Re: PROPPATCH Error minimization

I'll cast my vote against error minimization for the same reasons that Bill 
describes below.

>From: WJCarpenter
>To: w3c-dist-auth
>Subject: Re: PROPPATCH Error minimization
>Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 2:14PM
>gs> Stripping the response down to just a "200 OK" from a multistatus
>gs> would be a Serious Pain.
>I thought we weren't talking about a mandatory conversion.  I can see
>how doing that could be tricky for some server set-ups.  However, I
>don't think this specific case would be much trouble for client
>implementors.  (It doesn't really simplify anything either, since the
>client has to be prepared for the non-simplified case anyhow.)
>bill@carpenter.ORG   (WJCarpenter)           PGP
>                    0x91865119
>38 95 1B 69 C9 C6 3D 25  73 46 32 04 69 D6 ED F3

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 1999 09:36:33 UTC