W3C | TAG | Previous: 29-30 November | Next: 13 December 2004 Telcon

Agenda of 6th December 2004 TAG teleconference

Nearby: Teleconference details - issues list (handling new issues) - www-tag archive

1. Administrative (20 mins)

  1. Roll call. Regrets: Norm; Partial Regrets: Dan
    Appoint Scribe.
    Accept this agenda?

  2. Date of Next meeting: propose Monday 13th December 2004
    Future Regrets:
  3. Meeting Records
    1. Accept minutes of 22nd Nov
    2. Accept minutes of F2F 29th-30th Nov (if ready)
  4. AC Meeting Feedback

1.1 Technical Plenary

  1. TAG Requested Liasons
    No update. [nag to the chair]

1.2 AOB

  1. Any more last call comments on xml:id? (email for Chris - member only)
  2. Request for TAG participation in QA-WG Last Call (see email to chairs)

2. Technical (70 min)

See also open actions by owner and open issues.

2.1 WebArch Publication

  1. Planning for REC
    1. Document Title: "Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One" proposed (member only)
    2. Next steps on Webarch: Errata, Translations, Testimonials (see email from Ian - member only)
    3. ACTIONCL: to cause draft of press release to happen. proposed (member only)
  2. Review any outstanding PR comments

2.2 TAG Issues

[see TAG Issues grouped by theme - Media-type, Identifiers, Formats, Interaction]

Stuart Williams for TAG
$Revision: 1.6 $ of $Date: 2004/12/06 20:00:28 $