The VRP V 2.5: Implementing the Updated RDF Syntax

Karsten Tolle
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt / Main, Germany

Sofia Alexaki, Vassilis Christophides
Institute of Computer Science (ICS), FORTH, Heraklion, Greece
{alexaki, christop}

1.      Introduction

The evolution of a standard is needed to solve open problems and adopt new requirements. During the last years the syntax specification of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) was updated in some points. But updates sometimes also course confusion on the side of implementers and users of this standard. Updates therefore have do be done with care and need to be explained detailed. For existing application it can course unexpected effort to adopt these changes. In this report we will explain experiences with some changes of RDF and will examine them more closely. The experiences are based on including these changes to the Validating RDF Parser (VRP), which is a part of the RDFSuite toolset. Since VRP not only tests the correctness of the RDF syntax but also provides a semantic validation against the RDF Schema, related issues also included into the report.

Before going into detail with the changes made on the RDF standard in Section 3, we will briefly present in Section 2 the Validating RDF Parser and highlight its new features (version 2.5).

2.      Validating RDF Parser (VRP v2.5)

The ICS-FORTH Validating RDF Parser (VRP v2.5) is a tool for analyzing, validating and processing RDF schemas and resource descriptions. The Parser analyses syntactically the statements of a given RDF/XML file according to the RDF M&S Specification (more precisely, the updated syntax proposed by W3C Working Draft 23 January 2003 [5]). The Validator checks whether the statements contained in both RDF schemas and resource descriptions satisfy the semantic constraints derived by the RDF Schema Specification (RDFS) [3]. Unlike other available RDF parsers, VRP is based on standard compiler generator tools for Java, namely CUP (0.10j) [11] and JFlex (1.3.5) [12] similar to YACC/LEX. The stream-based parsing support of JFlex and the quick LALR grammar parsing of CUP ensure a good performance, when processing large volumes of RDF descriptions. For this purpose, the VRP validation module relies on an original object representation, separating RDF schemas from their instances.

VRP is part of the ICS-FORTH RDFSuite [13] toolset, a suite of high-level, scalable tools for validation, storing and querying RDF schemas and resource descriptions. RDFSuite addresses the need for effective and efficient management of large volumes of RDF metadata as required by real-scale Semantic Web applications.

The new version 2.5 of VRP includes syntax updates according the latest updated syntax [5] (more on this in chapter 3), massive improvements in performance for storing and creating the internal model of the RDF/XML files and additional features. These new features include additional statistic information and a visualisation of the generated RDF model by using SVG. These improvements and features will be explained in detail in the following subsections.

2.1.             VRP Internal Object Model

The parser of VRP extracts the triples from the RDF/XML file and enters them into the VRP internal object model representing the RDF graph of the RDF/XML file. In the following we will just call it object model. All further modules of VRP (e.g., statistics or validator) or external programs that use VRP (e.g., RSSDB of the RDFSuite) will work on this object model. It is therefore important to understand its structure.

The object model of VRP comprises a class hierarchy (see figure 1). The root of hierarchy is the class Resource. The class RDF_Resource is a direct subclass of it. The classes RDF_Class, RDF_Property, RDF_Statements and RDF_Container are direct subclasses of the class RDF_Resource. The class for literals is new since version 2.5 of VRP. The object model represents all the information of the input RDF/XML file. More precisely, an object, which belongs to one of the above Java classes, is created for every resource that exists in the analyzed descriptions. The rest information is stored as attribute values of the created objects. Note that in VRP model the separation between schema and data is explicit. In addition we will explain the class RDF_DAG and RDF_MetaClass for better understanding how to work with VRP.

Figure 1. Java Classes of VRP Object Model

Resource: The instances of this class represent resources that have not been assigned any of the predefined RDF/S properties (i.e., rdf:type, rdfs:comment, rdfs:label, rdfs:seeAlso, rdfs:isDefinedBy). On the contrary the instances of RDF_Resource represent resources that have been assigned any of the previous RDF/S properties.

RDF_Class: The instances of this class represent RDF classes.

RDF_Property: The instances of this class represent RDF properties. Within the properties, except of the predefined RDF/S properties, we save the resources it links in the RDF graph. For validation this class therefore consists of an extra method, namely range_domain_check, for testing the correctness of the domain and range definitions within these links.

