Re: Bindings, Locks, and MOVE

Yaron Goland (Exchange) wrote:
> To guarantee that a MOVE will work using a GET/PROPFIND/PUT/PROPPATCH/DELETE
> or any other sequence of client commands would be to rob servers of their
> ability to add value, which is clearly a step too far. This is especially
> the case in circumstances where the resource in question is not a file in
> disguise but a generic program.
> That having been said, in many cases the previous sequence would work just
> fine. Unfortunately it is also slow as all hell but in some cases there is
> nothing better available.

I certainly won't be building any client-side HTTP code into mod_dav. If
the MOVE can't be done within the server, then it will fail. Period.

I fully agree with the part of the charter than Yaron pointed out:
server-server communication is NOT in scope.

There are enough things to do without worrying about this. Jim's server
happens to be able to do cross-server moves because it is a blended
client/server package. I would still like to know if *any* other
server-side only packages are actually *intending* to support any kind
of cross-server functionality.

If not, then take Geoff's stance: allow a MOVE to fail with a "Bad
Gateway" at any time. There. Enough said in the spec. Let's move on.


Greg Stein,

Received on Friday, 10 September 1999 16:48:33 UTC