why URL protection is not feasible when you version collections

One of the key pieces of functionality that a versioning server can
provide is the ability to version collections.  The versioning server
remembers the states (revisions) of a collection (i.e. the list of
internal members).  This lets a client roll back to a previous state
of the URL namespace, hold the namespace fixed while it is making
changes and then updating to the current state, or even let let
clients make changes to the namespace in parallel and then merge the
results when appropriate.

Now suppose you are a versioning unaware client, but you do know about
locking.  There is a default workspace (containg the revision selection
rules that compute what revision of a collection will show up in the
workspace) that all your requests work against.

Suppose you LOCK /x/y/z/foo.html.  The versioning server will
automagically check it out into the default workspace, and lock the
resulting working resource.

But it's not just /x/y/z/foo.html that is versioned, but also the
collections /x/y/z and /x/y and even /x, just for good measure.  Now
some other client wants to add a label to some revision of /x/y.  Is
this OK?  Well, if locked resources cannot be renamed, before the
server can let the label be added, it has to compute the revision
selection rule to see if this would cause a new revision of /x/y to be
selected in the default workspace.  If this new revision of /x/y
renames the member named "z" to be "oldz", the server must fail the
label request (or else /x/y/z/foo.html will be renamed

You have to run this check on *every* change to *any* metadata
(e.g. label, activity), against *every* workspace that might use
that metadata.  Thus the term "computationally infeasible" (:-).

So one alternative is the one I've proposed earlier ... require
that *if* a server allows renaming of locked resources, then it MUST
return a 302 indicating where that locked resource ended up.
A server is of course free to refuse the move ... it's only servers
that allow the move that need to do the tracking for 302 responses.
Today's locking servers are all protocol compliant; versioning servers
are protocol compliant; and clients just have to handle the occasional
(but rare) 302 coming back on access to a locked resource.

There is another alternative: have versioning servers tightly
constrain the default workspace so that URL protection is feasible
(perhaps, only allow a single label rule).  Then define locking
to have the above behavior whenever a Target-Selector header is
included in the LOCK request (indicating a versioning aware client),
but have the URL protection behavior if there is no Target-Selector
header specified.

I believe this is a significantly inferior alternative, since it
defines two subtly different locking behaviors based on the
presence of a non-lock related header.  Its only benefit is that
a versioning unaware client is protected from 302's.

Since there are at least a couple of non-versioning implementors
on this list that prefer the 302 behavior, I believe it is not
just a complexity introduced by versioning, but rather it is something
that is actually simpler for some classes of simple servers as
well.  I'd still like to hear a convincing argument as to why it
is hard for a client to deal with a 302 on an access to a locked


Received on Wednesday, 27 October 1999 09:07:45 UTC