Web_Dav Public WebSite


I am currently looking at redeveloping my employers website (www.bsfc.ac.uk)

It has become a request that 3 other people are allowed to update the  
pages, but non of them are technical, so its going to be modify in  
dreamweaver and upload.

Now, id like to know if its possible to use WebDav for this.

Say, allow pages on www.bsfc.ac.uk/ be updated via web_dav but whilst  
also being publically available.

I think it maybe better to redirect www.bsfc.ac.uk to  
www.bsfc.ac.uk/website/ and have something like the following in my  
httpd.conf file;

Alias /website /export/httpd/html/website
Alias /web_dav /export/httpd/html/website
<Location /web_dav>
ForceType text/plain

Which if im right would allow public viewing, but also allow people to  
access it via DAV?

Or could someone offer a better solution.,

what im hoping to achevie is

Have a website hosted on www.bsfc.ac.uk which 4 people can update.  
Wether this be via Web_Dav or another method (i.e Adobe Contribute  
with DreamWeaver).

P.s the server is running Apache2 on RHEL4.


John Paul

Birkenhead Sixth Form College

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