques offered to meet 1.4.4 seem somewhat contradictory.

Possibly qualify:

"When liquid layout techniques are chosen to satisfy SC 1.4.4:"
In the instructions it says, just above the list of sufficient techniques, that you must do one of the numbered items. You do not need to do all three (or more). Therefore, techniques often will contradict each other. They are different options or different ways of doing something. You may choose among them. You do not have to do all of them. In fact you don't have to do any of them actually. These are just suggestions, ways of meeting it that the working group has declared to be sufficient. You may come up with a different method altogether, and, if it meets the success criteria, it meets the success criteria. Someday you may be called on to prove it by someone. Therefore it is convenient to use ones where you have evidence that the working group said that it would be sufficient. But it is not required. No techniques are required. tocheck
LC-2451 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The lack of styling through CSS does not create in itself a real problem if semantic HTML markup is adhered to. Testing whether CSS has been applied appropriately seems difficult to do for all possible purposes.

When saying "Check whether CSS properties were used to control the visual presentation of text" the problem remains that this does not in itself show that CSS has been used correctly without further tests.

Proposed Change:
Test for use of deprecated elements (e.g., font, center, strike, i, b, u) instead.
You do not need to use this technique if you don't want to. You can do other things. Use of any technique is optional. They are just ways of doing it if you want to use them.

The motivation is not to about CSS vs using HTML elements to style the text. The motivation is to use CSS to control text styling more closely, rather than using images of text to control text styling.

If you choose to use the technique that says “Using CSS to…” Then you have to use CSS because that's what the technique is. So, if you use the “using CSS” technique then you must use CSS. But there is no requirement that you use this technique.

Regarding use of deprecated elements: Using something that is deprecated is not invalid. It also is not an accessibility issue. It may not be good practice but would not cause one to fail this technique.

If incorrect use of CSS results in invalid visual design, it will affect all users, not just those with disabilities.
LC-2466 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
In addition to the comment regarding the test case spec. in G178, it should be noted that for most web pages using several columns, the requirement for a 200% increase of text size will be impossible to meet (the same goes for browser based text-only resizing) and is therefore likely to be ignored. Such ignorance is helped by the interpretation of alternative options to meet Success Criterion 1.4.4 (Resize text), since option 1 (G142) suggests that supporting zoom resizing (which most modern browsers offer out of the box without any effort by the designer) is already sufficient. This appears as a disincentive regarding the provision of text-only resizing and the additional effort of creating fluid layouts that resize gracefully.

Proposed Change:
The (additional) requirement to allow a more modest text-only resizing (say, 150%) might raise the bar in a meaningful way and not de-incentivise designers in the same way as the current all-to-easy way of meeting success criterion 1.4.4 *without any effort*.
If the two columns are equal in width then it is impossible to not meet this criteria with ZOOM. Simply increase the zoom to 200% and the column will fit very nicely on-screen and allow the user to read all of the text in the column without horizontal scrolling. They can then move over to the other column and read the other, without horizontal scrolling as well.

Note that the horizontal scrolling requirement is only at level AAA. Therefore the zoom would satisfy level AA unless of course the browser does not support this. Therefore this technique would work at level AA but not at level AAA for a full width page, but it would work at AAA for a page with 2 equal width columns.

You will note that G178 is listed as sufficient for 1.4.4 which is at level AA but it is not listed as sufficient for 1.4.8 which is at level AAA.
LC-2436 Devarshi Pant <devarshipant@gmail.com> (archived comment)
To decipher a heading, a screen reader user will have to remember the rule: "two blank lines preceding the heading" and "a blank line following a heading". This rule can easily get complex when other formatting options are introduced in the document structure to convey the structural meaning to different user groups. What happens when a hyperlink, underlined text, or a caption is to be expressed using plain text? The list goes on when we factor in other ways documents are currently presented. It only makes sense to have its plain text counterpart elicit same structural meaning using more intuitive encodings than line breaks and non printing characters.

Proposed Change:
Use mnemonics instead. Remove references to non printed characters and line breaks. There are richer ways to convey this information to all user groups.
For example, to express a heading in a plain text document, using (H)This is a Heading(H) will be easier to follow than the blank line format. Note that the enclosed character is a mnemonic for heading.
Using the same rule, a underline can represented as (U)This is an underline(U).
A hyperlink will be (HY)This is a hyperlink(HY).
This way even users groups will be able to understand a plain text document by visually parsing it.
The purpose of this technique is to talk about plain text. If you add markup as you suggest and is no longer a plain text document (unless you consider an HTML document to be plain text).

This does create constraints on how you write a plain text document. But it does give you a way of creating plain text documents can be deciphered. And that is the purpose of the technique. To allow you to create a plain text document that has no markup but yet can be deciphered by a screen reader designed to work with plain text documents that constrain themselves to these rules.
LC-2493 Devarshi Pant <devarshipant@gmail.com> (archived comment)
If I understand this correctly, this is a technique to assist screen reader users. If that is true, there is no mention of the supporting assistive technology applicable to this technique. We should also state, if possible, where and how to obtain these scripts.

There is a good chance that a user may question the applicability of screen magnification software to decipher headings in plain text documents using formatting conventions.

