Announce: python davserver 0.3


This night I've released version 0.3 of my python davserver.

Changes are:

- rewrite of PROPFIND to make it more standards conform (it now
  also returns error codes when something is not available/forbidden).
- URL in a <href> is now quoted to allow umlauts etc.
- some changes to make it work with WebFolders
- writing of interface classes should now be easier through providing
  a superclass with the main functions.
- implemented the HEAD request

and many changes to existing methods as well as streamlining the
implementation (see Changes file in distribution).

What's still missing is COPY, MOVE, PROPPATCH but I hope to implement at
least COPY and MOVE before the end of this year (my main goal is to make
it work with WebFolders as this is needed for demonstration purposes ;-)

The package is available at

and the homepage is availabe at

(the former address was not working yesterday. I really
should transfer this domain to my own server..)

BTW, I don't know if this is the right place for such announcements.
If not please tell me :)

best wished for 2000!


Received on Tuesday, 28 December 1999 09:13:42 UTC