Re: event.returnValue

On Thu, 16 Sep 2010 03:20:58 +0900, Olli Pettay <>  

>> However bz indicates there that returnValue doesn't make much sense
>> outside of IEs event model. There were also *no* counter comments
>> asking for reconsidering the bug resolution.

> Yeah, I don't see reason to standardize returnValue.
> We're not trying to specify all the old event handling related things.

IMO one of our goals should be to close the gap between specs and reality  
/ implementations. To do so, when we have non-standardised features we  
should either get them into a spec or drop them.

Opera is *certainly* happy to stop supporting event.returnValue if WebKit  
will do so too ;). Should I report a WebKit bug on removing it? (Opera  
already has one).

Doug, you can probably close issue 132 since it seems there is a general  
agreement not to standardise event.returnValue :)

As for Garrett's helpful responses, I understand that we've had some  
controversies that means he is blocked from posting to the www-dom list  
(unfortunately, since the tecnical content of his contributions is often  
valuable though I can see why his style causes controversy.)

I would rather not resume past flamewars, but I'd like the information he  
brought to my attention to be recorded in mailing list archives:

How do I do that? Should I BCC him on replies rather than CC? (As a test,  
he's BCCed on this E-mail.)

Hallvord R. M. Steen, Core Tester, Opera Software

Received on Thursday, 16 September 2010 01:31:31 UTC