On a sidebar, does this technique satisfy SC 1.3.1 on the basis that only a screen reader user can understand the underlying structure of the document?

Proposed Change: In the ‘Applicability’ section, add a sentence something like – “Only applicable to screen readers.”
Proposed response:

All of WCAG, not just the plain text techniques, applies to content served from the web. See the definition of Web page in the WCAG glossary <http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#webpagedef>.

We feel it would be misleading to add this clause to the Plain Text technique titles and not to all the other technique titles, and that adding it everywhere would make it harder to understand techniques from their titles.
LC-2457 Sailesh Panchang <spanchang02@yahoo.com> (archived comment)
I believe H93 and H94 are out of place. They are not HTML techniques but are evaluation techniques and must be listed under Failure techniques.
All HTML techniques explain how an element / attribute should be used to meet an SC and are positive like: Do this ... to accomplish this.
But H93 and H94 are: Do not do this else you will fail ...
We agree that it would have been possible to cast H93 and H94 as failures instead of as techniques. However, we disagree with your assessment that they are not HTML techniques, and we believe it is clear how to apply them to satisfy SC 4.1.1. We don't think the benefit of recasting them as failures justifies the work involved or the confusion that would result from moving this information from techniques to failures. tocheck
LC-2471 Sailesh Panchang <spanchang02@yahoo.com> (archived comment)
There are serious deficiencies noted under user agent notes for H89 and it concludes with:
"Note: Current user agents and assistive technologies do not always provide the information contained in the title attribute to users. Avoid using this technique in isolation until the title attribute has wide-spread support." ... under Description.

The title attribute is as old as the hills and browsers and AT are not going to change their behavior in a hurry any time soon.
Context sensitive help text cannot be given via the title attribute. (In fact I tell clients this does not work and disuade its usage).
If it is not AT supported how is it a sufficient technique?
I suggest this technique be moved to advisory.
H89 is only listed as an advisory technique for SC 3.3.5. Did we miss someplace where it is erroneously listed as a sufficient technique? tocheck
LC-2491 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The behaviour described in F9 - changing context such as opening new windows or submitting the form - also seems to apply to the requirements of SC 3.2.2 "On Input".
The behaviour described: "removing focus from a form element, such as by moving to the next element, causes a change of context" is arguably even more disrupting than the more specific Failure F36: "Failure of Success Criterion 3.2.2 due to automatically submitting a form and presenting new content without prior warning when the last field in the form is given a value" - in the latter, the form might at least have been completed.

Proposed Change:
Extend applicability of F9 to SC 3.2.2 On Input AND SC 3.2.5 Change of Request
As written, this failure does not apply to 3.2.2, since changing focus is not an input action. tocheck
LC-2492 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
Opening a new window as a result of user text input is clearly an unexpected change of context and would seem to violate not just SC 3.2.5 (Change on Request) but also the A-level SC 3.2.2 (On input)

Proposed Change:
* Preferably, make F60 applicable also to SC 3.2.2 (On Input)
* Specify that the change in response to text input should be expected / explained before it occurs, include that in the test procedure
* Differentiate between opening a new window proper (i.e., a browser window) and opening a pseudo-window (e.g. a lightbox) which would not necessarily constitute a (disorienting) change of context
We do not feel that F60, as written, should be a failure of SC 3.2.2, but it is causing us to discuss issues related to text fields and SC 3.2.2. We will be discussing potential modification to F37 or adding new failures for SC 3.2.2. We have added an action (ACTION 150, http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/track/actions/150) for you to help us draft this new failure or modify F37. We are not adding this failure for this update, since it will need to go to public review and the review period for this update has ended. tocheck
LC-2434 Aurelien Levy <aurelien.levy@free.fr> (archived comment)
The FLASH17 technique can't be associated with this success criteria since the criteria says : "If keyboard focus can be moved to a component of the page using a keyboard interface,..."

And the FLASH 17 technique description says : "... it is not possible to move keyboard focus between the Flash content and HTML content without using a mouse ..."

So, it's not possible to move keyboard focus from HTML content to Flash content using a keyboard interface and SC 2.1.2 isn't applicable

Proposed Change:
remove FLASH 17 of sufficient technique list or change it for additional techniques
This technique is describes how the author can implement the missing keyboard support in the Flash content itself. We have modified the description to make it clearer that this is the purpose of the technique.

In the first paragraph of the description, change "it is not possible to move keyboard focus..." to "many browsers do not support moving keyboard focus..."

At the end of the first paragraph of the description, add "This technique is designed to let the Flash author address this issue and provide support for moving focus between the Flash content and the HTML content via the keyboard."
LC-2438 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
I have noticed a discrepancy between Technique "G68: Providing a descriptive label that describes the purpose of live audio-only and live video-only content" and the test included at its end.

While the technique proposes the use of descriptive labels which are exposed to sighted users, the test at the end checks for text alternatives for non-text content that would only be exposed if the not-text content cannot be displayed.

I think the currently included test does not apply to the technique as described.

Proposed Change:
New Test
Check whether descriptive label matches / correctly describes live audio-visual content
We consider that ALT text is a sufficient label for non-text content per this definition of Label.

