[HOME_NETWORK_TF] Possible resolution for issue-38 (CL APIs) and Opera API proposal

Dear all,
among the issues still open, we have the CableLabs API proposal/prototype that was intended as a "proof of concept" to show how some of the usecases we have been discussed could be implemented.
While I think is out of scope for this group to discuss the technical details of the API, I think would be good to reference it from the requirement document just to show the work done from some TF members.
This means no endorsement from the group is implied.

To achieve this, my proposal would be to add a section in the requirement document called "Related Works".
This will include a link to the CL proposal (with some text explaining what it is).
This section will also include a link to the Opera proposal under the same assumptions outlined above.

I drafted some text in the requirement document here;

If anybody has comments/objections let me know. We will touch on it during next call but if you have any comment please try to raise it before the call.

I have proposed some text for the CableLabs section. Is very short so you may want to extend it a little bit. Feel free to provide me a better text.


Giuseppe Pascale
TV & Connected Devices
Opera Software - Sweden

Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2011 11:15:01 UTC