RDF_Container: The instances of this class represent RDF containers.

RDF_Statement: The instances of this class represent reified statements. For validation this class consists of an extra method, namely valid, that tests for the existence of each needed part of the reified triple. The uniqueness of the single parts is tested during entering them.

Literal: With the support of xml:lang for language settings for literals and the possibility of denoting literals with datatypes by the property rdf:datatype, we now introduced the new class Literal to the object model of VRP to satisfy these changes. By overwriting the toString method the string representation of it as defined in [5] will be returned.

RDF_DAG: For different purposes, e.g., for loop testing or the statistics, we need the hierarchy of the classes and properties defined in the object model by the properties rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf. For performance reasons this hierarchies will be created once during the final validation phase and will be saved in a directed acyclic graph represented by an object of this class. This class does not directly belong to the object model itself, since the information is redundant, but we think it is worth for understanding to introduce it here.

RDF_MetaClass: The instances of the classes rdfs:Class and rdf:Property are special since they represent classes respectively properties. This is also true for instances of subclasses of rdfs:Class and rdf:Property. We therefore introduced RDF_MetaClass as a sub class of RDF_Class to represent the classes rdfs:Class, rdf:Property and their subclasses. These meta classes will be used for calculating in the statistic module and for visualization. Note: Also this class does not directly belong to the object model itself. It will only be used after creating and validating the object model.

Within the boxes of the classes in figure 1 you also see the predefined RDF/S properties corresponding to their rdfs:domain definition. When assigning such a property VRP will cast the object to the corresponding rdfs:range class of the property, e.g., the value for rdf:type will be entered into the object model as a RDF_Class. The casting itself here is a problem, since we normally need to cast from the super class to its subclass, e.g., from the class Resource to the class RDF_Class. This down casting is not supported by Java. We therefore need to generate a new element of the corresponding class and shift the information we have so fare to it. By generating a new object we would loose the already made links, e.g., in the property link_list. The link_list therefore do not contain the links of the Java objects. In the old version of VRP we therefore used the URIs as a unique reference within the object model and used a hash map having the URIs as the key value to point to the corresponding Java object. In cases of needed down casting we just replaced the Java object in this hash map structure.

With the new version 2.5 of VRP we restructured this way referencing to the Java object. The URIs normally containing 20 or more characters. Saving each reference inside the object model using the URI is very storage consuming and comparing them reduces the performance. We therefore added a second hash map that maps the URIs to a unique integer. Inside the object model now these integers are used to refer to the corresponding Java object. Additional we introduced two phases. In the first phase, the model generation, all triples are entered.  After entering all triples to the object model there is no more need for down casting any more. All the integers used for referring to the Java objects can be replaced by the Java object links themselves. We call this second phase link resolving. In figure 2 you can see an example for the to phases. Note: In some cases we already know during the model generation that there will be no further down casting, e.g., for the predefined property rdf:type, we know the object must of type rdfs:Class. Since RDF_Class is a leaf in our object model, there is no further down casting possible. We therefore already use the Java object link instead of the integer. This is also true for literals as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. The two phases of the VRP Model.

With this new structure we where able to reduce the needed space. Using a 5.8 MB RDF/XML file running VRP 2.5 we measured about 20% less memory usage than before. Since during the object model creation there are lots of key comparisons needed is also speed up the system. With the same 5.8 MB file we needed about 50% less time for the model generation, compared to the old version of VRP. This speed up not only effects the model generation itself. All following modules using the model will profit from this performance improvement.

2.2.             Additional VRP Statistics

In this subsection we will present the statistics module are added in the new version of VRP (v2.5) for RDF/S Schemas. These statistics are calculated for each of the class and the property hierarchy. The property hierarchy contains all the properties defined by a user in a RDF/S schema. For the class hierarchy, we consider three disjoint hierarchies, i.e, the schema class hierarchy which contains the classes whose members are data resources, the metaclass hierarchy containing the classes that are subclasses of the rdfs:Class (thus their members are classes) and the metaproperty hierarchy which contains the classes that are subclasses of the rdf:Property (thus their members are properties). The different hierarchies are stored in elements of the class RDF_DAG as described in the previous section.

