W3C | TAG | Previous: 6 December | Next: 22 December 2004 Telcon

Agenda of 13th December 2004 TAG teleconference

Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive

1. Administrative (15 mins)

  1. Roll call. Regrets: Paul, Chris;
    Scribe: Noah
    Accept this agenda?

  2. Date of Next meeting: propose Monday 20th December 2004
    Recruits scribe!
    Future Regrets:
  3. Meeting Records
    1. Accept minutes of 6th Dec
    2. Accept minutes of F2F 29th-30th Nov

1.1 Technical Plenary

  1. TAG Requested Liasons
    ACTION: Stuart talk with David Ezell and Steve Bratt about
    ... extensibility and versioning

2. Technical (75 min)

See also open actions by owner and open issues.

2.1 WebArch Publication

  1. Update from Team on Webarch PR Review.
  2. Discussion of public PR comments (public-webarch-comments@w3.org)

2.2 TAG Issues

[see TAG Issues grouped by theme - Media-type, Identifiers, Formats, Interaction]

Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.5 $ of $Date: 2004/12/17 09:35:39 $