Fw: ISSUE-61: Problems with SOAP samples in Appendix C

I meant to say that in completing this proposal I have also completed


----- Forwarded by Mark Phillips/UK/IBM on 27/08/2010 14:05 -----

From:       Mark Phillips/UK/IBM@IBMGB
To:         public-soap-jms@w3.org
Date:       26/08/2010 18:22
Subject:    Re: ISSUE-61: Problems with SOAP samples in Appendix C
Sent by:    public-soap-jms-request@w3.org

Thanks Eric.  I have updated Issue-61 by adding the following new doc.
literal message samples.  These samples have been tested using the (new)
SOAP/JMS implementation in WebSphere Message Broker .  This
completes the proposal for this issue.

Addition to proposal:

- In Section C.1 change the message example to doc-literal wrapped and make
it match the WSDL example as follows:

   <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
          <:tns:TradePriceRequest xmlns:tns="

- In C.2 JMS Message Properties Values table, add utf-8 to the value of the
SOAPJMS_contentType field so that it reads:
multipart/related type="application/xop+xml"; boundary="MIME_boundary";

- In Section C.2 1 change the message example to doc-literal wrapped and
make it match the WSDL example as follows:

   Content-Type: "application/xop+xml"; charset=utf-8; type="text/xml"
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
   Content-ID: <945414389.1092086011970>

   <env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
         <xop:Include href="cid:XXX"
          <tns:TradePriceRequest xmlns:tns="




From:       Eric Johnson <eric@tibco.com>
To:         Mark Phillips/UK/IBM@IBMGB
Cc:         public-soap-jms@w3.org
Date:       24/08/2010 19:46
Subject:    Re: ISSUE-61: Problems with SOAP samples in Appendix C

 Logged as: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/issues/61


On 08/24/2010 08:39 AM, Mark Phillips wrote:
> There is a typo in the Appendix C SOAP JMS URI example (it uses
> "jndiConnectionFactory" instead of "jndiConnectionFactoryName".
> The sample messages use SOAP encoding rather than (the more fashionable)
> doc-literal.
> The spec would be improved if the SOAP message examples in the
> specification relate to other samples - particularly if they match the
> service used in the WSDL sample.
> Proposal:
> = = = = = =
> (Note: if a new Appendix C is added which contains a full WSDL document,
> then the SOAP example sections referenced in this proposal will actually
> in Appendix D)
> - In Section 3.3.1, amend line 41 of the example to include more
> in the JMS URI as follows:
>            <wsdl11soap11:address location=
> "jms:jndi:myQueue?targetService=stockquote&amp;priority=8&amp;
> replyToName=interested&amp;userprop=mystuff"/>
> - (Assuming that a new Appendix C has been added which contains a full
> document) - In the (new) Appendix C make the same change to the JMS URI
> the full WSDL document.
> - (Assuming that a new Appendix C has been added which contains a full
> document) -  Add a sentence to the start of Appendix D (SOAP Samples)
> reads:
>     "This section contains examples of the SOAP request messages which
> be sent for the SOAP/JMS service described by the WSDL document in
> C"
> - Change the Example JMS URI to read:
>             jms:jndi:myQueue?targetService=stockquote
>                        &priority=8
>                        &replyToName=interested
>                        &userprop=mystuff
> - Add this sentence and two bullets after the URI example :
>   "The URI is augmented by the following SOAP/JMS properties from the
> StockQuoteSoapJMSBinding in the WSDL:
>    - jndiConnectionFactoryName=sample.jms.ConnectionFactory
>    - deliveryMode=PERSISTENT
> - In Section C.1, and C.2, change the text "The URI in Example JMS URI
> become:" to "The SOAP/JMS properties set in the URI and WSDL will be used
> in the JMS message as follows:"
> - In Section C.1 and C.2, in the "JMS Message Header Values" table,
> the comment for JMSDestination to read "resolved by JNDI from the
> destination name myQueue"
> - In Section C.1 and C.2, in the "JMS Message Properties Values" table,
> change the SOAPJMS_targetService value to "stockquote" and the
> SOAPJMS_requestURI value to "jms:jndi:myQueue?userprop=mystuff"
> - In Section C.1 and C.2 change the encoding style in the message example
> to doc-literal (precise details to follow)

Received on Friday, 27 August 2010 13:16:04 UTC