The additional statistics include:

·         Average and Maximum number of direct supernodes/ancestors that a node either in a class or property hierarchy has. Note that this statistics is based on only the (super/sub)nodes that are directly accessed from a node through the subclassOf/subPropertyOf hierarchy. For example the node G has 3 direct ancestors (see figure 1). In order to compute the average, we add the direct ancestors of each hierarchy node and we divide the total with the number of hierarchy nodes.

·         Distinct[1] Recursive Ancestors/Descendants distribution both for class and property hierarchies. We calculate the distinct number of recursive ancestors/descendants of the hierarchy nodes, i.e., the number of the nodes found above/below this node in the hierarchy.  Afterwards, we compute the distribution i.e., we count how many nodes (classes or properties) have x ancestors/descendants. In figure 3 you can see the number of ancestors/descendants of hierarchy nodes. Note that the class B is connected to the class H both through the class G and the class D, the class H will be added just once. Thus the number of the /descendants of the B is 4 and NOT 5

Figure 3. Distinct Recursive Ancestors/Descendants Distribution

2.3.             SVG Representation of RDF/S Triples

The new version of VRP (v2.5) supports the representation in Scalable Vector Graphics [10] (SVG 1.0) format of the RDF Model produced by VRP - which consists of RDF (meta)classes, properties, resources, containers, statements and literals and their descriptions. Specifically, by checking the option SVG that is provided in the interface of the VRP, an SVG file is created with the representation of the output RDF Model of the VRP internal object model.

SVG is a W3C recommendation. It is a new two-dimensional graphics file format. SVG allows for three types of graphic objects: vector graphic shapes images and text. Graphical objects can be grouped, styled, transformed and composed into previously rendered objects. The feature set includes nested transformations, clipping paths, alpha masks, filter effects and template objects. SVG drawings can be interactive and dynamic. Animations can be defined and triggered either declaratively (i.e., by embedding SVG animation elements in SVG content) or via scripting.

The browsing functionality provided by the SVG representation of the RDF/S triple is:

·         Navigate to class and property subsumption hierarchies

·         Lookup declared or inferred class and property descriptions

·         Discover related resource description graphs

Figure 4. RDF Graph Example

Below we present some screen dumps produced when the Internet Explorer opens the SVG file that was generated by VRP taking as input the RDF graph of the figure 4. In the sequel, we illustrate how one can explore the RDF schema or recourse description graph using the generated SVG graphical representation. Every class, property or resource displayed either in the left or the right part of the SVG window is clickable. In the left menu there exist two buttons, namely Classes and Properties, which can be clicked in order to display the class or property hierarchy and start navigation to their subclasses/subproperties. The subclasses are placed exactly below the parent class and by clicking the symbol that is displayed next to the class one can select to display its subclasses. By default only root classes are displayed. When one clicks a class/property he/she can see on the right part of the SVG window its complete RDF/S description.


Figure 5. Display a Class using SVG

The SVG representation of RDF/S class hierarchies is depicted in figure 5. The presented snapshot is produced after clicking on Classes in the left upper menu and then clicking on Cubist. In the right part of the figure we can see the description of the class Cubist, i.e., the classes under where is classified, the direct superclasses/subclasses of it, the properties that have as a domain or as a range the Cubist and the instances that are classified in this class. Note that not only the properties that are defined in the class but also the properties that are defined on its superclasses are presented. Finally, the resources that are classified both under this class and its subclasses are displayed.

The SVG representation of RDF/S property hierarchy is depicted in figure 6. The presented snapshop is produced after clicking on Properties on the left upper menu and then clicking on creates. In the right part of the figure we can see the full description of the property (see also the schema in figure 4) i.e., the metaclasses under where the property is classified, its direct superproperties/subproperties, as well as its domain and range. Note that in the description of the properties are displayed not only the proper domain and range classes but also their respective subclasses.

The SVG presentation of a resource description is depicted in the figure 7. When one clicks on the resource you see the classes where the resource is classified (Cubist), the properties that are defined on the resource and their values and the properties that have as value the specific resource.


