membershipSubject clarification

Hi all,
On Monday we agreed to close Issue-61 which suggested to drop 
membershipSubject and focus on clarifying the spec instead.

To get us started I'd like to highlight that the editor's draft has an 
expanded example 3 which may clarify things a bit:

# The following is an elaborated representation of
@prefix ldp: <>.
@prefix o: <>.
   a o:NetWorth;
   o:netWorthOf <>;

   a ldp:Container;
   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
   ldp:membershipSubject <.>;
   ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset.

   a ldp:Container;
   dcterms:title "The liabilities of JohnZSmith";
   ldp:membershipSubject <.>;
   ldp:membershipPredicate o:liability.

This defines two containers (assetContainer and libabilityContainer) 
corresponding two different membership predicates (respectively o:asset 
and o:liability) around the same subject resource (netWorth/nw1).

I would appreciate if Henry and others could ask specific questions about 
this design so we can try to answer them and see how the spec needs to be 

Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 16:14:33 UTC