The purpose of this technique is to be sure that people who cannot see know what the non-text content on the screen is. If the person can see, presumably they can identify the nontext content by looking at it. The technique as written would ensure that people who cannot see are able to determine what the nontext content is via its alternative text. The only reason that the text is removed in the example is simply to see if the alternative text really did stand in for the function.

We think the use of the word "label" in this technique may be confusing, since label is often used to mean visible text that identifies a control. We are revising the technique to clarify this issue.

Change the title of G68 to be "Providing a short text alternative which describes the purpose of live audio-only and live video-only content"

In G68, change the following beginning of the description to read: "This technique provides a short text alternative for Live audio-only and live video-only content. This text may be used in combination with a full alternative for time-based media (for audio or video), or in combination with audio description (for video).

Revise test procedure to read:
1. Remove, hide, or mask the non-text content.
2. Display the short text alternative(s).
3. Check that the purpose of the non-text content is clear - even if content is lost.

For consistency of terminology, change the title, examples, and test procedure of G100 per http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=G100:_Providing_a_short_text_alternative_which_is_the_accepted_name_or_descriptive_name_of_the_non-text_content
LC-2439 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The first of the conditions may not apply (for example if the for is on one page). The second condition ("Determine if a summary of all data input by the user is provided before the transaction is committed and a method is provided to correct errors if necessary.") must be met in any case to ensure that input is checked and may be corrected. Therefore "Expected Results: Either #1 or #2 is true" seems inadequate.

Proposed Change:
1. If user data are collected in multiple steps, the user is allowed to return to previous steps to review and change data.

2. Determine if a summary of all data input by the user is provided before the transaction is committed and a method is provided to correct errors if necessary.

Expected Results

Checks #1 and #2 are true.

To remove the conditional (and possibly confusing) 'if'-clause at the beginning of check #1, the single test might need to be turned into two separate tests.
Depending on how much data is collected, it may not be possible to summarize it all on one page. For example if the person was taking an essay exam.

Therefore either one of these two approaches may be the most logical.

insert new step 1 to test procedure: "Check that user is prompted to review the data and confirm"

reword existing steps:

"2. If user data are collected in multiple steps, the user is allowed to return to previous steps to review and change data.

3. Determine if a summary of all data input by the user is provided before the transaction is committed and a method is provided to correct errors if necessary."

change expected results to be "Either #2 or #3 are true"
LC-2441 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
As it stands, the test in technique G166 only checks whether a link to the audio alternative is provided. It does not check the equivalence of the audio alternative. Testing just for the link is not sufficient

Proposed Change:
Add a second checkpoint #2 for checking whether the audio alternative is adequate.
Both Check #1 and Check #2 must be true.
We do not include any quality checks in our techniques since they are subjective. “Adequate” is not a testable term. Unfortunately, we do not feel it is possible to include subjective terms in our testing procedures. We have clarified the test procedure to indicate that it should be descriptive.

ACTION: Change step 1 of test procedure to read "Check that there is link to an audio alternative which describes the contents of the video immediately before or after the video-only content."
LC-2442 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The text of this technique describes in both examples provided that the styleswitcher should be at the "top of the page". This requirement, however, is neither included in the description nore is it checked in the test section of the technique.

Proposed Change:
Add a further (fourth) requirement for the technique to be used successfully, preferably in second place:

"2. The link or control on the original page must be placed at the top of the page"
This technique does not require that the style switcher be at the top of the page. This is just good practice and therefore we included it in the examples to encourage it. It is therefore not in the technique nor in the test criteria. However, we have added a note about this in the description.

ACTION: Add to end of first paragraph of description: "Placing the link or control prominently on the page will assist users in accessing the conforming content readily."
LC-2443 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
Following the provision of Technique G4: "If keyboard shortcuts are used, they are documented" the test in G187 should include a check whether the function to turn off blinking content is documented (e.g., press the "Escape" key to turn off blinking)

Proposed Change:
Add a fourth checkpoint and extend the final statement:

4. Check if the browser's stop animation command (usually the Escape key) is described in the immediate context of the blinking content.

Check #3 and #4 are true.
We only state that they should be documented, not that they should be in the immediate context of the blinking content. For example this might be documented on the opening page of a long document full of things that blink. In fact the switch to turn off the blinking may occur at the front so that it turns off all of the blinking on all of the pages at once.

Also, all the techniques are optional. If G4 and G187 are both required then there's no need to put the requirement G4 in G178. If they are not both required then G4 stands as a separate technique. We don't embed techniques and other techniques if they are not needed.

Add to end of first para of G187 description: "This feature can be provided either through interactive controls that conform to WCAG or through keyboard shortcuts. If keyboard shortcuts are used, they are documented."
LC-2448 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The test mandates the use of fieldset for any logically related group of input elements while the description of the same technique allows:

"When a small group of related radio buttons includes clear instructions and distinct selections it may not be necessary to use fieldsets and legends"

Proposed Change:
Have a conditional at the beginning of the tests:

"For any group of logically related input elements that is not small easily identified in its labels or titles"

..or similar
Thank you for catching this problem with the test procedure. We have revised the technique to clarify when fieldset should be used.