Figure 6. Display a Property using SVG

Figure 7. Display a Resource using SVG

3.      RDF Syntax updates

In the following subsections we will discuss five changes to the RDF syntax specification and will explain some of our experiences with trying to include them to VRP. We start with the handling of datatypes in RDF and the new construct of collections, which raises some open questions. You can find something about the support of XML Base, the handling of XMLLiterals and a little comment on non-namespaced local-names.

3.1.             Datatypes in RDF

When talking about datatypes in RDF we first need to clear out what is their precise meaning. One can specify datatypes for Properties by setting the rdfs:range to the corresponding datatype. We will call this the schema datatypes. On the other hand one can specify the datatype for the single instances by the new introduced rdf:datatype attribute. We will call this the instance datatype. Below you can find a valid example of using Schema and Instance datatypes.

Example 1: Using schema and instance datatypes.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
   <!ENTITY xsd "">  
   <!ENTITY rdf "">  
   <!ENTITY rdfs "">  
<rdf:Property rdf:ID="stringProperty">
        <!— Defining the schema datatype with rdfs:range -->
        <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;string"/>
        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&rdfs;Class"/>
<rdf:Property rdf:ID="booleanProperty">
        <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&xsd;boolean"/>
        <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="&rdfs;Class"/>
<rdfs:Class rdf:ID="TYPETESTCLASS">
        <!— Defining the instance datatype with rdf:datatype -->
        <stringProperty rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">
                       this is a string
        <booleanProperty rdf:datatype="&xsd;boolean">true</booleanProperty>
        <booleanProperty rdf:datatype="&xsd;boolean">false</booleanProperty>

With the schema datatype one can specify what kind of data will make sense in the context of a particular property. With the new attribute rdf:datatype for specifying the instance datatype we can distinguee between, e.g., a string “123” and the integer 123. In the case that everybody would use it in the correct way this would increase the quality of data. But especially when new datatype definitions will arise there are some open issues. How we can compare different datatype definitions in order to validate? Is it easy enough that people will understand it and will use it in the right way?

Since there are so many open questions, VRP only validates against the schema datatypes and so fare only supports the XML datatypes contained in the namespace (we will use the prefix xsd to refer to this namespace in the following text), as shown in the example 1. During validation VRP takes the string value used with a property having a defined schema datatype and tries to transform it using the Sun™ XML Datatypes Library [7] to the corresponding datatype. Further datatypes might be supported in future. The validation for the instance datatypes using XML datatypes will come soon in VRP and in this case comparing the datatypes of the schema and the instance can be solved, since we know the hierarchies of these datatypes. E.g., a xsd:positivInteger on the instance side would valid to be used with a property having the schema datatype xsd:integer.  More information on datatypes in RDF can be found in [6].

3.2.             Collections in RDF

In the syntax specification form 8th November 2002 [1] collections where introduced into the RDF syntax. To create a collection the following new terms are included to the RDF namespace: rdf:parseType=”Collection”, rdf:nil, rdf:rest, rdf:first and rdf:List. The collection itself, when generated with the rdf:parseType=”Collection” attribute-value pair, is constructed with blank nodes of the type rdf:List, which is a rdfs:Class. The blank nodes always have a link to the current element of the list connected by the property rdf:first, and a link to the rest of the list connected by the property rdf:rest. The end of the list is denoted by rdf:nil which is an instance of the class rdf:List, so, rdf:nil itself is a list.

In the following example a collection is used to identify the fruits (apple and pear) contained in a basket. To distinguee blank nodes we entered named them genID:n. In the following we can see this example in all possible representation forms (graph, RDF/XML, triples).

Figure 8. Graph representation for a basket containing apple and pear using the collection construct

Example 2: A basket containing apple and pear using the collection construct.

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <ex:hasFruit rdf:parseType="Collection">
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""/>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""/>


This example should generate the following triples:, ex:hasFruit, genID:1 .

genID:1  rdf:type  rdf:List .

genID:1  rdf:first .

genID:1  rdf:rest  genID:2 .

genID:2  rdf:type  rdf:List .

genID:2  rdf:first .

genID:2  rdf:rest  rdf:nil .

As stated in the grammar productions in 7.2.19 of [1] the collection can be an empty list. In this case there would be just a pointer to rdf:nil and no rdf:rest.

