UAWG call

12 Apr 2005

See also: IRC log


Jon, Kyle, Jessie, Peter, Cathy, Matt


Meeting times

jg: Should we schedule a regular time for this meeting?

cl: Mondays are better for me.

jl: Tuesday ok.

jg: Assume we want to meet once per month?

pk: Seems we don't have enough important material to meet more often than that.

jg: First Monday of every month?

kyle: First Monday of May is Chinese holiday

jg: Can meet May 9.

Mozilla Accessibility Extension

jg: We've added table navigation to the Moz accessibility extension.

<JRG> http://cita.disability.uiuc.edu/software/mozilla

jg: Looking at mapping roadmap document into HTML 4.01 space.
... Considering linking role element to link element. Link goes into head.
... Using title attrib of link element, can give a description to inform what that element is for.
... Can use href to point to id of object you want to associate.
... Shows up under navigation, table of contents. Looks for link elements and allows people to link to those.

<JRG> http://cita.rehab.uiuc.edu/software/mozilla/version_history.html

jg: Role attributes are displayed similarly to how they will be in XHTML 2.

pk: Still using dialog boxes, not accesskey?

jg: Right.
... Still working on direct keyboard shortcuts.

cl: When you say activate, are you activating the link?

jg: There are some interesting behaviors, between platforms. Goal is to move focus and not activate anything.

<JRG> http://cita.rehab.uiuc.edu/presentations/2005-03-css-tutorial/example/career-redesign-links.html

jg: We moved navigation up to a main menu selection, so it's a 2-keystroke thing.

kyle: Shortcuts work in Unix.

cl: How are you separating layout from data tables?

jg: Data tables have to have a TH element.

kyle: Why doesn't accessibility menu have accelerator key?

jg: That's a bug.

kyle: There's a menu item to expand ABBR menu, missing from menu.

jg: Another bug.

kyle: Why does nav menu appear twice?

jg: Probably doesn't need to be under acc. menu.

<JRG> http://cita.rehab.uiuc.edu/mozilla/ts-test-page-text.html

<cklaws> http://www-306.ibm.com/able/guidelines/web/webtableheaders.html

cl: WCAG is trying to recommend a combination of TH and summary attrib. I don't think they're using caption.

<cklaws> http://www-306.ibm.com/able/solution_offerings/hpr4help.html

<cklaws> Has captions and TH

jg: Intention with the extension is to get web developers to notice that if their tables don't appear in table mode, they have to do something.

pk: If we can give users what they're asking for through the extension, would be better.

cl: Mnemonic nav is a good feature.

pk: Wonder if there is a way to introduce a combination of C code and script to offer keystrokes to a given extension. Then can delegate to the extension.

cl: Could do it using JavaScript onkeydown or XUL.

jg: I think Aaron said there's a place to put an alternative keyboard handler.
... Insight on how Javascript processes keystrokes?

kyle: May be able to move from one DOM object to another, but can't move caret char by char.

pk: Can you have JavaScript in an extension?

kyle: Yes. JS can control keystroke.

pk: And can install that in Mozilla extension?

kyle: JavaScript component can control it. Not sure about extension.
... Need to copy file into JS component dir.

pk: Feedback we've received is that everything must be user-configurable. But choose one default and start with that.

<cklaws> http://dpreview.com/

<cklaws> for events

<JRG> dwatt@uiuc.edu

pk: Direct access will need to be in there before it gets widely used.

cl: Is caret browsing in the Sun version of Mozilla going into the trunk soon?


kyle: Already finished 80%. There are still bugs.

cl: Can pick up in Mozilla and Firefox?

kyle: Yes.

pk: Will have to wait for Firefox 1.1, because it's in head.

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.122 (CVS log)
$Date: 2005/04/14 00:36:19 $