xml:id Version 1.0 Errata

This document:
Last revised:
$Date: 2010/03/10 15:42:33 $
This document records known errors in the document:

About this document

This document lists known errata to the Recommendation. Each entry has the following information:

  1. A unique entry number
  2. The date it was added to the errata page
  3. A classification of the error (e.g., editorial, clarification, bug, known problem with the document itself)
  4. A short description of the problem and what part of the Recommendation is affected.
  5. Any proposed corrections and whether those corrections would affect conformance of documents or software
  6. Any normative corrections; see the section on Errata Management in the W3C Process Document ([PROCESS] section 7.6.1) for more information about normative corrections

Substantive Errata

Errata as of 2010-03-10


Section D.1 With DTD Validation

Change the third paragraph (immediately after the example) to read as follows:

xml:id attributes have no special status as far as XML validity is concerned. For a document containing them to be valid, the attribute must be declared in the DTD. DTD authors are encouraged to declare attributes named xml:id with the type ID. A document that uses xml:id attributes that have a declared type other than ID will always generate xml:id errors.


Section D.2 With XML Schema Validation

Change the third paragraph (immediately after the example) to read as follows:

xml:id attributes have no special status as far as schema-validity is concerned. For a document containing them to be schema-valid, the attribute must be declared in the schema. XML Schema authors are encouraged to declare attributes named xml:id with the type xs:ID. A document that uses xml:id attributes that have a declared type other than xs:ID will always generate xml:id errors whenever xml:id processing takes place after schema-validity assessment and can and does access type information in the PSVI.
Section D.3 With RELAX NG Validation

Change the third paragraph (immediately after the example) to read as follows:

xml:id attributes have no special status as far as RELAX NG is concerned. For a document containing them to be valid, the attribute must be declared in the schema. RELAX NG Grammar authors are encouraged to declare attributes named xml:id with the type xs:ID. A document that uses xml:id attributes that have a declared type other than xs:ID will always generate xml:id errors.


The order of xml:id processing wrt schema validation is not determined, and RELAX NG has no notion of type assignment.

Editorial Errata

Errata as of 2009-10-06


Section E Attribute Value Normalization on IDs (Non-Normative)

Change the second paragraph to read as follows:

The xml:id processor has to assure that both steps of normalization are performed on all attributes named xml:id. In particular, the parser may not have performed the additional normalization steps required for attributes of type ID because the attribute may not be declared or may not be declared as an ID.