ACTION-317: Move derived keys into XML Enc v1.1.

This is in response to ACTION-317 that I got during last week's call.

I have now checked in a version of XML Encryption version 1.1 that 
includes key derivation. In particular, I have:

- Created a new subsection 3.5.2
- Created a new subsection 5.4 (and up-ed the numbering of remaining
   subsections in Section 5)
- Modified section 5.1
- Modified section 5.6 - but there remains some work here, especially for
   "ordinary" DH - but this is Brian's and Kelvin's ACTION-319.

The above also includes several new examples.

I also added PKCS #5 v2.0 and PKCS #5 v2.0 Amd.1 to the references and 
updated the reference to PKCS #1 to v2.1 from v2.0.

The schema file has been updated too (it validates) but I have not created 
a redline version. I have also not changed the explain.html file as I 
wanted to give the group a chance to review this work before doing so.

-- Magnus

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 22:51:03 UTC