List structure in RDF

I think this is obsoleted by the list stuff in the KIF schema. (@@add support in html2rdf for obsoletes)

This obsoletes a model for lists that I worked out originally with Massimo on 12 Jul 2000, for use in the case of the next scribe.

for example: (a b c) becomes

        list --first--> a
        list --rest--> gen1
        gen1 --first--> b
        gen1 --rest--> gen2
        gen2 --first--> c
        gen2 --rest--> empty

I have since expanded it to include some utilities and rules.

see also: TimBL's discussion of definitive lists in the semantic web toolbox.

@@hmm... change to head/tail rather than first/rest? synonyms? use rdf:_2 for second? synonyms?

I maintain this as HTML, but I make it availble as RDF using a transformation. See an XSLT service for details on how to invoke it.

Use the namespace name http://www.w3.org/2000/07/hs78/lists# to refer to these properties and classes in RDF 1.0 syntax.

Class hierarchy


@@List partitioned by first, rest (in the larch sense)


append([], Z, Z).
append([A|B], Z, [A|Z2]) :- append(B, Z, Z2).
reverse([], []).
reverse([A|B], Z) :- reverse(B, Brev), append(Brev, [A], Z).
-- js-prolog page

function symbols (i.e. [] notation) have to be manually "unwound", I guess

@@hhmm... how to handle n-ary relations? ALL paper says to treat r(x, y, z) as r(x, (y, z))... I think. @@hmm... how about supporting the r(x, y, z) syntax from the XSLT transformation?

@@specify converts ... in the larch sense. see also: faq entry

Dan Connolly
$Revision: 1.9 $ of $Date: 2000/08/13 04:11:20 $ by $Author: connolly $