W3C Membership Fees

PLEASE NOTE: This document has been superseded. See the latest W3C Fees page for current information.

For all new members joining W3C on or after 1 January, 2003, and all members whose initial 3 year contract is renewed on or after 1 January, 2003, the following fees are in effect:

Host Full Affiliate *Upgrade
MIT USD 57,500 USD 5,750 USD 25,000
Europe EUR 60,540 EUR 6,054 EUR 26,323
Keio JPY 7,076,460 JPY 707,646 JPY 3,076,721

Members with international headquarters located in Europe, Africa or the Middle-East are affiliated with the European Host. Members with international headquarters located in Japan or Korea are affiliated with Keio. Members with international headquarters located elsewhere in the world are affiliated with MIT.

* W3C offers existing Affiliate Members who become ineligible for Affiliate Membership this special rate for their first year of Full Membership.

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$Date: 2014/11/27 07:24:55 $