Re: ISSUE-30: mousewheel event

Le Sun, 05 Mar 2006 13:41:50 +0200, Doug Schepers <> a  

> Hi, folks-
> I would like to point out that we need to accommodate not only existing
> desktop/laptop devices, but also existing devices like phones,  
> Blackberries,
> etc., which have a wheel that is not necessarily connected to a pointer  
> at
> all. The Web is not just about desktop browsers anymore [insert Web2.0
> buzzord/slogan here].
> Additionally, most of the discussion seems to be revolving (sorry) around
> HTML. In SVG, the wheel would more often be used to zoom than to pan
> (scroll) since an SVG canvas is infinitely wide as well as infinitely  
> long,
> and the document design constraints are different; thus, I would expect  
> that
> in a Compound Document, an UI might use the wheel to scroll when over an
> HTML control or window, and zoom when over an SVG (by default).  
> Obviously,
> this is overrideable by the author via script, and depends on the UA to
> determine what best fits their UI metaphor. It is not up to DOM or  
> WebAPI to
> dictate what a UA does with the event, just that it makes the event
> available.
> These arguments lead me to the conclusion that neither "mouse" nor  
> "scroll"
> are applicable to this event. Since we are redefining what the behavior  
> and
> syntax of the wheel is anyway, and since implementation are  
> inconsistent, I
> say that we should just call it something with no legacy confusions. That
> way, existing content that uses the non-standard method still works, and  
> UAs
> that will support the standard event will have a motivation to implement  
> it
> as specified, not just let their old behavior persist. Either "wheel" or
> "DOMWheel" seems most appropriate to me; it is simple, descriptive, and
> unlikely to be confused with anything else (unless DOM is extended to
> driving cars).
> Regards-
> Doug


I do have to agree with this. Probably "wheel" is a proper name for the  
event, instead of "DOMWheel".

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Received on Sunday, 5 March 2006 12:11:27 UTC