Incorporate changes from http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=H71:_Providing_a_description_for_groups_of_form_controls_using_fieldset_and_legend_elements
LC-2449 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
Since there are three dfferent ways to set font sizes that can be enlarged via text scaling in IE, testing any one of them seems not very meaningful.

The same comment refers also to C13 and C14.

Proposed Change:
The test for techniques C12, C13, C14 should encompass %, em, font size names or alternatively, exclude the use of px and pt
Techniques are options for meeting the success criteria. If there are three different ways to meet the success criteria they would each be in a separate technique. You could choose any one of the three.

We would not test for all three techniques in the same technique document unless it was required that the three all be used together in order to meet success criteria.

In this case they are three different options so they are in three different techniques.

There was an error in the test procedure, so we are revising the test procedure as follows:

[DONE] change the test procedure(s) of C12, C13, and C14 to be like:

For the CSS property used to define the font size for a rule:
"1. Check that the value of the CSS property that defines the font size is a percentage."

Expected results will also need to be updated.
LC-2465 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The test as it stands is not particularly useful as it does not specify the viewport size, which will have an effect on scalability and occurrence of clipped text and text overlapping. It also does not specify what it means that "text size can be increased to 200% of the original size" - is the requirement that the text is still legible / not clipped?

Proposed Change:
If the test is to determine whether enlarged text is still usable / legible (and this is the only meaningful test), the viewport / window size to be used in the test must be specified (WAT and Web developer toolbar allow the setting of the window to 1024 x 768 px, for example), and criteria for compliance must be given (e.g. "the text is still fully legible (i.e. no parts are clipped, boxed do not overlap).
Good points.

The goal is to increase the text size in the expected viewport size, that is, the viewport size for which the content was designed. Of course, this will depend on the designer's expectations of the devices available to the user. However, the tester has no way to reliably determine those expectations. Using a viewport size that is smaller than expected can produce incorrect failures.

For testing purposes, we have selected "1024 x 768 or larger" as the expected viewport size, so the initial step in the procedure is now

Set the viewport size to 1024px x 768px or larger".

Note that this does not ensure legibility of the text. Depending upon the characteristics of the device and the design of the page, text many be very small physically. However, it gives us a basis on which to compare functionality with the enlarged text version.

We have also added an additional test step to clarified what must be true after increasing the text size:

Check that after increasing the text size to 200% of the original size, there is no loss of content or functionality (e.g. no parts of the text are clipped, boxes do not overlap, controls are not obscured or separated from their labels, etc)
LC-2494 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The description of SCR21 has it that "the innerHTML property is not part of the DOM specification and thus should be avoided".
innerHTML is part of the (emerging) HTML5 spec
(http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/apis-in-html-documents.html#innerhtml) and also used widely in JS-Frameworks.

Proposed Change:
Check whether the use of innerHTML creates any accessibility problems. If not, the description and test procedure should be updated to allow innerHTML.
We agree that the inclusion of innerHTML in the HTML5 spec means that we should reconsider this issue. We will be addressing HTML5-related techniques after the current update. We will add this to our list of HTML5 features to review. To ensure that we don't overlook this, we have added an issue to our tracker: http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/track/issues/10.
LC-2456 Devarshi Pant <devarshipant@gmail.com> (archived comment)
I think it is time that G1 along with the "NOTE:" at the end of the description be modified and made more forceful. Presently, it does not give the impression that the "Skip to..." MUST be visible. I would like to see the description reworded to make it more assertive.
Currently, G1 with the note (and the ensuing wording), comes across as a weak technique.

Proposed Change:
The objective of this technique is to provide a mechanism to bypass blocks of material that are repeated on multiple Web pages by skipping directly to the main content of the Web page. The first interactive item in the Web page is a VISIBLE link to the beginning of the main content. Activating the VISIBLE link sets focus beyond the other content to the main content. This technique is most useful when a Web page has one main content area, rather than a set of content areas that are equally important.

Note: VISIBLE LINKS MUST BE VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES, ESPECIALLY for KEYBOARD USERS. KEYBOARD USERS INCLUDE switch users, those using techniques that generate keyboard strokes slowly, screen magnification software users, screen reader users working with sighted colleagues, keyboard only users and those navigating using voice recognition software.

Also: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-comments-wcag20/2010Sep/0023.html
Update on my earlier post - G1: Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area

I think the verbiage with the word "Must" would be incorrect in my previous post.

Sorry about that...


Proposed Change:
please note the updated text (changes highlighted in UPPERCASE):

The objective of this technique is to provide a mechanism to bypass REPETITIVE NAVIGATION MENUS AND OTHER PAGE ELEMENTS on multiple Web pages by skipping directly to the main content of the Web page. The first interactive item in the Web page is a VISIBLE link to the beginning of the main content. Activating THIS link sets focus INTO ONE OF THE PAGE ELEMENTS IN THE main content AREA. This technique is most useful when a Web page has one main content area, rather than a set of content areas that are equally important.

Note: Visible links are IMPORTANT for USERS navigating with a keyboard including switch users, those using techniques that generate keyboard strokes slowly, screen magnification software users, screen reader users working with sighted colleagues, keyboard only users and those navigating using voice recognition software.
Although we agree that using visible links is best practice, we included this technique in its current form to make it clear that links that are only visible when they have focus are sufficient.

