Re: XML InfoSet and property value preservation

Lisa Dusseault wrote:
> ...
> 2.  InfoSet requires the prefixes of namespaces to be preserved.  Some 
> WebDAV servers today do not do this so this would make them 
> non-compliant.  Similarly, if I'm reading it correctly, it requires that 
> namespace declarations be preserved as part of the element where the 
> client declared them -- another requirement that existing servers don't 
> meet.
 > ...

You're confusing the terminology (that we can re-use) with the question 
what parts of the Infoset WebDAV wants to make reound-trippable. Those 
do not need to be the same. The XML Infoset spec just helps in talking 
about these things.

> 3.  It doesn't deal with the boundary that WebDAV defines between 
> property name and property value.  We still ought to specify that stuff 
> ourselves.  For example, are attributes on the property name element 
> considered part of the property value.

Yes, we need to define that.

> Has anybody besides Julian and myself read this spec?  Does anybody have 
> thoughts on whether this approach is still advisable?

Alternate approaches would be to use DOM or XPath terminology.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Thursday, 3 November 2005 21:02:03 UTC