[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Fixing the summary of RTCTransportStats (issue #72).

taylor-b has just submitted a new pull request for 

== Fixing the summary of RTCTransportStats (issue #72). ==
The new summary should make it clear that there is a 1:1 mapping 
an RTCTransportStats and an RTCDtlsTransport/RTCIceTransport pair.
Meaning, when RTCP muxing is *not* used, you get separate
RTCTransportStats for RTP and RTCP. Also adding links to the 
terms, and to WebRTC (to describe RTCP muxing and bundling in more

See https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-stats/pull/73

Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2016 01:17:00 UTC