ISSUE-228: check the checker by end of April

As noted in recent calls and emails, the checker has moved to beta,
and will next move to a final version 1.0 within a few months. Before
that, the group will need to endorse the checker.

So, you have at least two months -- let's say, until the end of April
-- to review the code, test suite, and output on sites. You can run it
from Please start as early as you can
of course, if you are going to flag issues.

At the end of April, we will assume anyone who is interested has
already reviewed this and raised issues; that is the cutoff. After
handling existing issues, we will return to the group for approval
that these issues have been addressed, and if so, release 1.0.


Received on Thursday, 14 February 2008 16:36:27 UTC