The default way of generating a collection in RDF is to use the attribute-value pair rdf:parseType=”Collection” as shown in the example. But someone could write his own constructs. As you can read in [2] (chapter 3.2.3) there are currently no constraints on collections. Multiple or none rdf:rest or rdf:first definitions are allowed, which means the following set of triples would also be valid:

genID:1  rdf:type  rdf:List .
genID:1  rdf:first  ex:aaa .
genID:1  rdf:first  ex:bbb .
genID:1  rdf:rest  ex:ccc .
genID:1  rdf:rest  genID:2 .
genID:2  rdf:type  rdf:List .
genID:1  rdf:rest  rdf:nil .

The question that arises, does it make any sense? What would it mean to have a collection element with different values? Would it not make more sense to enter a rdf:Bag instead? But there is also another question: Do we need the collection construct at all? Before there are three kinds of containers, rdf:Bag, rdf:Seq and rdf:Alt. The following table gives an overview about these constructs:


Description copied from [3]

Comments and examples


The rdf:Bag class represents RDF's 'Bag' container construct, and is a subclass of rdfs:Container.

Representing the mathematical set.
{1, 2, 4, 8}
The order of its members is not important.
There is so fare no rule about duplicates. A multi set is therefore also a valid rdf:Bag. It depends on the application how to handle.


The rdf:Seq class represents RDF's 'Sequence' container construct, and is a subclass of rdfs:Container.

Representing a mathematical ordered list. Hence, [1, 2, 2] and [2, 2, 1] would not be the same.


The rdf:Alt class represents RDF's 'Alt' container construct, and is a subclass of rdfs:Container.

Representing an alternative, e.g., “female” or “male”.

There are some differences between containers and a collection. A container in RDF is one resource containing all its members. The collection is different, there are many resources linked with each other. These resources are linked with their value(s) and the end of the collection is denoted by the empty list as the object for the rdf:rest property. Now here comes the main aim of this new construct. It defines a fixed finite list of items with a given length and terminated by rdf:nil, at least this is what we can read in [4] section 4.2.


Reaching the goal? There is no restriction on the structure of lists in RDF. As shown there can be more than one rdf:rest, more than one rdf:first and even the existence of rdf:nil as the terminating object is nowhere forced. By default the collection is constructed with blank nodes but even this can be changed.

Example 3: A collection with non-blank node.

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
    <ex:hasFruit rdf:resource="myCollection">
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""/>
      <rdf:Description rdf:about=""/>
  <rdf:List rdf:ID="myCollection">
        <rdf:first rdf:about=""/>
        <rdf:rest rdf:parseType="Collection">
           <rdf:Description rdf:about=""/>

This example should generate the following triples:  ex:hasFruit  ns1:myCollection .

ns1:myCollection  rdf:type  rdf:List .

ns1:myCollection  rdf:first .

ns1:myCollection  rdf:rest  genID:1 .

genID:1  rdf:type  rdf:List .

genID:1  rdf:first .

genID:1  rdf:rest  rdf:nil .

The effect is that by entering a non-blank node someone could enter also to the collection construct elements from outside. This means without any restrictions this construct is not fixed!

What about other relevant RDF constructs? In [4] the following is stated: A limitation of the containers is that there is no way to close them, i.e., to say, "these are all the members of the container". This is because, while one graph may describe some of the members, there is no way to exclude the possibility that there is another graph somewhere that describes additional members.

But we can also use blank nodes to identify the rdf:Bag itself. Blank nodes can not be referred from outside and therefore no further member can be added. ess triples are It even needs less triples and the graph is more easy to read. The example of the fruit basket could be written as:

Example 4: The fruit basket using the bag construct.

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
            <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
            <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/>
</rdf:RDF>  ex:hasFruit  genID:1 .

genID:1  rdf:type  rdf:Bag .

genID:1  rdf:_1 .

genID:1  rdf:_2 .

Without restrictions on the collection construct it is just a more complex way of expressing things we already could express before using containers. Possible restrictions can be:

·         Each collection in RDF must have exactly one terminating rdf:nil element.

·         Each collection element must have exactly one connection with the rdf:first property.

·         Each collection element must have exactly one connection with the rdf:rest property.

·         Collection elements in RDF have to be blank nodes.

