Re: p:xquery and c:data

2009/2/18 ? wrote:


> The text in 7.2.9 (p:xquery) says this about the document on the 'query'
> port is handled:

> "If the document root element is c:data or has a c:content-type
> attribute that specifies a text content type or a media type that the
> implementation recognizes, then the text descendants of this element are
> considered the query."

  Unfortunately, I can't provide you with an answer, but I have
another related question ;-)

  The above paragraph tells that the processor has to use the text
value of the query document.  I know XQuery is not well-formed XML,
and that has been debated before.  But can't we use content-type to
enable one to use XML as the query?  Something like:

    <!-- no @content-type, or text/plain -->
       &lt;result&gt; {

could then be written as:

    <c:data content-type="application/xml">
       <result> {


Florent Georges

Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2009 10:15:44 UTC