Re: fallback color for background-image (ISSUE-5)

On Fri, 04 Apr 2008 17:17:36 +0200, Alan Gresley <>  
> OK, I'm sort of following. The fall back is the red background. How  
> would this work? Does the UA realize that either images have been  
> disabled, the image format is not supported or a 404, etc.

Of course.

> Wouldn't this happen anyway if I just had.
> background: red url(image.png);
> Why would you need the transparent background?

What if the image uses opacity features provided by the image format?  
(PNG, SVG, etc. have that.) You don't want red to "shine through", you  
want whatever to shine through that is below the element in question.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 15:26:03 UTC