Submission request to W3C (W3C Staff Comment)
which collectively are referred to as "the submission". We request the submission be known as the Web Schematics submission.
This document presents an outline proposal for representing schematic graphics in web documents. Approaches taken by a variety of document production systems are reviewed and some key issues identified. An approach to a schematic graphics markup language is described. A number of open questions and stylistic issues are identified that can form the basis for discussion of the proposal in a workshop. A key question is the extent to which the approaches taken in graphics standards such as GKS-94 are applicable in the web context. The model of primitives and attributes in graphics standards in particular, is rather different to the model of content and attributes in SGML/HTML. The need for a clean model to underpin markup of schematic graphics is highlighted and this should be a key issue to be addressed in discussion of this document.
CCLRC agrees that the submission may be copied, modified, and distributed by W3C staff and W3C members as part of the W3C process. CCLRC claims no copyright interests in the documents comprising the submission. If W3C staff felt it desirable that the document should be made available to the web community at large, CCLRC would be agreeable to this, but would request that we be informed first.
The following are registered marks refered to in this request or the submission n/a
The submission may be distributed free of any fee.
The following points should be noted as regards licensable technology involved in any third party implementations of the technology specified in the submission: n/a
We suggest that the Consortium hold a workshop to discuss the submission and/or set up a working group to progress towards a Recommendation. We would be pleased to receive advice from W3C on the most appropriate way to start this process, for example whether a briefing package for members should be prepared.
To help with this work, we expect to be able to provide at least one non-resident document editor to the Consortium.
Should any changes be required to the document, we would probably expect to produce one more version ourselves, then have the document come under W3C process control, depending on the outcome of the workshop.
Inquiries from the public or press about this submission should be directed to: see below.
this 22nd day of March, 1998,
Bob Hopgood, Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils