Automatic scheme: dark or light

User screens are usually dark-on-light or light-on-dark.
Example: VIM editor has color schemes that are defined as light or dark.
I have not seen any automated mechanism of determining which is used
by the user (so that scheme could set to correct stylesheet).
I think that only W3C can implement that feature to become a standard
(since, thanks to any god, "the browsers" seek to get compatible with

Currently I find internet web pages to be mostly designed for
dark-on-light desktops mostly. Whenever I set dark OS scheme - the
contrast between OS and user pages is too high for 99% of the pages.

I would like to see some automated mechanism to open pages in correct
(light or dark, depending on my OS settings) style. If no style is
defined then browsers could at least try to optionally invert the
Text browsers could probably support that... and are probably more
impacted by the issue than the graphical browsers.

I guess that this is a simple, yet intuitive and quite important, request.


Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 11:40:51 UTC