[agenda] 20220908 Process CG

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Previous minutes:

1 ) Assign scribe, etc.

2 ) Agenda bash.

3 ) Propose to close

#284 CEO is part of the AB, and ex-officio participant in Objection 
Decision Committee

4 ) Pull requests

Any update from Wendy on #572, #599 ?

Can we merge #611 Director-free TAG ?

Let's touch base on #623 Change from recusal to dismissal/renunciation

5 ) New issue: Ensuring charters fit the mission and values of W3C #620

#620 Ensuring charters fit the mission and values of W3C

6 ) Needs Proposed Pull Requests


Any taker?

7 ) Director-Free remaining issues


The usual closers:

8 ) Next meeting: September 22.

9 ) Any other business.

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2022 22:29:46 UTC