Submission request to W3C (W3C Team Comment)
We, W3C members Exody E-Business Intelligence GmbH and Intershop AG, hereby submit to the Consortium the following specification, comprising the following document(s) attached hereto:
which collectively are referred to as "the submission". We request the submission be known as the "SHOP LOG FILE" submission.
Exody E-Business Intelligence GmbH has created a new log file format which logs all visitor and customer movements and revenue-related activities in online shops. Analysis of this data reveals the shop's strengths and weaknesses. The shop log file is written by the shop, not by the web server.
The log file format is essentially compatible to W3C Extended Log File Format.
Knowing that there is a strong interest in analyzing online shops we hope that this specification will be of use.
We hold no related patents, trademarks or copyrights to the submission. The specification of the recommended log file format is freely available.Declaration of Intershop AG:
We hold no related patents, trademarks or copyrights to the submission. The specification of the recommended log file format is freely available.
Exody E-Business Intelligence GmbH believes strongly in the need for a standardized protocol to offer online shop owners comprehensive analyses of the shopping behaviour of their customers.
We propose that the W3C evaluate and consider the SHOP LOG FILE specification.
Exody further suggests that the SHOP LOG FILE specification may be used as the
basis for the future W3C specifications in the area of log files.
Erik Moeser
Manager Technology Partners
Mergenthalerallee 55-59
65760 Eschborn Germany
Fon +49 6196/9599-118