We are modifying the note in G1 to clarify both that visible links are best practice and that this technique only requires that they be visible at least when they have focus.

A technique that requires visible links, such as you propose, would also be sufficient, of course. We do not have the resources to write additional techniques at this time, but would welcome the submission of a separate technique for using visible links to skip to main content.

Proposed Change:

Note: IT IS PREFERABLE FOR LINKS TO BE VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES, SINCE USERS NAVIGATING VIA THE KEYBOARD INCLUDE switch users, those using techniques that generate keyboard strokes slowly, screen magnification software users, screen reader users working with sighted colleagues, keyboard only users and those navigating using voice recognition software. HOWEVER, SUCCESS CRITERION 2.4.1 DOES NOT REQUIRE THAT THEY BE VISIBLE WHEN THEY DO NOT HAVE FOCUS, AND LINKS THAT ARE VISIBLE ONLY WHEN THEY HAVE FOCUS CAN MEET THIS SUCCESS CRITERION.
LC-2496 Devarshi Pant <devarshipant@gmail.com> (archived comment)
It might be useful to clearly indicate the definition of the words "should" and "must" for the purpose of requirements versus recommendations. This would apply to all parts of WCAG 2.0. I mentioning it here on this technique (G141), because this is where I recently had a debate about what "should" means versus what "must" means.

Proposed Change:
Make it obvious that "should" is recommended while "must" is required. You could use the definitions found at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt. You could also consider making the words "must" and "should" hotlink to the definition. Or, not. Just an idea.
We have added a discussion of the uses of "must" and "should" in techniques to the introduction to the Techniques document. We hope that this will clarify interpretations of the techniques.

We are not using RFC 2119 in our standard because it cannot be applied in a standard like ours with 3 levels of conformance.

Please let us know whether this still leaves misinterpretations in our uses of these terms.
LC-2500 Sailesch Panchang <spanchang02@yahoo.com> (archived comment)
See old exchange on this topic below.
Now I refer to Techniques working draft (latest) of Oct 2010.
See http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/html.html
H42 refers to proper use of headings for SC 1.3.1 and H69 for use of headings to skip blocks (SC 2.4.1).
But part of the description under H69 which was correctly placed under h42 is now moved to h69... and is completely out of place.
Refer to:
"In some technologies, headings are designed to convey logical hierarchy. Skipping levels in the sequence of headings may create the impression that the structure of the document has not been properly thought through or that specific headings have been chosen for their visual rendering rather than their meaning. Authors are encouraged to nest headings hierarchically. When headings are nested hierarchically, the most important information is given the highest logical level, and subsections are given subsequent logical levels.(i.e., h2 is a subsection of h1). ..."
Again this Web page is about HTML techniques so why does this description start with "In some technologies"? Does it apply to HTML / XHTML or not?
And the note for example #2 of H42 refers to skipping blocks of content.
Refer to:
"Note: It is important to note that the example code below is intended to show how headings can be used to bypass blocks of information. It is not intended to prescribe what level of heading should be used for a particular section of the web page."
So why is this note and example under H42?
Completely out of place again.

The technique is one and the same: proper use of headings. And it serves two purposes and SCs. So merge the techniques into one instead of running around in circles. I had suggested this in 2009.
There are several techniques that refer to multiple SC. So I fail to understand your resistance for this one.

Sailesh Panchang
Web Accessibility Specialist

--- On Mon, 12/1/08, Loretta Guarino Reid <lorettaguarino@google.com> wrote:

From: Loretta Guarino Reid <lorettaguarino@google.com>
Subject: Re: HTML Headings technique: duplicated
To: "Sailesh Panchang" <spanchang02@yahoo.com>
Cc: public-comments-wcag20@w3.org
Date: Monday, December 1, 2008, 5:58 PM

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Sailesh Panchang <spanchang02@yahoo.com> wrote:

H42: Using h1-h6 to identify headings

relates to SC 1.3.1

H69: Providing heading elements at the beginning of each section of content

relates to SC 2.4.1

Comment: Both descriptions are essentially the same. I suggest they be merged into a single technique and reference both SC


Sailesh Panchang

Response from the Working Group

H42 should describe the use of heading mark-up to label headings semantically, but also contained a good deal of discussion about how to use headings. We have moved the discussion and examples of ways to use headings to organize content from H42 to H69. See http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-TECHS/H42.html and http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/WD-WCAG20-TECHS/H69.html .
Re: Discussing heading hierarchy in the description:
H69 involves providing heading elements in order to fulfill SC 2.4.1. It is more relevant to advise the author to properly nest headings (even though it is not required here), since the author is adding content and can possibly affect the heading hierarchy.
H42, on the other hand, involves proper semantic notation of currently existing headers. In such a case, it is less likely the author will be able to affect the heading hierarchy.
Please note in any event, that even in H69, nesting headers is only advisable and not required.

Re: the words "in some technologies":
The technique does relate to HTML and therefore the words "in some technologies" can be removed.

