Re: ACTION-885

On Tue, 03 Nov 2009 15:10:32 -0000, Adam Connors <>  

> In most cases Canvas is faster and should be preferred if it meets  
> requirements. However, since Canvas generates a flat bitmap it is not  
> inherently accessible and so should not be used as the sole means of  
> conveying information.
> -----  snip  -----
> my only teenie quibble
> would be with the last sentence
> which I think might better be changed from:
> "it is not inherently accessible and so"
> to instead read:
> "it is inherently not accessible as it is not part of the DOM, and so"

although work is slowly taking place on an accessibility API so, while I'm aware that  
best practices are by definition a snapshot in time, we might want to note  
that it is *currently* not accessible?

Hang loose and stay groovy,

Bruce Lawson
Web Evangelist (work) (personal)

Received on Wednesday, 4 November 2009 18:14:25 UTC