It might be too restrictive to have all these restrictions and there also might be further reasons for introducing the collection construct. The main difference at the moment is that a container is one resource containing all values, while the collection contains different linked resources containing the values. In [1] we can find in the appendix A.3 that the collection construct was also introduced to support recursive processing in languages such as Prolog. I hope that the RDF WG will think about this subject and will clear it.

3.3.             Support for XML Base

Since March 2002 the support for XML Base is included into the RDF/XML Specification. XML Base is a W3C Recommendation specified in [8]. This has no effect on RDF itself, it rather effects the transformation from the RDF/XML serialization to the other representation forms. In particular it affects the generation of identifiers and URI references and can be used to write abbreviated RDF/XML files.

Example 5: Usage of xml:base.

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
  <rdf:Description rdf:about="basket">
    <ex:hasFruit rdf:resource="Apple"/>

The example would generate the triple:

ex:hasFruit  http://mybase/rdffile#basket  http://mybase/rdffile#Apple .

This means it replaces the base URL of the file itself that otherwise would have been used to generate the URI references for the resources “basket” and “Apple”. This is very usefull, complete URIs are normally very long, for big RDF files it can result in an enormous reduction for space needed to save them.

But same effect can also be achieved by using XML entity references like done in example 1 with the RDF, RDFS and XML Schema Datatype namespaces. For human readability the XML entity references should be preferred, since all used entity references can be introduced at the beginning and when they are used the reader notice by the prefix which entity reference was used. Changing the base URL can be overseen and therefore it might be hard to be realized by the user.

There are some advanced ways of using the base URL. As shown in the test cases in [14] the base URL can also be used to point to upper nodes in its path. This might be useful in some cases.

For RDF parsers that are build on top of an XML parser that supports XML Base it should not be a problem to include it, since the XML parser does all the work. For VRP it was quite a bit of effort to include the support for it.

3.4.             External references in parseType=”Literal”

When using the attribute-value pair rdf:parseType=”Literal”, the child part of this element should be a literal with the datatype rdf:XMLLiteral. The latest RDF syntax specification [5] (see section 7.2.17) says: This specification allows some freedom to choose exactly what string is used as the lexical form of an XML Literal. Whatever string is used, MUST correspond to an XML document when enclosed within a start and end element tag, and its canonicalization (without comments, as defined in Exclusive XML Canonicalization [9]) MUST be the same as the same canonicalization of the literal text l. It is often acceptable to use l without any changes but this is incorrect if, for example, l uses entity references or namespace prefixes defined in the outer XML document.

Note: Beside the entity references and namespace prefixes there is also the base URI that is important for the canonicalization.

How can this task be solved? Entering all current valid prefix, base and reference definitions would not be a great solution. Therefore we first need to find out what is used and then include this information to the XML Literal. Even for RDF parsers relying on an existing XML parser it is an extra cost to implement this.    

3.5.             Non-namespaced local-names

Non-namespaced local-names coursed many problems. The RDF WG therefore decided in 25th May 2001 that all local-names must be namespace qualified. In the latest syntax specification [1] we can now read that to keep old RDF/XML files valid this restriction should not be valid. Sure, it is always great to be compatible with old versions of the standard. The problem is that there is so fare no version number or creation date given with the RDF/XML files. This gives the chance that also new RDF/XML files might use non-namespaced local-names and we will have the problems again.



[1]     RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revises) Nov. 8th 2002, online at:

[2]     RDF Semantics, W3C Working Draft 23 January 2003, online at:

[3]     RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema, W3C Working Draft 12  November 2002, online at:

[4]     RDF Primer, W3C Working Draft 23 January 2003, online at:

[5]     RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised), W3C Working Draft 23 January 2003, online at:

[6]     RDF Datatyping online at:

[7]     Sun™ XML Datatypes Library, online at:

[8]     XML Base, W3C Recommendation 27 June 2001, online at:

[9]     Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0, W3C Recommendation 18 July 2002, online at:

[10]    Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification, W3C Recommendation 04 September 2001, online at:

[11]    CUP homepage, online at:

[12]    JFlex homepage, online at: http://

[13]    RDFSuite homepage, online at:

[14]    RDF Test Cases, W3C Working Draft 23 January 2003, online at:

[1] Each node is added only once in the ancestor/descendants list of a node although it can be accessed through different paths from the specific node.