Re: Example #2 note:
The comment is correct in that mentioning "bypass blocks of navigation" in the note is not relevant here, yet the example certainly is, as well as the note itself, which relates to choice of markup, and this technique is about correct markup. Therefore, we should remove the above words from the note, and leave the example as is.

Re: Merging the two techniques:
The usage of headers in these techniques are not identical. H42 involves proper semantic markup, while H69 involves adding headers to the content. Therefore, they should not be merged.

[DONE] Proposed Resolution:
1. Remove "in some technologies" from the description, so that the paragraph begins "Headings are designed to convey..."
2. Remove the reference to bypassing blocks of navigation in the note to example #2, so that is starts out "It is important to note that the example code below is not intended to prescribe what level of heading should..."
3. Update UA notes for H69 per http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2011JulSep/0177.html.
No other changes to be made.
LC-2437 Sheena McCullagh <sheena.mccullagh@blueyonder.co.uk> (archived comment)
Failure F3 looks specifically at using CSS to include images that convey important information. Part of the rational of this is 'Embedding information into a background image can also cause problems for people who use alternate backgrounds in order to increase legibility and for users of high contrast mode in some operating systems. These users, would lose the information in the background image due to lack of any alternative text.'

I totally agree with this rational, however very recently there has been a trend to either code images as background in the HTML or create them as backgrounds using scripting. It doesn't matter what method is used, the effect is still the same, when those of us who need to over-ride specified colours do so we lose the image and when those images have functionality, eg buttons on plug-in editors (I've been in contact with the AGAT 2 people), we really are stuffed.

Personally I time this trend with the advent of IE8, in that it no longer displays the alt attribute text as a tool tip. To get over this web designers seem to have taken to coding the images as backgrounds to be able to use the title attribute instead. Fine if you're using a mouse and not over-riding specified colours, but a nightmare for those of us with colour access needs. When the images are multiple and set close together, as with the editor buttons, it becomes impossible to work.

Proposed Change:
Either expand F3 to include all methods of coding images in such a way that they disappear when in over-ride or create a new failure to cover these additional issues.
We agree, although we think that these other methods are still relying on CSS to provide the background image, so this failure still applies. We have added examples and modified the test procedure to make it clear that this failure applies whether the background image is specified in an HTML style element, in a CSS style sheet, or is created via scripting.

[DONE] See proposed changes in http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=F3:_Failure_of_Success_Criterion_1.1.1_due_to_using_CSS_to_include_images_that_convey_important_information
LC-2460 Sofia Celic-Li <sofiacelic@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Re FLASH15 technique -

Example 1, last sentence - it seems the link should be "source of Using
tabindex to navigate a column structure" since it links to a fla file and
the working version is already provided by the link in the previous

Expected results - #4 is missing. Should be "Checks #2 and #4 are true".
From http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2010JulSep/0075.html:

Apparently I had a bunch of the Flash examples pointing to .fla
files instead of .swf files - a copy / paste error. These should be
fixed. I also fixed the expected results for FLASH15.
LC-2440 Detlev Fischer <fischer@dias.de> (archived comment)
The last two lines of the test in G123 convey the same thing.

Proposed Change:
Delete list item 5 of the test: "Check that after activating the link, the keyboard focus has moved to the content immediately after the block."
Thank you. We have removed item 4 because it is redundant and we believe item 5 is slightly better worded. (It was probably meant to replace 4 and we just made an editing error)

ACTION: remove step four from the list of procedures in G123
LC-2481 Devarshi Pant <devarshipant@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Refer to the text, "In the content call the up the class" in Examples 1 and 2 respectively.

Proposed Change:
First Instance:
In the content call up the class = "left"
Second Instance:
In the content call up the class = "right"
Thank you for catching this. We will edit the technique as you suggested. tocheck
LC-2482 Devarshi Pant <devarshipant@gmail.com> (archived comment)
The header text "Failure Example 4: Specifying only background color with CSS" does not reflect the correct code snippet. Instead, the code following this header highlights the use of foreground color using CSS.

Proposed Change:
Failure Example 4: Specifying only foreground color with CSS
Thank you for reporting this. This is corrected in the Oct 14, 2010 version of the document. tocheck
LC-2483 Devarshi Pant <devarshipant@gmail.com> (archived comment)
I am not clear about the use of the word, "proved" in the description, "The alt attribute must be proved and have a null value (i.e., alt="" or alt=" ") to avoid a failure of this Success Criterion."

Proposed Change:
1st suggestion:
"The alt attribute must be used and have a null value (i.e., alt="" or alt=" ") to avoid a failure of this Success Criterion."
2nd suggestion:
"The alt attribute must be provided and have a null value (i.e., alt="" or alt=" ") to avoid a failure of this Success Criterion."
Thank you for catching this. We have changed "proved" to "provided". tocheck
LC-2427 Makoto Ueki <makoto.ueki@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Procedure #2 reads "leave the content open for 24 hours". I can live with this, but leaving the content open for 24 hours is not a realistic way. 1 hour or even half an hour would also be fine.

Proposed Change:
Why "24 hours"?
Had better change it so that the authors can test the content in reality.
People often take many hours to complete a page. Having it change on them unexpectedly in 30 minutes or an hour is not acceptable. if it changed at 90 minutes that should be detected. Only checking for 30 minutes would miss this.

