Feb 28 / Mar 1 2005 Meeting of the W3C Semantic Web Interest Group

Part of the W3C 2005 Technical Plenary

Contents: Participants * Venue * Agenda * Background Reading * Reports/outcomes
nearby: SwigAtTp2005 shared notes * charter * chump/weblog (Mon, Tue) * IRC logs Mon, Tue * www-rdf-interest * semantic-web

A meeting of the Semantic Web Interest Group (SW IG, formerly RDF IG) was held 28th of February and 1st of March 2005, during the Technical Plenary week; see 2005 Technical Plenary pages for more detail.

The Semantic Web Interest Group is a continuation of the RDF Interest Group. See the Interest Group charter for more details on the group, including our mission, membership and discussion fora.

The Technical Plenary Week continues after the SW IG meeting, with a wednesday plenary session, followed by further meetings of W3C groups on thur/fri.


About 35 people attended the meeting. See photos and such in the wiki, chump/weblog, and IRC.

for reference: registration details, not public.


The meeting was at the Hyatt Harborside Hotel in Boston, MA, USA.


A 7 Feb 2005 meeting announcement sketched the agenda and requested input. The agenda moved to the SwigAtTp2005 wiki topc during the meeting.

Suggested Reading

See also:

Reports and Outcomes

The SwigAtTp2005 shared notes are the main record of the meeting; please contribute anything you remember that isn't there! Especially photos, pointers to weblog write-ups, etc. During the meeting notes were kept in IRC ( Mon, Tue) and some items were summarized in the chump/weblog (Mon, Tue).

Dan Brickley, RDF/SW Interest Group chair.
$Revision: 1.27 $ of $Date: 2005/03/09 18:45:14 $ by $Author: connolly $