[jlreq] 3.1.10 "¢" listed as prefix (#350)

bluesunTL has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/jlreq:

== 3.1.10 "¢" listed as prefix ==
In [section 3.1.10d]( https://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/#unbreakable_character_sequences ), the English translation lists the cent sign "¢" is listed as a prefix instead of a postfix.

"Between prefixed abbreviations (cl-12) (YEN SIGN "¥",DOLLAR SIGN "$",CENT SIGN "¢" etc.) and the following arabic or ideographic numeral (see Figure 82). The reason is that such character sequences are to be handled as one unit."
"前置省略記号(cl-12)(円記号[¥] (YEN SIGN),ドル記号[$] (DOLLAR SIGN)など)とその後ろにくるアラビア数字・漢数字との間(Figure 82).それらの文字列を一体として扱いたいためである."


In other parts of the document, the cent sign is considered a postfix, and being a postfix matches with its general English usage, so the English translation appears to be in error.

A potential version equivalent to the Japanese text could be as follows:
"Between prefixed abbreviations (cl-12) (YEN SIGN "¥",DOLLAR SIGN "$" etc.) and the following arabic or ideographic numeral (see Figure 82). The reason is that such character sequences are to be handled as one unit."

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/jlreq/issues/350 using your GitHub account

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Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2022 06:32:43 UTC