W3C | Architecture Domain | XML

Charter of the XML Schema Interest Group

April 2002

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
and Dave Hollander, chairs
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, staff contact
$Revision: 3.4 $ of $Date: 2002/08/21 16:33:54 $ by $Author: liam $

  1. Purpose
  2. Deliverables
  3. Membership and chair
  4. Meetings and conferences
  5. Communications
  6. Level of involvement
  7. Voting procedures
  8. Duration

1.0 Purpose

The XML Schema Interest Group is a forum for the discussion of issues relating to the development of a language for defining and documenting XML-based markup languages, including both datatyping and structural constraints analogous to those expressible by XML DTDs. In particular, it serves as a resource for the communication of expert opinions to the XML Schema Working Group. All activity of the XML Schema IG takes place on an archived mailing list, w3c-xml-schema-ig@w3.org.

1.1 Limits of debate

To keep debate within useful bounds and to keep the volume of mail within the ability of XML Schema WG members to monitor it, discussions of the XML Schema IG are limited to issues relevant to business currently being conducted by the XML Schema WG. It is the responsibility of the XML Schema IG Chair to moderate discussion as necessary to enforce this rule. In extreme cases, the Chair has the authority to remove XML Schema IG members if necessary to maintain order on the mailing list.

2.0 Deliverables

The XML Schema IG does not develop specifications or code and as a body has no concrete deliverables under this charter. XML Schema IG members are free to form ad hoc working groups and to publish their work on the XML Schema IG mailing list as long as it is judged by the Chair to fall within the scope of the XML Schema IG charter.

3.0 Membership and chair

XML Schema IG membership

XML Schema IG members are either employees of W3C member organizations in good standing or are experts invited to participate by the Chair. Invited experts shall be provided access to the W3C Web site equivalent to the access provided to other members. People who wish to join the XML Schema IG may submit a request to be added to the Chair and must agree to the confidentiality clauses.

3.1 XML Schema IG Chair

The initial Chairs of the XML Schema IG are C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, W3C, and Dave Hollander, Contivo. Later chairs, if any, will be named by the chairs of the XML Schema WG with the concurrence of the chair of the XML Coordination Group.

The term chair in this document refers to either co-chair.

4.0 Meetings and conferences

The XML Schema IG exists only as an email forum; it does not conduct phone conferences or face-to-face meetings.

5.0 Communications and confidentiality

XML Schema IG members communicate via an archived mailing list, w3c-xml-schema-ig@w3.org, visible to all W3C members and to members participating in the XML Schema IG as invited experts. Members-only information visible to the participants of other W3C interest groups may be republished to the XML Schema IG list at the discretion of the XML Schema IG Chair if such information is necessary to the deliberations of the XML Schema IG. Information on this mailing list is confidential to W3C member organizations and invited experts.

6.0 Level of involvement of the Team

W3C employees participate on the XML Schema IG at the same level as employees of W3C member organizations.

7.0 Voting procedures

The XML Schema IG does not vote.

8.0 Duration

The XML Schema IG shall go out of existence when the XML Schema WG does so. At the time this charter is prepared, the current charter for the XML Schema WG calls for it to exist through September 2003.

Chairs, W3C XML Schema IG: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Dave Hollander
W3C staff contact: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Last Modified: $Date: 2002/08/21 16:33:54 $