24 hours is more than enough time to check that there is not a timed refresh. 30 or 60 minutes is not enough. We chose 24 hours because that gave the user a day to complete task.

We realize that there is no time period that guarantees that the data will NEVER be updated automatically. We have updated the technique to provide more flexibility in the testing approach.

[DONE] Modify technique per http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=F61:_Failure_of_Success_Criterion_3.2.5_due_to_complete_change_of_main_content_through_an_automatic_update_that_the_user_cannot_disable_from_within_the_content
LC-2428 Makoto Ueki <makoto.ueki@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Procedure #1 reads "Check that a procedure and policy is in place to ensure that text alternatives are delivered in real-time." Does this technique require having the procedure and policy only? Can we meet SC 1.2.9 by only having them? This technique should ensure that the text based alternatives for live audio-only content are provided.

Proposed Change:
Need clarification.
Thank you

We have changed the procedure to


1) Check that a procedure and policy is in place to ensure that text alternatives are delivered in real-time
2) Check that procedure and policy are working by checking a random sample to see if ALT TEXT appears.

Expected Results

Both #1 and # 2 are true

ACTION: add step 2 and revise expected result
LC-2430 Makoto Ueki <makoto.ueki@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Is "WAI(Web Accessibility Initiative)" NOT acceptable to meet SC 3.1.4? This also can be used "to make the expanded form of an abbreviation available by associating the expanded form with its abbreviation". In Japanese, this is usually used to provide its expanded form.

Proposed Change:
If acceptable, please add the description to G97. If not acceptable, JIS might need to have different criterion from WCAG 2.
Yes - that would be acceptable.

We will add your example to the examples:

"The WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) demonstrates the W3C commitment to accessibility."


"G97: Providing the abbreviation immediately following the expanded form"


"G97: Providing the first instance of an abbreviation immediately before or after the expanded form"


Change procedure step 2 from

"2: Check that the first use is immediately preceded by the expanded form of the abbreviation."


"2: Check that the first use is immediately preceded or followed by the expanded form of the abbreviation."


We think this technique would benefit from further rework based on the issues you raised. We invite you to submit a proposed edited technique.
LC-2431 Makoto Ueki <makoto.ueki@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
It should have links to SC 1.2.4 documents as G93 is listed as one of the sufficient techniques on Understanding SC 1.2.4.


Proposed Change:
Add links.
Thank you

A link to SC 1.2.4 is now in G93
LC-2432 Makoto Ueki <makoto.ueki@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Expected Results should be "#3 is true." as well as SM6.

Proposed Change:
Change it to read "#3 is true."
Thank you. It is done. tocheck
LC-2433 Makoto Ueki <makoto.ueki@gmail.com> (archived comment)
Both SM6 and SM7 should have links to SC 1.2.5 documents.

They are also listed at:

Proposed Change:
Add links.
We have added links to SC 1.2.5 in both SM6 and SM7. tocheck
LC-2426 Phill Jenkins <pjenkins@us.ibm.com> (archived comment)
Please add (or move) the summary or Collections of Techniques currently found in the "Overview"page to the Contents page. It would fit nicely after the Abstract and inside or just before the Table of Contents. Having a collapsed list of the types of Techniques would help with the extra long contents list.

Proposed Change:
Add (or move) this "Techniques Collection" summary section from the Overview page
to the Contents page
to improve the readablilty and use of the extra long table of contents.
We agree that this listing would be very helpful in front of the very long table of contents.

We have therefore added it to the table of content page just above the long table of contents listing each of the techniques individually. This will give people visiting this page a better overview of what is in the table of contents and the order that they are presented since it is not alphabetical. It also allows people to jump to that section easily if that's what they are interested in.

[DONE] ACTION: in the “technique collections“ block of links to the table of contents page just in front of the long table of individual techniques links.
LC-2458 Sailesh Panchang <spanchang02@yahoo.com> (archived comment)
One suggestion for G164.
• G164: Providing a stated period of time after submission of the form when the order can be updated or canceled by the user
Suggested title for G164:
Clearly indicating the time within which an online request (or transaction) may be amended or cancelled by the user after first making the request
Another example for consideration:
A bank permits users to pay bills or transfer funds between accounts by submitting online requests. A link that allows users to edit or cancel requests is available against every request. The link is disabled one business day prior to the scheduled transaction date. The form for submitting online requests has the following notification just before the submit button:
You can amend / cancel this request up to two days before the scheduled transaction date.
This is an interesting way to word it so that it is slightly more flexible.

However, it is not clear that your example would necessarily work. If it was less than two days when I made the transaction then there would be no time. Part of the current wording states that you must provide a period of time and you must state what it is.

Your new wording only requires that it be stated. It doesn't actually require that one exist after I submit. In fact, you even state that if it's less than two days there wouldn't even be a button or a notification. That can't be an example of this technique which requires that you provide a time in the notification.

We have changed the title to:

Providing a stated time within which an online request (or transaction) may be amended or canceled by the user after making the request.

