I18N issues proposed issues and postponement

Mr RDF Core WG Chair,

a while ago in:

I suggested adding




to the issue list.
I am repeating this suggestion, and also wanted to make public your private
suggestions that the WG should first make more progress on issues such as
datatyping and literals in general before considering the i18n issues in
more depth.

Hence, I would like us to formally postpone this issues.

I think this is made more pertinent in the light of Francois's message
concerning charmod-uri which would impact e.g. n-triples. I think I disagree
with Francois's message but don't yet want to open up an extended

Francois's message:

In summary, I believe both issues will have some (limited) impact on syntax,
n-triples, and (very limitedly) the model theory; and think we will be able
to address them better later rather than now. In particular, I got the
impression at the last telecon that a new rev of the test cases working
draft was a possibility. I would suggest that this should *not* address i18n
as yet. As such, the id-and-about test case


should not yet be approved (sorry Aaron). (It conflicts with Francois's
proposal concerning uri's).


Received on Monday, 22 October 2001 08:50:45 UTC