SocialCG/Issue Triage/2024-08-30

From W3C Wiki

SocialCG Issue Triage - 2024-08-30

30 Aug 2024


  • Evan Prodromou
  • a <>
  • Ted Thibodeau (-60 minutes)
  • Emelia Smith
  • Bob Wyman (-60 minutes)
  • Dmitri Z. (-60 minutes)


Mechanism to signal "bot actors" or automated actors #614

Agreed that someone could write a FEP to more strongly define this, whether that's through multi-typed actors: type: ["Person", "Service"] or through an additional property automated: true.

Mutuals collection #461

would be a good idea to build consensus on the need for this

Labelled as Needs Discussion and Needs FEP.

tangent on "needs fep" label

usage of the label may or may not imply that the socialcg is making a statement that the use case is worth pursuing

tangent on "needs discussion" or "request for comment" label

Added label to indicate that an issue needs further community input before any decision about its status can be made. May be used in addition to "Needs FEP" if the requirements for such a FEP are still unclear.

Membership endpoint (#462)

Labelled as "Needs FEP" and "Needs Discussion"

CORS #463

- Can we amend the title of this issue to be clearer? - needs primer page, see also which relies on this as a browser-based implementation

Community Notes #464

Discussion of whether it makes sense to use an entirely separate protocol to ActivityPub, or ways to use ActivityPub to publish Annotations -- reusing the data model can be done, and you can send Create Annotation activities from some actor to that actor's followers (probably a Service actor?) -- but there is utility in spinning up an Annotation Server and having a "trusted service" that you can use to check for annotations of objects. (perhaps this might benefit from being able to query Collections as well)

You could also do "Offer(Annotation)" to propose a new annotation potentially? But then why not just do a POST to the annotations server?

Labelled as "Needs FEP"

Add & Remove activities cannot be used to manage caches of collections #465

Held for next issue triage.