If you would like to submit a different example that would meet the technique we would be happy to consider it.
LC-2459 Sailesh Panchang <spanchang02@yahoo.com> (archived comment)
Refer to example-1 under H63
The table below is the code for the Contact Information table but the heading above it says "A simple schedule". This is incorrect. Maybe it should be:
"Contact Information table"
Thank you.

We have relabeled the table with code sample in example I of H63 to “Contact Information”.
LC-2469 Sailesh Panchang <spanchang02@yahoo.com> (archived comment)
I believe SCR 19 helps one to comply with SC 3.2.2 too.
SCR19: Using an onchange event on a select element without causing a change of context
At present this technique is only linked to SC 3.2.5. But if one reads the description and examples for SC 3.2.2, the need for the suggested linkage will be clear.
Thanks for catching that. We have added SC 3.2.2

Action: Add SCR19 as a sufficient technique for SC 3.2.2
LC-2435 Sylvie Duchateau <sylvie.duchateau@snv.jussieu.fr> (archived comment)
We are currently completing the translation of Understanding WCAG 2.0 based on changes made in the October 14, 2010 version.
One part of the work of our group is to translate the titles of the new Flash techniques.
In our opinion, the title of technique Flash34 is too restrictive as it only talks about screen reader detection.
However, in the technique itself, note 3, it stands that "Other assistive technology tools, including screen magnifiers, or tools not used as assistive technologies may also utilize MSAA in ways that result
in Accessibility.active being set to true.
As the property accessibility:active does not only concern screen readers, we suggest that "screen readers" be replaced by "assistive technologies", to prevent from confusing the reader who may think that this technique is only related to screen readers.

Proposed Change:
Using assistive technology detection to turn off sounds that play automatically
We agree, and have changed the title of the technique.

Change the title of FLASH34 to:
Turning off sounds that play automatically when an assistive technology is detected
LC-2467 Tomas Caspers <tcaspers@mac.com> (archived comment)
Is there a reason why Technique H82 is missing from the latest versions or is this an oversight?
The last version of the techniques document that contained H82 was the 30 April 2008 Working Draft, and the contents of that technique are now contained in H71: Providing a description for groups of form controls using fieldset and legend elements. We believe that there were once two similar techniques that were merged, but since H82 had been published in earlier drafts, the technique number H82 is not reused to avoid any confusion when searching for the technique. tocheck
LC-2475 Tomas Caspers <tcaspers@me.com> (archived comment)
Dear all,

during the translation of Flash Techniques for WCAG into German we found a few more errors or omissions.

Thanks for clarification,

Tomas Caspers


> Each following role contains a question and a radio button in each cell corresponding to answer choice in the three columns.

Shouldn't that be "row" instead of “role“?


> Check that a label element associates the text with all input elements of type "radio", "checkbox", "text", "file" or "password", for all textarea elements, and for all select elements

Shouldn't that be "with all textarea elements, and with all select elements"?


> The id reference list contains one or more unique element id's.

id's ist not a Genitive - it's just a plural so there shouldn't be an apostrophe I think.


> Note: Note: At this time, WAI-ARIA is a Working Draft.

Note appears twice.


> Flash player is often used to display video, and it provides support for text tracks which can be used to provide closed captions or subtitles in any language, and it also support multiple tracks of audio, thereby enabling support for video description, and support for multiple video tracks, enabling the delivery of sign language interpretation for audio-visual content.

...it also support... there is an "s" missing in the word support - should read "supports".

The last part of the sentence would be easier to understand if it would either be: " ... and it supports multiple video tracks.." or else " ...and it provides support for multiple video tracks.... "


> The Flash Player supports the ability for authors to control which graphics appear to assistive technologies using the silent property of the accessibility opbect, as indicated in the examples below.

object is spelled wrong (obpect)


> The hotspot are implemented as invisible Flash buttons, which are each given an accessible name that describes the hotspot's target.

Should either read "the hotspot is" or "the hotspots are"


> When focus has been placed inside the Flash movie, press the tab order repeatedly to traverse its contents by keyboard.

Should one press the Tab key?


> The objective of this technique is to demonstrate how to invoke a scripting function in a way that is keyboard accessible by attaching it to keyboard-accessible, standard Flash components provided by the Adobe Flash Profressional authoring tool.

Should be Professional (without the r after the Prof)


> 'swfNext-<next ID>', where '<next element>' should be the ID value of the next element in the tab order.h

What is the h after the period supposed to mean?


> The working example of Providing a button in the HTML before the Flash object to stop sound is available.

Should read: The source of ....


> The working version of A thick blue border to indicate focus is available.

Should read: The source of ....


> This example is the same as example 2, except using ActionScript instead of the accessibility control panel in the Flash Professional authoring tool.

This text is the text of example 2 - so it can't be the same as example 2


> Ensure that the textual descriptions for each form control within the flash application is placed adjacent to the control itself.

textual descriptions is a plural form, the verb (is) is singular.


> Open a web page containing an embedded flash objects

Flash objects should either be in the singular or the verb should be plural

mkj - corrected all of the flash-tech-src.xml, html-tech-src.xml, and ARIA-tech-src.xml comments.

Left the comment related to F68 (second from top) as is - using "for" instead of "with".

Response to commenter:
Thank you for catching these. We have fixed these errors as appropriate.

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